Member since Dec '06

Working languages:
English to Arabic
Arabic to English
Arabic (monolingual)

Lamis Maalouf
D.D.S, Education plus experience

Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Local time: 11:09 CST (GMT-6)

Native in: Arabic Native in Arabic
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I am an American, Lebanese and Syrian citizen.
Security Clearance from the U S Department Of Justice

I did a lot of translation projects including several published books in the USA. I also interpreted simultaneously for professors in a university and for many conferences.  In addition to working in translation and interpretation, I taught Arabic at a university in Texas for masters and PhD students for 10 years.

Education: 1. D.D.S (Doctor of Dental Surgery)

                2. M.A.B.S (Master of Arts in Biblical Studies)  

Published articles about translation:1. Dual Translation and Its Benefits  2. الترجمة الثنائية وفوائدها  

Latest published translated book 

I have resided in or traveled to these countries:

USA (26 states), Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Canada, Germany, France, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Tunisia, Malta, Turkey, Morocco, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Portugal, Austria, Panama and Netherland.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 2401
PRO-level pts: 2345

Top languages (PRO)
English to Arabic1393
Arabic to English932
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)206
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters155
Medical (general)148
Poetry & Literature101
Finance (general)80
Pts in 75 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: Dentistry, interpreter, religion, books, journalism, official documents, conference interpreter, Arabic, English, Texas. See more.Dentistry, interpreter, religion, books, journalism, official documents, conference interpreter, Arabic, English, Texas, Fort Worth, USA, American, theology, translator, translation, interpretation, book translation, Bible, Biblical, Christian, evangelical, medical, research, clinical studies, theology, theological articles, school documents, over the phone interpreting, music, official papers, immigration papers, notarized translations, seminary, Baptist, State Department, foreign affairs, political, social, training material. طبّ، طبّ أسنان، دراسات سريريّة، أبحاث، علوم، أخبار، وثائق قانونية، الكتاب المقدّس، دراسات كتابيّة، لاهوت، علم اللاهوت، دراسات لاهوتيّة، كلية لاهوت، معهد لاهوت، إنجيل، إنجيليّ، خلاص، إيمان، عقيدة، سورية، لبنان، الأردن، دمشق، تعليم، كتابة، ترجمة، ترجمة كتب، ترجمة مواقع، شرح، تفسير، وعظ، علم الآثار، موسيقى. See less.

Profile last updated
Oct 4, 2023

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