Translation glossary: Maritime

Showing entries 451-500 of 1,016
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increasingaugmentant adj 
English to French
Indian OceanOcéan Indien m 
English to French
inflatable (dinghy)canot pneumatique m 
English to French
instructioninstruction f 
English to French
instructormaître m 
English to French
insulated returnmasse isolée f 
English to French
insuranceassurance f 
English to French
intermittentintermittent adj 
English to French
Ionian (Sea)Mer Ionienne f 
English to French
Irish SeaMer d\'Irlande f 
English to French
ironfer m 
English to French
islandîle f 
English to French
isletîlot m 
English to French
isobarisobare m 
English to French
isolatedisolé adj 
English to French
isolating switchamortisseur m 
English to French
jackstaycontre-étai m 
English to French
jamming cleatcabrion à serrement m 
English to French
jettyjetée f 
English to French
jibfoc m 
English to French
jibsailfoc (voile de) f 
English to French
jibsheetécoute de foc f 
English to French
jolly boatannexe f 
English to French
jumper stayguignol m 
English to French
keelquille f 
English to French
keel (lifting)dériveur f 
English to French
ketchketch m 
English to French
kickerhale-bas m 
English to French
kicking straphale-bas m 
English to French
knot (rope)noeud m 
English to French
knot (speed)noeud m 
English to French
lakelac m 
English to French
laminar flowécoulement laminaire m 
English to French
landterre f 
English to French
land breezebrise de terre f 
English to French
landing placepoint d\'accostage m 
English to French
landmarkamers mpl 
English to French
lanyardamarrage m 
English to French
lashingaiguillette f 
English to French
latitudelatitude f 
English to French
lay updésarmer 
English to French
leading lightfeu d\'alignement m 
English to French
leechchute f 
English to French
leeward (of)sous le vent adj 
English to French
leewaydérive f 
English to French
length (hull)longueur coque f 
English to French
length (overall)longueur f 
English to French
length (waterline)longueur flottaisonf 
English to French
lieutenantlieutenant m 
English to French
life-boatcanot de sauvetage m 
English to French
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