Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Contraflow bus and cycle lane
English answer:
Buses and cycles travel in the opposite direction to other traffic
Added to glossary by
Sheila Wilson
Nov 2, 2009 19:05
15 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term
Contraflow bus and cycle lane
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Traffic Signs
Dear all,
I would like to know the meaning of "Contraflow bus and cycle lane".
Many thanks in advance!
I would like to know the meaning of "Contraflow bus and cycle lane".
Many thanks in advance!
Change log
Nov 3, 2009 19:52: Sheila Wilson Created KOG entry
16 mins
Buses and cycles go in the opposite direction
Quite common, especially in one-way streets - main traffic flows one way, buses and cycles in the opposite direction. On a 2-way road, they travel on the "wrong" side of the road
Note added at 17 mins (2009-11-02 19:22:41 GMT)
They can, of course, be quite dangerous for cyclists, but at least the cyclist can see what is about to hit him and when!
Note added at 17 mins (2009-11-02 19:22:41 GMT)
They can, of course, be quite dangerous for cyclists, but at least the cyclist can see what is about to hit him and when!
Note from asker:
Many thanks Sheila! Actually I failed to grade your correct answer as 24 hours haven't passed yet. Hopefully, ProZ staff would make grading restrictions a bit easier. |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
16 mins
traffic lane moving in the opposite to normal
In the UK contraflow refers to a lane of traffic moving in the opposite direction to usual e.g. on the right hand side of a road in Britain. I assume this means a lane of traffic designated for buses and bicycles, placed on the opposite side of the carriageway to normal.
Note from asker:
Many thanks, Liam! |
Peer comment(s):
agree |
5 hrs
agree |
Yasutomo Kanazawa
: Would have been perfect if time zone (i.e. rushhour) was mentioned in your explanation.
9 hrs
9 mins
...Carril Bici-Bus...(Con sentido contrario)...
Necesita usted motivación para utilizar la bicicleta? ... quienes han determinado que todos los carriles de autobús que dispongan de ... ciclistas en el carril bici-bus. Al continuar su camino, ... Nótese que en esta avenida las autoridades han pintado de color fresa un carril-bici del lado opuesto al bici-bus. ... - En caché - Similares
Un ciclista urbano: Debate sobre el carril biciY autobuses para los trayectos largos, para ir de una ciudad a otra. ... en la calzada lo más seguro para el ciclista es circular por el centro del carril. ... - En caché - Similares
La falsa seguridad del carril bici urbano18 Oct 2008 ... Vías ciclistas segregadas urbanas: El CARRIL BICI URBANO y la ACERA BICI son VÍAS SEGREGADAS del tráfico. Es decir, son vías para la ... - En caché - Similares
Para evitar y controlar la contaminaciónCarriles en sentido contrario para autobuses (todo el día) .... durante la semana circulaban entre 2.500 y 3.000 ciclistas por día, solo en las bicisendas ... - En caché - Similares
El carril-bici de Fontiveros será compartido por los autobuses ...Ya que el autobús para en las paradas y no deja espacio para que las bicis .... VÍAS CICLISTAS URBANAS SEGREGADAS DEL TRÁFICO (CARRIL BICI Y ACERA BICI): ...
Note added at 1 hr (2009-11-02 20:32:06 GMT)
English: A reserved traffic lane for Buses and Cyclist traveling in the opposite direction.
Note added at 1 day3 mins (2009-11-03 19:08:37 GMT)
You're welcome, Ali: Sorry I made so many mistakes!
eski :)) - En caché - Similares
Un ciclista urbano: Debate sobre el carril biciY autobuses para los trayectos largos, para ir de una ciudad a otra. ... en la calzada lo más seguro para el ciclista es circular por el centro del carril. ... - En caché - Similares
La falsa seguridad del carril bici urbano18 Oct 2008 ... Vías ciclistas segregadas urbanas: El CARRIL BICI URBANO y la ACERA BICI son VÍAS SEGREGADAS del tráfico. Es decir, son vías para la ... - En caché - Similares
Para evitar y controlar la contaminaciónCarriles en sentido contrario para autobuses (todo el día) .... durante la semana circulaban entre 2.500 y 3.000 ciclistas por día, solo en las bicisendas ... - En caché - Similares
El carril-bici de Fontiveros será compartido por los autobuses ...Ya que el autobús para en las paradas y no deja espacio para que las bicis .... VÍAS CICLISTAS URBANAS SEGREGADAS DEL TRÁFICO (CARRIL BICI Y ACERA BICI): ...
Note added at 1 hr (2009-11-02 20:32:06 GMT)
English: A reserved traffic lane for Buses and Cyclist traveling in the opposite direction.
Note added at 1 day3 mins (2009-11-03 19:08:37 GMT)
You're welcome, Ali: Sorry I made so many mistakes!
eski :))
Note from asker:
Thanks eski for trying to help me out :) |
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Edith Kelly
: though my Spanish is not that great, this is an English to English question
4 mins
You're absolutely right EdithK: My bad!!! :// (Please see "English" note above.) :)) eski
disagree |
B D Finch
: Yes, you are not only "bad" (for answering in Spanish), but the English one-line explanation sounds lethal for the cyclist as it seems to have the cyclist travelling in the opposite direction to the buses.
2 hrs
Thanks for kind comment, BD: These lanes actually exist!Bus lanes that can also be used by bikes require a width of 4.5 m (15 ft) or ... that is, one-way bicycle lanes move in the opposite direction to one-way ...
neutral |
: Why are "Buses and Cyclist" capitalized?
5 hrs
You're absolutely right; Polangmar; there's no justification. :)) eski
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