Translation glossary: Maritime

Showing entries 251-300 of 1,016
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downhaulhale-bas m 
English to French
downstreamen aval adj 
English to French
drafttirant d\'eau m 
English to French
draft (shallow)petit tirant d\'eau (PTE) m 
English to French
drainage holetrou de nable m 
English to French
draughttirant d\'eau m 
English to French
draught (shallow)petit tirant d\'eau (PTE) m 
English to French
drive beltcourroie f 
English to French
drive pinionlanceur m 
English to French
drizzlebruine f 
English to French
drop anchormouiller v 
English to French
drownnoyer v 
English to French
dry dockbassin de radoub m 
English to French
dry suitcombinaison sèche f 
English to French
drying portport d\'échouage m 
English to French
dynamodynamo f 
English to French
ease offdétendre v 
English to French
Eastest m 
English to French
ebb tidejusant m 
English to French
echo sounderécho-sondeur m 
English to French
electrical stormorage avec des éclaires m 
English to French
electricityélectricité f 
English to French
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)balise satellite f 
English to French
enginemoteur m 
English to French
engineeringénieur-mécanicien m 
English to French
English ChannelManche f 
English to French
ensign (flag)pavillon m 
English to French
ensign (rank)enseigne de vaisseau m 
English to French
EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon)balise satellite f 
English to French
equatoréquateur m 
English to French
estimated positionpoint estimé m 
English to French
estuaryestuaire m 
English to French
extendings\'étendant adj 
English to French
eyeoeil m 
English to French
fair weatherbeau temps m 
English to French
fairingcarène f 
English to French
fairleadfiloir m 
English to French
fallingdescendant adj 
English to French
falling tidejusant m 
English to French
fanventilateur f 
English to French
fastrapide adj 
English to French
fathombrasse f 
English to French
fenderdéfense f 
English to French
ferrulemanchon m 
English to French
ferrybac m 
English to French
fibreglassfibre de verre m 
English to French
field (electric)excitation f 
English to French
figure of eight (knot)noeud en huit m 
English to French
filling (weather)se comblant adj 
English to French
filterfiltre f 
English to French
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