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Search results: (107 matches)
Software applications Issues with OneDrive deleting or emptying my TM Creative solution!! Thank you!! That sounds like a really smart plan!!
I would definitely do this! And maybe make
manual back ups of the TMs now and then.
Elena Carbonell Sep 29, 2020
Software applications Issues with OneDrive deleting or emptying my TM Thank you for the suggestion Thank you, Molly. That´s the first thing I did.
The files are in the new location (Onedrive/My
Documents)...but now it deletes the content of the
TM. The TM´s are there but instead of 10
Elena Carbonell Sep 29, 2020
Software applications Issues with OneDrive deleting or emptying my TM My CAT tool memoQ, mainly. Elena Carbonell Sep 26, 2020
Software applications Issues with OneDrive deleting or emptying my TM Hello there!! Maybe there is someone out there
who had the same issue or know how to help me with
this. I had a back up system I was using for
years, but recently they changed the way
Elena Carbonell Sep 21, 2020
MemoQ support Importing Excel files with "select ranges in Excel" fails Same problem In my case it happened when I migrated to a new
computer. Everything else works except that. It's
very frustrating because it's one of the best
features in memoQ and I use it almost every<
Elena Carbonell Jun 6, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you intentionally apply translation theories when you are working? Hear, hear I have to agree with the previous comment. I
apply every single day ideas, concepts,
techniques, theories I have learnt during my
studies. Linguistics, translation theory,
Elena Carbonell Apr 17, 2015
Wordfast support Glossary box jumps out with Wordfast - help needed Same here Hey there, I have been reading your solution to
the problem which is : CTRL + ALT + G + G I
have tried all different combinations of above
mentioned keys with no luck, the glossary
Elena Carbonell Mar 6, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you studied an ancient language? Yes, Latin and Greek I did three years of Latin and two years of Greek.
I remembered I hated Latin because my teachers
were beyond boring, Greek on the other hand I
loved. It was my favourite subject, the te
Elena Carbonell Nov 2, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you set limits for your children/family in regard to interruptions while you’re working? Bring on the music! My family and some friends don't respect my time
but at least they respect the little space I have
in the living room, a pathetich one meter table
with a computer which is holy, the space
Elena Carbonell Mar 14, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you listen to music while working? Yes, most of the times I like to listen to barroque music when I feel I
loose my concentration. It wakes me up. Otherwise
I listen to my CDs on the computer: the
Wainwrights (Loudon, Rufus and Martha), the Divi
Elena Carbonell Jan 11, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Does translation memory software jeopardize creativity? No, no way For that matter we could say that a computer
hinders our creativity, that we actually should be
translating on paper like the good old days. It's
like a graphic artist, they can paint on c
Elena Carbonell Mar 3, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you keep fit? Other, a few of the above and somem extra Pilates, twice a week, swimming once every two
weeks, flamenco dancing once a week and...Wii Fit
Plus, four times a week for half an hour. And
since we don't have a car and three kids, I b
Elena Carbonell Feb 28, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you offer DTP services? comments Hi Natalia: I love DTP and I work also
proffessionally as a (web) (print) designer. I
would recommend Adobe InDesign. Quark is also good
but since InDesign is from Adobe, it works
Elena Carbonell Feb 9, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of these fictional languages would you like to be able to speak? comments Nice and fun poll, I am surprised though that
Klingon didn't get more votes. Are there no
Trekkies around?
Elena Carbonell Feb 4, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you read a "Translation for Dummies" book if it existed? Why not? In fact I will buy like 20 copies and give them
away as presents to a few friends and
acquaintances who still think that what I do is
either: - write a novel - write the unreadable
Elena Carbonell Jan 14, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do your friends and family understand that you must always be available? I totally understand the question I think I get it. It's more like people
thinking: "eh, you are not working in a project
right now, maybe you can buy the presents for that
birthday we have next weekend or you can go to
Elena Carbonell Oct 7, 2009
Spanish Existe un programa para extraer contenido de sitio Web? Se llama Webzip Es un programa para bajar páginas web....eso sí
te advierto que no siempre funciona bien, sobre
todo si el cliente utiliza marcos. Te guarda la
estructura, con carpetas, ilustraciones y
Elena Carbonell Sep 30, 2009
Speech recognition DNS 10: Who localised it into Spanish? Good post!! I have the program but I haven't used it that
much but what you are saying is outrageous. It
gets on my nerves when I see a bad translation,
but a bad translation of a program probably u
Elena Carbonell Sep 3, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Translation: a lonely world? Not at all! I never feel alone with my thoughts! Although I
have had pleasant experiences working with
colleagues on other jobs, I don't miss it. There
is always someone or some people that ruin(s)
Elena Carbonell Jun 25, 2009
Subtitling [Subtitling Rates] subtitling all-inclusive rates I hope this one helps Hi there! I have never had to do the
transcription because I was provided with the
original translation and the spotting was already
done, but I will tell you how much they pay me for
Elena Carbonell Mar 16, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: What is your preferred tool for creating invoices? In Design I also have AnyMaxi which I mainly use to make the
word count on big projects with multiple files but
I haven't found a program that can make good
looking invoices the way I want them. I h
Elena Carbonell Mar 3, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Leiden - Netherlands Sorry! Bij deze wil ik mijn excuses aan iedereen
aanbieden. Ik moest een trein om tien voor vijf
nemen (naar Nieuw Vennep) die ik trouwens gemist
heb en moest een andere combinatie nemen die
Elena Carbonell Feb 9, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Leiden - Netherlands Well stadswandeling, geen etentje Hoi Ingeborg, Ik kan helaas niet bij het eten
zijn (verjaardagsfeestverplichtingen!) maar ik doe
wel mee met de stadswandeling. Tot zaterdag!
Elena Carbonell Feb 3, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you use a CAT tool if it has not been specifically required by the client? Me too! I always use them (Wordfast for any Word or Excel
document and Trados for the rest). I am so used
with it that even when I get PDF I always convert
them to Word so I can work with my CAT t
Elena Carbonell Jan 21, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: You are a... Other...??? Well, I knew that there are more women in the
language field. If you add all totals you get 60%
female v. 40% male. What about that percentage
of other/NA? Anyone to comment on their an
Elena Carbonell Oct 24, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: If you are not satisfied with your income, it's because of: Satisfied! I am satisfied with what I earn, because I am
getting well paid for a job I enjoy doing (most of
the times). Of course I would love to earn more
but that's just out of greed. I also ex
Elena Carbonell Oct 23, 2008 Translator Coop Project History (plus feedback!) features updated. Members are invited to use it! Maximum amount of projects This morning I decided to update my Project
History which I haven't touched in almost a year.
When I started I had 23 projects. After entering
five projects I still have 23 projects. Is t
Elena Carbonell Oct 13, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your business being negatively affected by the current financial crisis? I was waiting for this poll to come I was waiting for someone to submit the poll.
Luckily I have to say that at the moment I have
more than enough although I have to admit that a
few weeks back there was a moment when I p
Elena Carbonell Oct 3, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: What is your favourite browser? I am not a geek, Firefox is many people's favourite browser I just like the simpleness of it and of course
like many of you I was also sold with the tab
thing! I also think that most designers have
Firefox on mind when they do their Websites. In<
Elena Carbonell Sep 24, 2008
Trados support Error 80005: Connection with server application error: unable to get instance of excel Hi there! I hope someone can help me on this one.
It seems that I cannot work with Trados and
Excel. I had been working on a while, even with
Excel 2007 and all of a sudden i get this e
Elena Carbonell Sep 18, 2008
Powwows Powwow: Amsterdam - Netherlands Pictures uploaded I have just uploaded the pictures from my camera,
I am afraid I didn't do as much as I wanted to.
Thank you Henk for this powwow in my city, I
didn't have to catch a train! Thank you all
Elena Carbonell Sep 12, 2008
Alchemy support Catalyst 7.0 under Windows Vista, error messages: failed to create edit toolbar/HTML editor There is no solution for the problem yet Before I contacted the support line I have already
tried everything in the FAQ. I tried everything
again (regsvr32, turning off the UCA,
deinstalling, name it) that the
Elena Carbonell Sep 5, 2008
Wordfast support Wrong matches in Wordfast Problem "solved"in the yahoo thread As Oliver proposed I posted the problem at the
other forum. Some other people had the same
problem I had and in previous versions it has to
do with how the program is done. It seems the<
Elena Carbonell Sep 2, 2008
Wordfast support Wrong matches in Wordfast Thank you for your answer but... Thank you for your answer but I have been working
with Wordfast for years now and this is something
that recently happened. I have like 6 different
glossaries divided in topics technical
Elena Carbonell Aug 28, 2008
Wordfast support Wrong matches in Wordfast My problem is quite strange, I think. I have been
working many years with Wordfast (like 5 or so)
and recently I am experiencing problems because I
get TM matches which are completely wro
Elena Carbonell Aug 27, 2008
Trados support Problems with TagEditor Same problem! I was browsing in the forums to see if there was a
solution. I am translating the webpage in
Dreamweaver which is tiring and time consuming
since I cannot do it in Trados because I only ge
Elena Carbonell Aug 25, 2008
Alchemy support Catalyst 7.0 under Windows Vista, error messages: failed to create edit toolbar/HTML editor Thank you but... You knew there was a but somewhere...why is there
always a but?? I already tried Spanish
was ejecutar (run) so I got the run window. The
thing is that when I do it and althoug
Elena Carbonell Aug 12, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a website for your freelance business? Learning Dreamweaver and HTML I just bought the domain name, the hosting, learn
Dreamweaver and HTML and did mine. I liked the
process of learning, I just love computer programs
(I am here on the verge of "nerdiness"
Elena Carbonell Aug 11, 2008
Alchemy support Catalyst 7.0 under Windows Vista, error messages: failed to create edit toolbar/HTML editor Hi there, I hope someone can help me out on
this one. I already looked in the database
available online for Catalyst, and there is a
troubleshooting for a problem that is similar to
Elena Carbonell Aug 11, 2008
Powwows Powwow: Sevilla - Spain los trenes de Cádiz Hay un tren que sale a las 11:05 y llega a las
12:48, osea que llegamos a tiempo. Para los que
quieren quedar en el tren podemos coger ese de las
11:05. Yo lo que hice en otro powwow es
Elena Carbonell Jun 4, 2008
Powwows Powwow: Sevilla - Spain Wok!! Hola a todos: Un sitio más o menos cerca de San
Bernardo y económico y sano, es un restaurante
que está cerca del edificio Viapol, no me acuerdo
bien del nombre pero es tipo buffet ori
Elena Carbonell May 26, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you do volunteer work? I do both! [quote]Sabine Winter wrote: Maybe we could have
the poll re-run with an option to vote "yes -
translation AND other" to get a more precise
result. [/quote] I totally agree and it se
Elena Carbonell May 25, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever lost a client by saying no to job offers too often? I have refused a couple of jobs and had no problem at all! They were also regular clients. My main reasons to
refuse a job were: 1. luck of time; I was already
busy with another project 2. insecure. When it
comes to legal documents I feel pretty
Elena Carbonell May 20, 2008
Powwows Powwow: Sevilla - Spain ¿Tenemos fecha y tema? Yo tampoco tengo muy claro lo de la fecha.
También sería interesante poner un tema, no sé,
alguna discusión sobre algo. En los powwows que
he ido hacíamos alguna actividad o una discu
Elena Carbonell Apr 23, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you worked as an In-house Translator? Other options No, I wanted to in the past and now I
wouldn´t. When I started as a translator I
wanted to work as an In-house translator and I was
a little bit jeaulous of my colleagues that were.
Elena Carbonell Mar 31, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: What computer type do you use for work? Laughing my head off!! [quote]Nicole Schnell wrote: [quote]lexical
wrote: I was getting along just fine chiselling
in cuneiform script on a pillar of granite till
this poll came along and unsettled me. Whe
Elena Carbonell Feb 28, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: On average, how much do you invest every year in new software? It actually depends These last two years I have spent quite a lot of
money on software but I don´t plan to buy
anything else in the near (far) future. Once you
have your CAT tools (a few in my case), your
Elena Carbonell Feb 26, 2008
Trados support Tag editor or Synergy shuts down in Windows Vista (32 bit) Problem solved In case anyone is experiencing the same
problems...I have downloaded and installed the new
update and now everything is working fine (fingers
Elena Carbonell Feb 22, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a Blackberry? I don´t have one But it´s just a matter of time. You can´t resist
their allure and since 99% of my work comes from
my e-mail I have become really dependant of being
at home or somewhere with an internet
Elena Carbonell Feb 18, 2008
Trados support Tag editor or Synergy shuts down in Windows Vista (32 bit) SDL Trados 2007 It´s SDL Trados 2007. Re-reading my explanation I
noticed there is a mistake on the third paragraph.
It´s not the system that shuts down but the
program. Thanks, beforehand.
Elena Carbonell Feb 17, 2008

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