The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Swedish to English Ships, Sailing, Maritime Translation Glossary

Swedish term English translation
Aktionssträcka \'operational range\'/range
att föredra på ett nytt fartyg preferable on a new ship
Avgångskondition departure condtion
Entered by: Deane Goltermann
backflödning backwater flooding
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
bankappseglingstävling in-port racing (competition)
båtsportkort nautical/navigation charts for leisure/pleasure boats
blinkfritt without interruption
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
bogsvallet bow wave
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
bok crutch/crotch
booster type of sail
bordläggningens utsida outside (of) the side plating
Entered by: Helen Johnson
bordvarts toward the boards/"outwards"
Bota fransosen cure syphilis
Entered by: David Rumsey
bottenskrapa aquatic dip net, sampler seems
Bruttodräktighet: 15 UR Gross tonnage: 15 UR (with UR = Universal Regulations)
byssan Galley
Entered by: David Rumsey
djupkarta bathymetric chart
Entered by: Kristina Thorne
Durkbeslag compression latch
dykerienheterna the diving units
falla på takhöjden (the idea) falls through because of the ceiling height
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
Fartyg på grund vessel aground
fartygschefen Master; Captain
fändrar (fandrar) fenders
för om förliga ahead of the forwardmost
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
Förlig 225° akterlig Masthead light 225° sternlight
firningsbara lowerable
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
fordon Cars, vehicles
Entered by: David Rumsey
Fristående förråd / förrådsbox freestanding storage / storage box
fyllighet plumpness,fullness
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
fyrbiträden assistant lighthouse keeper
fyrmästaren vs. fyrvaktare master lighthouse keeper vs. Lighthouse keeper
grundkarta shoal chart
Hamnfyran Gothenburg Dockworkers Union (Dockworkers Union Gothenburg branch)
hamnplan harbour yard/square, quayside
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
Hansakoggen Hanseatic Cog
Entered by: Mario Marcolin
hämtare (water)scoop
Entered by: David Rumsey
inläggning och urtagning placement and removal
insegling och tilläggning approach and mooring
inseglingsränna approach channel
kajkrön coping (of the quay)
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
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