Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

All cats are gray in the dark

Arabic translation:

عندما يحلّ الظلام يتساوى الأعمى والبصير

Added to glossary by Lamis Maalouf
Jan 21, 2010 22:40
15 yrs ago
4 viewers *
English term

All cats are gray in the dark

English to Arabic Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
All cats are gray in the dark
Change log

Feb 4, 2010 04:05: Lamis Maalouf Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

23 mins

عندما يحلّ الظلام يتساوى الأعمى والبصير

هذا مثل يمكن استخدامه في كل الأحوال ويؤدّي إلى ذات المعنى ويوجد في المرجع المذكور مثل آخر ولكنه مستقبح لأنه بحسب شرح والدي "توفقيق جرجور" في كتابه "الأمثال الشعبية" بيروت، 2005 يقال للرجل غير الشريف مع مثل آخر يشبهه، إذا انعدم الضياء تساوت النساء

Note added at 24 mins (2010-01-21 23:05:26 GMT)

عفواً، توفيق جرجور
Peer comment(s):

agree Radwan Rahman
13 hrs
agree Ghada Samir
16 hrs
agree Mohamed Abdel-Moneim : I like the first suggetion since it is more decent and conveys the meaning properly.
1 day 1 hr
Yes and we don't have any context.
agree Mohamed Ghazal
7 days
agree Randa Farhat : The first one is very nice!
7 days
Yes, I would not use the other two in the article unless the context is plainly speaking about the mentality of a corrupt man.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
20 mins

كل النساء يتشابهن في الظلام

Peer comment(s):

agree GihanSS
2 days 8 hrs
Many thanks Gihan :)
neutral Mohamed Ghazal : That doesn't actually reflect the same meaning. It actually means that all women are the same and are good for only one thing, if you catch my drift.
7 days
disagree Randa Farhat : This is such a sad translation! No personal offense!
7 days
Something went wrong...
6 hrs

يمسي المسا وتتساوى النسا

في سوريا يقولون: يمسي المسا وتتساوى النسا

أي بتخفيف الهمزة في المساء والنساء
Peer comment(s):

agree Ghada Samir
10 hrs
neutral Mohamed Abdel-Moneim : This answer is given in Lamis's answer. No need to post a new answer.
19 hrs
neutral Mohamed Ghazal : That doesn't actually reflect the same meaning. It actually means that all women are the same and are good for only one thing, if you catch my drift.
6 days
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