Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Swedish term or phrase:
SZ stigning
English translation:
SZ stranding
Added to glossary by
stephen mewes
Feb 5, 2009 13:49
15 yrs ago
Swedish term
SZ stigning
Swedish to English
Fibrerna, lösa i rör eller fast sekundärskyddade, läggs runt dragavlastaren antingen i helix eller med s.k. SZ stigning (vridningsriktningen av rör eller fiber runt kärnan kastas om efter 2-4 varv), båda varianterna med noggrant beräknad stigning.
'SZ pitch'?
'SZ pitch'?
Proposed translations
4 | SZ stranding | Charles Ek |
Proposed translations
5 hrs
SZ stranding
See the reference link for "Advanced SZ-Stranding Technology" article, which discusses "combined SZ-stranding and jacketing" processes and includes the example sentence.
I've also seen "SZ twisting and stranding," but the shorter version seems to be accepted widely.
I've also seen "SZ twisting and stranding," but the shorter version seems to be accepted widely.
Example sentence:
"There is special interest in combined SZ-stranding and jacketing processes for their promise of important cost savings on production, material, personnel, storage room, and transport."
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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