Translation glossary: Legal

Showing entries 451-500 of 1,259
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in the absence of the Vice Presidenten ausencia del Vice Presidente 
English to Spanish
in the area ofen el área correspondiente a 
English to Spanish
in the context ofen el marco de 
English to Spanish
in the matter ofen materia de 
English to Spanish
in the name of [poder]en nombre de 
English to Spanish
in the preamble of this resolutionen los considerandos deesta resolución 
English to Spanish
in Witness Whereof/en fe de lo cual/en testimonio de lo cual/ 
English to Spanish
including/como/entre las que se encuentran/entre las que comprenden a/ 
English to Spanish
including but not limited toincluyendo sin sentido limitativo 
English to Spanish
income tax bands/tasas impositivas sobre la renta/tasas deimpuesto a la renta 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
increase of war risk insurance premiumincremento de la prima del seguro por riesgo de guerra 
English to Spanish
increased the value of stocks [bolsa]aumentó el valor de las acciones 
English to Spanish
increased the valve in a more fundamental way [bolsa]aumentó el valor de una manera más sustancial 
English to Spanish
indexation of taxesindexación de impuestos 
English to Spanish
Indians not taxedlos indios que no pagan impuestos 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
individually, jointly and/or alternatively [poder]en formaindividual y/o conjunta 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
industries such as cars and steelindustrias automotriz y siderúrgica 
English to Spanish
industries such as cars and steelindustria automotriz y siderúrgica 
English to Spanish
industries which have suffered badlyindustrias que se hanvisto afectadas gravemente 
English to Spanish
industries with high-flying stocks [bolsa]industrias cuyasacciones tuvieron un gran ascenso 
English to Spanish
inflation-freesin inflación 
English to Spanish
inflation-free economic growthcrecimiento económico sin inflación 
English to Spanish
inhibitions [poder]autos inhibitorios 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
inland carrier\'s contracts [ embarque]contratos detransporte terrestre 
English to Spanish
inputs and outputsbienes 
English to Spanish
inputs and outputsbienes 
English to Spanish
instated in Peruconstituidas en Perú 
English to Spanish
Institute of Foreign TradeInstituto de Comercio Exterior (ICE) 
English to Spanish
inter-american systemsistema interamericano 
English to Spanish
interlocutory judgementsentencia interlocutoria 
English to Spanish
intermediary personsinterpósitas personas 
English to Spanish
internal controlcontrol interno 
English to Spanish
international administrative tribunalstribunales administrativos internacionales 
English to Spanish
international credit linescréditos internacionales 
English to Spanish
international criminal lawderecho penal internacional 
English to Spanish
international economic relationsrelaciones económicas internacionales 
English to Spanish
international lawderecho internacional 
English to Spanish
international relationsrelaciones internacionales 
English to Spanish
international tradecomercio internacional 
English to Spanish
intervene in their proceedingsintervenir en los procesos que se deriven de ellos 
English to Spanish
IRA accounts [bolsa]cuentas de retiro individuales 
English to Spanish
it is put at nearly $3 billionse ha calculado en aproximadamente $3 mil millones 
English to Spanish
Jefe de la unidad de Actas y CertificadosOfficer in Charge of the Evaluation Records and Certificates Unit 
Spanish to English
jointly and/or alternatively [poder]en forma conjunta 
English to Spanish
jointly and/or alternatively [poder]en forma conjunta; conjuntamente 
English to Spanish
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