Translation glossary: Maritime

Showing entries 51-100 of 1,016
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barge (goods)barge f 
English to French
barge (passenger)chaloupe f 
English to French
barge (river)péniche f 
English to French
barometerbaromètre m 
English to French
barquebarque m 
English to French
basinbassin m 
English to French
battenlatte f 
English to French
batterybatterie f 
English to French
baybaie f 
English to French
beachplage f 
English to French
beaching legbéquille f 
English to French
beam (dimension)largeur f 
English to French
beam (light)rayon m 
English to French
beam (shape)bau m 
English to French
beam (wood)poutre f 
English to French
beam reachvent de travers m 
English to French
beam reachingpar le travers adj 
English to French
bear awayabattre 
English to French
bear downcourir sur 
English to French
bearingrelèvement m 
English to French
beatbon plein m 
English to French
beatingau bon plein adj 
English to French
Beaufort wind scaleEchelle de Beaufort f 
English to French
becoming (trend)devenant adj 
English to French
becoming (wind direction)s\'orientant adj 
English to French
before the windau portant adj 
English to French
bendnoeud m 
English to French
berthcouchette f 
English to French
bilgecale f 
English to French
bilge keelbiquille f 
English to French
bilge pumppompe de cale f 
English to French
bittbitte f 
English to French
Black SeaMer Noire f 
English to French
blockpoulie f 
English to French
boardaborder v 
English to French
boatbateau m 
English to French
boat chandlershipchandler m 
English to French
boat hoistélévateur m 
English to French
boat yardchantier naval m 
English to French
boat-hookgaffe f 
English to French
boatswainmaître de l\'équipage m 
English to French
bollardbitte d\'amarrage f 
English to French
boltboulon m 
English to French
boombôme f 
English to French
bosunmaître de l\'équipage m 
English to French
bottle screwridoir (à vis)m 
English to French
bowavant m 
English to French
bowlinebouline f 
English to French
bowspritbeaupré m 
English to French
bracebras m 
English to French
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