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Search results: (19 matches)
Wordfast support Wordfast Hotline not responding Similar problem Me too - sent a request (actually two of them,
first as 'normal', then as 'urgent') via Wordfast
Hotline last week, but only got the confirmation
e-mail that my requests were received. No
Merja Jauhiainen Dec 2, 2020
Wordfast support Wordfast not working The same happened to me Hi Armorel, I had the same experience this
morning, out of the blue. Luckily the problem
disappeared by itself - I just waited a few
minutes before trying again and then it worked
Merja Jauhiainen May 10, 2012
Translator resources Word to character conversion tool For calculating rates? Hi, Did you perhaps mean a tool you can use to
convert your fees from one calculation method to
another? Here's one I've
used: Hop
e this
Merja Jauhiainen Sep 9, 2011
Translator resources Translation of Swedish-Finnish leaver's certificate Link Hi, You should find some useful information on
the Finnish school system by visiting the website
of the Finnish National Board of Education: Hope this
Merja Jauhiainen Jul 23, 2011
Scams Does this sound suspicious/like money laundering? Evident later? A colleague just reported a similar case on
another forum here in Finland - she was paid too
much with a cheque and then asked to return the
"too much" part; they first said they paid for<
Merja Jauhiainen Jun 4, 2011
Scams Does this sound suspicious/like money laundering? Most likely a scam Hi Stephanie, I'm afraid this sounds like a
scam... Similar cases have been reported before,
always with this type of situation with
cheques... Can't really give any advice, but I
Merja Jauhiainen Jun 4, 2011
Finnish Onko tama forumi viela elossa? Laitan viestin Laitan sinulle viestin, niin voit itse
tutustua. Merja
Merja Jauhiainen Feb 21, 2011
Finnish Onko tama forumi viela elossa? Periaatteessa kyllä Hei, kyllä tämä ainakin periaatteessa on
hengissä, mutta aika lailla hiljaiseloa viettää
:-) Tilanteeseen vaikuttaa ehkä eniten se,
että Suomessa on aktiivinen kääntäjien
Merja Jauhiainen Feb 21, 2011
Wordfast support Where is the license number? lic file attached Hi, I received the following instructions with
my license - the .lic file was attached to the
e-mail. Your Wordfast Professional license is
attached. Please follow these instruction
Merja Jauhiainen Oct 14, 2010
Finnish Kokemusta sertifioinnista? EN 15038 Ups! Sorry, olin siis väärillä raiteilla... Jostain
muistan lukeneeni, että nuo sertifioinnit ovat
aika pitkällisiä prosesseja, mutta sen tarkemmin
en tiedä. Toivottavasti joku muu osaa<
Merja Jauhiainen Jul 6, 2010
Finnish Kokemusta sertifioinnista? EN 15038 Linkki Oletan asiakkaasi tarkoittavan kääntäjää,
jonka uusin nimitys Suomessa on auktorisoitu
kääntäjä (aik. virallinen kääntäjä, sitä
ennen valantehnyt kielenkääntäjä). Tässä
Merja Jauhiainen Jul 6, 2010
Finnish Mitä te teette, kun (ulkomainen) asiakas ei suostu noudattamaan suomen lauseoppia? Linkki Hei, itse en ole testannut, mutta joku kollega
on kuulemma saanut asiakkaan ymmärtämään
tilanteen paremmin, kun on lähettänyt
asiakkaalle seuraavan
linkin: http://www.ling.he
Merja Jauhiainen May 25, 2010
Scams The Nigerian scam.... In Finnish?? To Marian Not really :-) Merja Merja Jauhiainen Mar 22, 2010
Scams The Nigerian scam.... In Finnish?? Rubbish Hello Tomás, This is one of those scam letters
that keep circulating, and it certainly hasn't
been translated by a human, at least not by one
who knows Finnish... You can just mark
Merja Jauhiainen Mar 21, 2010
Finnish Ohjeita todistusten kääntämiseen Hakasulkeisiin Minun käsitykseni mukaan allekirjoituksia ei tule
yrittää jotenkin matkia/jäljentää, vaan ko.
kohtaan laitetaan esim. hakasulkeet tyyliin
[allekirjoitus]. Tämäntyyppisten käännö
Merja Jauhiainen Mar 9, 2010
Finnish gmail: viestin vastaanottajien piilottaminen Lisää piilokopio Hei Sanna, napsauta vastaanottaja -kentän alta
"Lisää piilokopio", niin saat kentän uusille
vastaanottajille. Merja
Merja Jauhiainen Feb 15, 2010 job systems Illegal use of data from profile Another option with CV Hi Marius, another option is to complete the CV
section by writing "CV will be submitted upon
request", and that's enough for the section to be
considered complete. Regards, Merja
Merja Jauhiainen Aug 4, 2009
Money matters Do you charge additional fees for PowerPoint? Agree with Samuel [QUOTE] Samuel Murray wrote: Even with a CAT
tool, the amount of post-editing on a PPT file can
be quite a lot. It's not even remotely comparable
to the post-formatting of an MS Word
Merja Jauhiainen Nov 3, 2008
Being independent Available on MSN or Yahoo Agree with Annika Annika Hedqvist wrote: My personal feeling is
that I don't want to be constantly available and
supervised this way. I answer quickly enough to
email that I don't see this as necessary
Merja Jauhiainen Oct 31, 2008

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