Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Helen Johnson
Sep 2, 2009 09:01
15 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Medical Medical (general) patient notes
Tumören sitter cirkumferrent och kan inte passeras.
I assume it's the medical profession's love of Latin - I'm not sure whether it means the tumour is fully blocking the passage (colon) or whether it's meant to be lying around something.


Cetra Hastings Sep 2, 2009:
Difficult one this, but I would have felt that this referred more to the location of the tumour (circumference - around the colon, could be growing on the outside and constricting the passage, or located on the inside and constricting passage).
Helen Johnson (asker) Sep 2, 2009:
Possibly much more like it - I've found circumferential tumour on Google a few times, so does anyone know whether this could be correct? Otherwise I'll have to leave the Latin circumferrent in the text.
Helen Johnson (asker) Sep 2, 2009:
Seeing that the Latin is used in religious texts, where it seems to mean "omnipotent", I looked up omnipotent tumour on Google just in case and found omnipotent stem cell. Is it a long shot or can a tumour be omnipotent? Or is there a synonym that's used in medicine?

Proposed translations

55 mins


Common term. See for example:

"Clinical and endorectal ultrasound staging of circumferential rectal cancers"
article in Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology
Volume 52 Issue 2, Pages 161 - 163
Peer comment(s):

agree amgt
2 hrs
Tack Ann-Marie!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for the confirmation."
8 mins

carry around, disseminate

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7 hrs


Definition: Adv. - so as to surround or encircle (See Free Dictionary site).
Example sentence:

The tumor is circumferentially situated (around the colon, etc.).

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