The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Military / Defense Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
por concepto de precios as prices
portalones shutters
pozo de tirador foxhole
Entered by: Justin Peterson
prima de jinetas (de buena conducta) Colombia epaulets (good behavior allowance)
proceso de voluntarización transition to all-volunteer forces / voluntary recruitment
promoción en el ejercito. army training class/basic training
proteccion personal cerrada close personal protection
protestar bandera pledge allegiance to the flag
Entered by: Marcelo González
puesto de cerrojo checkpoint
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
punta y codo crawl
rango y serie rank and service number [cf. \"serial\" number]
rangos non-commissioned personnel
razones vitales extremely important reasons // vital reasons
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
ráfaga de tiros a volley of gunfire or burst of gunfire
Reconocimiento Award
reconocimiento en rueda lineup
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Red Básica de Área Basic Area Network
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Regimiento 7 de Infantería 7th Infantry Regiment
Reglamento de Calificación de Requisitos de Ascensos Required minimum score for promotion
relación List
remiso remiss
Renuencia Draft evasion
Entered by: Shannon Kirby
reparticiones de la Armada branches, departments of the Navy
Resbalón Slippage
residencia logistica logistics base
residenciado residing/living in
revisión de la disposición de los activos review the disposition of assets
rodilla en tierra kneeling
Entered by: David Russell
Rumor hidrofónico hydrophone noise
S-S Sria del EMDN Asst. Secretary of National Defense
Entered by: William Pairman
Secretaría de Marina Ministry of the Navy
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
segunda actividad non-operational duty
segundo sol de divisionario (Venezuela) division general (two-star general)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
será normada shall be governed [by the provisions]
servicios (in this context) assignments
Servicios de Formación de Cuadros de Mandos Cadre Training Services
servopotenciadas servo upgraded armour
SGOP Sargento de Policia ( en Ecuador)/ Police Sargent
siluetas virtuales silhouette targets
Entered by: patinba
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