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Search results: (18 matches)
Poll Discussion Poll: Your client pays you twice for the same job. What do you do? Let the client know ASAP Good clients are hard to get, why not do our best
to keep them?
Ana Florencia Fernandez May 30, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you usually turn your computer off at the end of the day? Always For health and environmental reasons. Ana Florencia Fernandez Sep 19, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use a watermark on your resume/CV? I'd like to add a watermark. I will add it to my to-do list. Ana Florencia Fernandez Jul 27, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Why are you a translator? A combination Always wanted to be one from a really young age (4
or so), especially to unite nations and achieve
world peace. By the time I realized I wouldn't be
able to, I couldn't think of anything b
Ana Florencia Fernandez Apr 10, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you deal with work-related stress? A combination... and especially dancing! Dancing is my fuel (and the 3 PM coffee, of
Ana Florencia Fernandez Mar 16, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: In terms of work, today is: Busy I'm back from a well-deserved day off, so it's
busy. :)
Ana Florencia Fernandez Mar 8, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: How long had you been learning your 2nd language before you could think freely in it? I agree. < should be >. [quote]Kristina Cosumano wrote: [quote]Julian
Holmes wrote: Where is the "> a couple of
years" option? The poll question presumes that
you can get really proficient in a second la
Ana Florencia Fernandez Jul 9, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you prefer to do in your free time? Dance! And of course, spend time with friends and my
loved one.
Ana Florencia Fernandez Jun 22, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: How old is your main computer? 6-year notebook I bought a Dell notebook around October, 2010 and
it is still as good as new.
Ana Florencia Fernandez Jun 21, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you having problems transitioning to Windows 10? It's fine now, after some struggling... At the beginning it had some conflicts with the
antivirus. Now it's fine.
Ana Florencia Fernandez Jun 14, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you like to relax after a hard day's work? By... It depends on the day... I go dancing (lindy hop and/or flamenco), or enjoy
watching t.v. or knit or spend time with my loved
Ana Florencia Fernandez May 1, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: How many translation-related events or conferences do you typically attend per year? It depends on the year Sometimes I attend one, two... I guess five
courses/conferences/events at the most. Other
times I simply don't because of so many

[Edited at 2015-05-08 04:17
Ana Florencia Fernandez May 8, 2015 training Specialization on medical translation DineroMail Hi, I've been trying to pay for a while now, but
DineroMail's site seems to have some issue.

[Edited at 2014-06-10 15:13 GMT]
Ana Florencia Fernandez Jun 10, 2014
Off topic A rather alarming bit of news Wow. I admit that I don't read or listen to the news at
all, but this is shocking. Have you heard anything
else from them? What could the interpreter do
apart from interpreting? And if
Ana Florencia Fernandez Jun 12, 2012
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Ayuda con las tarifas en Argentina ¡Qué sabias palabras, Andrés, y qué fácil que se nos olvidan! :( [quote]Andres & Leticia Enjuto wrote: Te animo
a que hagas valer tu estudio, tu experiencia y tu
calidad de traductora profesional,
independientemente del destinatario y de su
Ana Florencia Fernandez May 23, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How many computer screens do you use to work? Dreamland. :) [quote]Jan Kolbaba wrote: This is my working
plocha.jpg Jan [/quote]
Ana Florencia Fernandez Feb 15, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How many computer screens do you use to work? I'm afraid I must disagree. [quote]Yaotl Altan wrote: 1 monitor in desktop.
More than that is energy waste to me :) Perhaps
certain professions need 2 monitors (graphic
designers, for instance) but I don't thin
Ana Florencia Fernandez Feb 15, 2012
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina Facturación al exterior desde Argentina Facturación al exterior desde Argentina en moneda extranjera. Yo tengo una duda más: si la factura se emite en
moneda extranjera porque así se fijó de antemano
con el cliente, ¿hay que agregar la tasa de
cambio? Y en ese caso, ¿qué tasa se toma
Ana Florencia Fernandez Dec 22, 2011

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Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

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