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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Informal Get-Together

July 14, 2007, 1:00 pm
BrazilSão PauloIn personEnglish

Unfortunately when I tried to reserve a table at the Pompéia they told me that it was closed for repairs, so I have had to move the venue again.

Now, the PowWow will be at: (table already reserved)

Angélica Grill
Av. Angélica, 430 - Santa Cecília
(between Santa Cecília and Marechal Deodoro Underground Stations)
Telephone: + 55 11 3664-0070
Map Reference (Guia Cartoplan 2007): 122 Jh

Date and time remain the same.

How to Get There:

By Bus: On Paulista Avenue, take bus 877T (Vila Anastácio) or 874T (Lapa). On Brigadeiro Luiz Antônio or at Paraíso Underground Station, take 475M (Terminal Amaral Gurgel). Get off at the last stop on Angélica Avenue.

By Train: Take the commuter train, line A (Luz - Jundiaí) or line B (Júlio Prestes - Itapevi) to Barra Funda Station, then connect with Underground to Marechal Deodoro Station, then short walk or bus 877T (Paraíso) or 874T (Ipiranga)

By Tube: Take the São Paulo Metro to Marechal Deodoro Station, then short walk or bus 877T (Paraíso) or 874T (Ipiranga)

By Car: From downtown São Paulo, take São João Avenue towards Santa Cecília and follow the track of the buses. Soon after Ana Cintra stop, follow the signs for Angélica Avenue. Some meandering through side streets is required.

Features (according to the manager)

25 kinds of meat and 60 side dishes (hot and cold)

Price per head: R$ 24,00 plus drinks and 10% service charge
Event Organizer:

Jorge Rodrigues

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (16) / Confirmed: 8
Name NoteWill Attend
Paul Dixon  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Jorge Rodrigues  \"Organizer\" Ueba! 4  y
XSidhiman   Siney - [email protected]  
Tomás Rosa Bueno  \"Host\" Ueba!  y
Henrik Carbonnier  \"Photographer\" Nice idea, it'd be great to go!  
Neyde   Ueba 2!  y
Maria Lucia Cumo   UEBA! 3  
tiagolima   ...  
Rosa Freitag   meu primeiro powwow no Brasil...  y
gianfranco  \"Photographer\" Sorry, I can't possibly make it in time. I will be landing on this very day, but at 7pm, and very tired. See you at the next occasion in town.   n
aline naomi   Ahh... eu queria tanto ir!!!, mas meu grupo da faculdade resolveu fazer o trabalho de anatomia bem nesse dia... e como eles vêm de outras cidades e esse é o melhor dia para eles, não tenho como fugir. Lamento! :-/ Fica pra próxima!!  
Joelma Prado   Ueba 5... posso?  y
Rosemary Polato   Agora sim!  
Humberto Neder  \"Photographer\" Vamos nos conhecer e trocar experiências profissionais.   y
Roger Chadel   Ueba! 6  y
Cesar Guerreiro   Eu e minha esposa iremos!  

Postings about this event

Powwow: São Paulo - Brazil   What are these?
Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:37
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+ ...
Battagini - Write Up Apr 3, 2007

Address: Rua São Benedito, 231
Centro - Lorena / SP
Telephone: 015 12 3152-7755 (International: + 55 12 3152-7755)
Distance from São Paulo: 180 km, from Rio: 220 km
Bus Service: Cometa (from São Paulo), Viação Sampaio (from Rio de Janeiro)
By Car (from São Paulo): Take the Dutra or Ayrton Senna Motorways (they merge close to Guararema), past two toll booths (by Dutra). The city of Lorena is about 20km after the Basilica of Aparecida, a huge domed building on your
... See more
Address: Rua São Benedito, 231
Centro - Lorena / SP
Telephone: 015 12 3152-7755 (International: + 55 12 3152-7755)
Distance from São Paulo: 180 km, from Rio: 220 km
Bus Service: Cometa (from São Paulo), Viação Sampaio (from Rio de Janeiro)
By Car (from São Paulo): Take the Dutra or Ayrton Senna Motorways (they merge close to Guararema), past two toll booths (by Dutra). The city of Lorena is about 20km after the Basilica of Aparecida, a huge domed building on your left.
Extensions to your Journey: From Lorena you can easily access the Water Circuit of Southern Minas Gerais State and also the historical Tropeiros Highway, from Cruzeiro to Bananal. Access is also easy to the Bocaina Hills, great for ecotourism.

When you get to this restaurant, you will already smell a delicious fragrance wafting through the air, that of food that has been carefully prepared to whet the most demanding of appetites. The range of dishes is simply out of this world: salads, fish dishes, pasta, barbecues and a choice of mouthwatering desserts, all cooked in perfect harmony so that your meal may be complete. On Saturdays there is a special dish: trout.
Opened only 3 years ago, it has already become a reference meeting point of those seeking good and well-cooked food. This restaurant brings together quality ingredients in preparing their dishes.
Despite its Italian name, the Battagini Restaurant has attained widespread fame among its clients for serving a variety of excellent Brazilian dishes. From Monday to Friday, there is a special discount for University students. Come and visit us! Here is the right place for your daily meal. The price (meal only) is R$ 17,90 per kilo, which works out at about US$ 9.00 for a kilo of food. Drinks and desserts extra.

Quando você chega ao restaurante já sente o aroma dos pratos que são cuidadosamente preparados para agradar aos mais exigentes paladares.
A diversidade dos pratos é incrível: saladas, peixes, massas, churrasco e deliciosas sobremesas, tudo na mais perfeita harmonia para que sua refeição seja completa.
Inaugurado há 03 anos, já se tornou ponto de encontro daqueles que curtem uma boa culinária. O restaurante reúne ingredientes de qualidade na preparação de seus pratos.
O restaurante Battagini, embora tenha nome italiano, ganhou fama entre os clientes por servir, entre pratos variados, excelências da comida brasileira.
De segunda a sexta-feira, é oferecido um desconto aos universitários, mediante comprovação. Venha nos visitar você também. Aqui é o lugar certo para você fazer suas refeições diárias. O preço da refeição é de R$ 17,90 por quilo, que eqüivale a mais ou menos US$ 9.00 por um quilo de comida. Bebidas e sobremesas à parte.

COMMENTS/COMENTÁRIOS ( from the site/do site:

Anna Beatriz (Food Engineer/Engenheira de Alimentos, Campos do Jordão, SP)

I was passing through Lorena and had the pleasure of getting to know the Battagini Restaurant. I definitely award top marks for the family that manages this restaurant, both for the excellent service and the wonderful food. And I am an expert in good food! I definitely recommend it!

Passei por Lorena e tive o prazer de conhecer o Battagini Restaurante, minha nota à família que administra é 10, tanto pelo ótimo atendimento, quanto à comida de excelente qualidade. E olha que eu entendo um bocado de comida boa!!! Eu recomendo!!!

Ana Claudia (University Student/Universitária, Guaratinguetá/SP)

The Battagini Restaurant has a wonderful buffet, and the food has that extra special touch. I really recommend this restaurant, both during the week and at weekends, and it’s an excellent place to take your boyfriend... and, to make things even easier, it is set in the very heart of Lorena.

O Battagini tem um Buffet maravilhoso, e a comida tem um tempero especial, recomendo esse restaurante, durante a semana e nos fins de semana tbm, é um ótimo lugar para ir com o namorado... e pra ajudar fica no centro de Lorena.

Luiz Cláudio (Photographer/Fotógrafo, Taubaté/SP)

Simply spectacular!! We had lunch there on Sunday 23 April, with a couple of friends from Lorena, it was a sun-soaked afternoon which made our outing all the more pleasant. Impeccable service, a wonderful salad bar and a delicious caipirinha, not to even mention the scrumptious barbecue! If you haven’t been there yet, you should definitely pay this restaurant a visit. Really, really good!

Sensacional! Almoçamos lá domingo 23/04, com um casal de amigos de Lorena, à tarde estava ensolarado, o que tornou o programa ainda mais agradável. Atendimento perfeito, buffet de saladas espetacular e caipirinha deliciosa, além do churrasco. Quem não conhece, deveria conhecer. Muito Bom, mesmo!

Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:37
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+ ...
Date Change Apr 15, 2007

Please note change of date - the date I had originally put was a Friday, so moved it to Saturday.

Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:37
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Please Confirm Presence May 30, 2007

Please, anyone who wishes to take part in this Powwow please sign up, otherwise I shall have to cancel it or change the location.

Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:37
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+ ...
New Location May 31, 2007

Due to the lack of interest in the Paraíba Valley Powwow (only 1 other signup in over two months) I am moving the location to São Paulo. Details of the new location available early next week.

Devido à falta de interesse pelo Powwow no Vale do Paraíba (apenas 1 interessado em mais de 2 meses) estou mudando o local para São Paulo. Maiores detalhes sobre o novo local do encontro serão dados na semana que vem.

Devido alla falta de interesse delle traduttori per il incontr
... See more
Due to the lack of interest in the Paraíba Valley Powwow (only 1 other signup in over two months) I am moving the location to São Paulo. Details of the new location available early next week.

Devido à falta de interesse pelo Powwow no Vale do Paraíba (apenas 1 interessado em mais de 2 meses) estou mudando o local para São Paulo. Maiores detalhes sobre o novo local do encontro serão dados na semana que vem.

Devido alla falta de interesse delle traduttori per il incontro nel Valle del Fiume Paraiba del Sur, ho deciso cambiare il locale di questo incontro alla cittá di San Paolo. Maggiori dettagli sul nuovo locale, nella settimana prossima.

Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:37
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Reservation Jul 10, 2007

Tomorrow I will be phoning the Pompéia Grill to reserve a table for our PowWow. I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Neyde  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:37
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See you on Saturday! Jul 11, 2007

Dear Paul
thanks a lot for your effort and Powwow organization. I look forward to seeing you and our colleagues on Saturday!

Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:37
Portuguese to English
+ ...
New Location Change Jul 12, 2007

Just a short note to inform that as the Pompéia Grill is closed for repairs, I have moved the Powwow to the nearby Angélica Grill - this actually has more variety of meat, 25 varieties as compared to 17. Price a bit higher, though.


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