Interpreters » English to Italian

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559 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Anna-Maria Alonzo
Anna-Maria Alonzo
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian, French (Variants: Belgian, Standard-France) Native in French
French<> English, English<>talian, Italian<>French, EU documents, annual reports, contracts, Conference Interpreter, translator, banking, financial, ...
Dana Rinaldi
Dana Rinaldi
Native in English Native in English, Italian Native in Italian
Art, Agriculture, Literature, Legal, Industry, poetry, poems, irish writers, yeats, fashion, ...
Alessandra Boninsegni
Alessandra Boninsegni
Native in Italian Native in Italian
interpretariato, traduzione, tecnico, meccanica, motori, motocicli, autovetture, elettronica, formazione, accompagnamento, ...
Serena Ruggiero
Serena Ruggiero
Native in Italian (Variants: Swiss , Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
translator, translation, english, german, french, Italian, Swiss Italian, translation for Switzerland, Italian for Switzerland, übersetzer, ...
Sara Sanna
Sara Sanna
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Architecture, Automotive / Cars & Trucks, Business/Commerce (general), Construction / Civil Engineering, ...
Paola Braca
Paola Braca
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Native in Italian Native in Italian
help html xml Trados DejaVu localization medicine software hardware xml rc pagemaker mac win linux
Samantha Dibattista
Samantha Dibattista
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in Italian
prague, czech, italian, simultaneous, consecutive, interpreter, conference, translator, tlumocnik, tlumocnice, ...
Simona Pasotti
Simona Pasotti
Native in Italian Native in Italian
traduttore, traduttrice, traduzione, traduzioni, translator, translation, translations, proof-reading, proof-reader, Übersetzer, ...
Maurizio Oliva
Maurizio Oliva
Native in Italian Native in Italian
English, Italian, computers, software, GUI
Alessandra Campione
Alessandra Campione
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Italian translations, English to Italian translations, English to Italian translator, Italian to English, English to Norwegian, website, Internet, software, marketing, advertising, ...
Sabrina Leone
Sabrina Leone
Native in Italian Native in Italian
FREELANCE TRANSLATOR EN > IT; FR > IT literary texts, medicine, pharmacy, economy, doors, windows, shutters, material as aluminium-wood. biology, history, performance, ...
Native in Italian Native in Italian
IT (Information Technology), Internet, e-Commerce, Marketing, Advertising / Public Relations, ...
Andrea Musumeci, PhD, MA Translation, MCIL, CL
Andrea Musumeci, PhD, MA Translation, MCIL, CL
Native in Sicilian Native in Sicilian, Italian Native in Italian
Italian, Interpreter, Oenology, Translation, Proofreading, Poetry, linguistics, academic
Paolo Belfiore
Paolo Belfiore
Native in Italian (Variants: Standard-Italy, Standard-Italy, Roman / Romanesco, Neapolitan, Lombard) Native in Italian, English (Variants: UK, US South, US, Canadian) Native in English
Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, medical, legal, vital records, citizenship, immigration, refugee, ...
Rosanna Casamassima
Rosanna Casamassima
Native in Italian Native in Italian
translations, translation, translator French to Italian, English to Italian, Technical translations, power plants, electronics, contract law, business, marketing, ...
Angela Monetta
Angela Monetta
Native in Italian Native in Italian
marketing, legal transclation, sworn translations, manuals, printers, MP3, Mechanics, mechanical, air conditioning systems, turbine, ...
Mariella Bonelli
Mariella Bonelli
Native in Italian Native in Italian
traduttrice cuneo, traduttore cuneo, traduzioni cuneo, interprete cuneo, interprete torino, traduzioni, interprete, interprete simultaneo, interprete simultanea, interprete consecutivo, ...
Iulia Negru
Iulia Negru
Native in Romanian Native in Romanian
Simultaneous, Consecutive, Chuchotage, Translation, traduttore, interprete, simultanea, consecutiva, trattativa
Native in English Native in English
Manufacturing, Computers (general), Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.