Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Swedish term or phrase:
English translation:
Return switch valve/ Return cover valve
Added to glossary by
Mårten Sandberg
Oct 25, 2005 20:48
19 yrs ago
Swedish term
Swedish to English
Food & Drink
Food inspection & productions
In a letter from the SLV to a local dairy:
"Livsmedelsverket gör bedömningen att test av returomslagsventilen ska ingå som del av övervakningen i identiferad CCP."
"Livsmedelsverket gör bedömningen att test av returomslagsventilen ska ingå som del av övervakningen i identiferad CCP."
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
1 hr
Return switch valve
Ask your client about this homemade word! No occurences for "Returomslagsventil" :)
However, for sure "omslag" is the nominalisation for "slå om" (= toggle; switch) (not "sleeve" in this context)
So that yields this pretty literal translation suggestion.
However, for sure "omslag" is the nominalisation for "slå om" (= toggle; switch) (not "sleeve" in this context)
So that yields this pretty literal translation suggestion.
1 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "I had to go back to the client on this one, and even they weren't sure. "Return cover valve" seemed like the best fit to them. I believe this is some kind of automatic valve that is located at an outlet from the milk tank."
10 mins
Return sleeve valve
I am guessing about the "retur"-part of the valve... does that help?
2 hrs
check valve?
Maybe the author was thinking of a "backslagsventil"?
8 hrs
recirculation valve
"Returomslagsventil" is not a type of valve; it defines the use/function of a valve.
8 hrs
return valve
As simple as that.
10 hrs
return change-over valve
Assuming that some kind of 'omkastning' is intended.
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