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Search results: (163 matches)
CAT Tools Technical Help CAT tools terminology - What is a Fuzzy match? For example A fuzzy match happens when a segment in source
copy is almost like another segment either in
translation memory (TM), in the same source copy
or in another document of a same project (when
Luiz Barucke Jul 5, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: How many regular clients do you have at the moment? The most difficult part of being a freelance translator If I consider clients that send me jobs every 2-3
months, then I have 10-15 regular clients. If I
consider those who always send me jobs every
month, then I have 8 regular clients. Firs
Luiz Barucke Apr 1, 2018
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use a special or especially expensive keyboard for work? It doesn't need to be expensive I always work with the same external QWERTY
keyboard model. And I have 3 of them: one on my
desk, one in my backpack for trips and cafes (yes,
I use an external keyboard when I work in a c
Luiz Barucke Sep 27, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What is a translator's best friend? Many friends My external keyboard, my personal glossary, my
frequent clients, currency rate, my internet
provider, Google, silence... and my dog, to force
me to make some pauses :) And of course, on
Luiz Barucke Sep 23, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: What does your computer desktop look like at the moment? Almost nothing I don't use Windows Desktop as a folder to save
files. For back up reasons, I have everything
in a personal local folder synchronized with my
USB device. Right now, I have 4 file sh
Luiz Barucke Sep 22, 2017
Subtitling Subtitling Any text editor Hi Biruta, Maybe my answer will be too
simple... You say you need to translate a SRT
file, so I believe subtitle is already done and
you just need to translate it. If so, you can<
Luiz Barucke Sep 5, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Which CAT tool do you use the most? WF3 [quote]neilmac wrote: I only use WF Classic, as
it was the easiest one to use that I came across.
I don't know how to use several of the functions
though, but it does what I need it to.
Luiz Barucke Aug 31, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do freelancers tend to plan less for the future than other professionals? The question is... Does future tend to follow freelancers' and other
professionals' plans?
Luiz Barucke Aug 17, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: When did you last raise your rates? Tomorrow How many times will this same question be
Luiz Barucke Aug 15, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have one client you consider your favorite? More than one I have different kinds of clients. My relationship
with some of them (bigger companies) is more
impersonal. But with some clients I interact
personally and I always try to be available for
Luiz Barucke Aug 5, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: The best time of my life is / was / will be: Right now And then Luiz Barucke Jul 22, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use more than one internet service provider in case of outages? My cell phone I would say no, but then I realized that actually
I use my data FTE connection as a second internet
option sometimes. When my home internet fails and
when I work in some cafes and bars, I
Luiz Barucke Jul 21, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: In 2017, which has been the best month for you so far, professionally speaking? March so far I have a pretty regular monthly workload for
years, but this year my average income has
increased, and March was the best month so far.
Don't ask me why. I hope August can be even
Luiz Barucke Jul 20, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: How long should a fair translation test be? Tests and pilots There 2 different tasks, test and pilot, and I
handle them differently. I consider a test when an
agency assesses my translation skills to add to
their database as a vendor. In turn, a pil
Luiz Barucke Jul 5, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: In general, have your rates over the last 12 months gone up, gone down, or stayed the same? The same in USD and EUR Although I can negotiate better rates for specific
jobs, my standard rates stayed the same in USD and
EUR. But I always negotiate new standard rates
in my local currencies (ARS and BRL)
Luiz Barucke Jul 2, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever been asked to quote on the same document by different clients? Once An end client sent a same source to 2 different
agencies and both sent it to me. It was a
transcreation pilot for an advertisement
campaign. As I worked for one of them (who paid
Luiz Barucke Jun 22, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever purchased software which turned out to be useless to you? Myself once I bought Wordfast Pro 3 license about 3 years ago
because I really found it makes my work faster and
easier. But for other software, such as Trados,
Memsource and memoQ, I received license
Luiz Barucke Jun 18, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you find yourself mentally translating when you read something in your source language? It's worst Sometimes I "see" source language when I read
something translated into my target language and I
start to rephrase it.
Luiz Barucke Jun 11, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you make exceptions and translate into your source language? Not regular translations I have translated academic articles into Spanish a
few times, but stating clearly Spanish is not my
native language and documents needed editing (if
they did, I can't guarantee). Regula
Luiz Barucke May 30, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: How would you rate the first part of 2017 professionally? Very positive I really can't complain. For many years, I've
been having a pretty steady work volume, with many
assignments everyday and during all day, but I
noticed this year my average income has g
Luiz Barucke May 29, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever worked for a client who never paid you? Once, the 1st one It's not so common, but I have some minor problems
regarding to delayed payments. But I've had just
one client that has never paid me at all. And they
were exactly my first client. Fortuna
Luiz Barucke May 27, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: On average, what percentage of your total working capacity are you using? 120-240 High voltage Luiz Barucke May 24, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use pen/pencil and paper for work anymore? Yes, I use them, but... If question means working directly on paper, then
my answer is no. But yes, I use paper and pen,
specially for proofreading jobs, to take notes and
write some terms to search and replac
Luiz Barucke May 20, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Which do you use most for your translation work? Both Both, because, first of all, my laptop is a PC.
But even if "PC" intended to mean a desktop,
then I'd say... both. I use my laptop connected to
an external big screen, an external mous
Luiz Barucke May 18, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you find social media a distraction while working? Social? I believe "social" media is a contradiction
itself. It is anti-social actually. But I'm
getting old. Maybe I'm the problem. And as an
old guy, I don't use it at all.
Luiz Barucke May 13, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: My biggest complaint with the CAT tools I've used is: Which one? I use different CAT tools and all of them deserve
a complaint: Wordfast Pro 3. The best one for
me. Fast, simple, practical. You can start working
in seconds, without annoying questions
Luiz Barucke May 7, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you answer your work-related emails as soon as you get then? It depends As I'm working all day at my computer, I check
emails as soon as they arrive, but there are
different kinds of work-related emails, so there
are different approaches too. To emails sent
Luiz Barucke May 6, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: How many payment methods do you provide for clients? Currently 3 Payoneer (easier and cheaper), Skrill (cheaper
than PayPal) and PayPal (most used, but more
expensive for me). I used to allow wire
transfers, but my bank red tape is so annoying
Luiz Barucke Apr 26, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: If you had to compare translation, to which of these activities would it come closest? Painting... ...because, no matter how many times you look at
it, it's never "done". You always have something
to change, until you give up and consider you are
done and it's time to start other one.
Luiz Barucke Apr 2, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Does your "translator's eye" make it difficult to enjoy subtitled movies? A combination To enjoy a movie, I always prefer a subtitled one,
no matter its original language. But I must
confess sometimes I like to watch dubbed
movies/shows WITH subtitle. This way I also learn
Luiz Barucke Mar 2, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Your translation experience has best prepared you for which role in the zombie apocalypse? Food A tasty brain Luiz Barucke Feb 26, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever had a work-related nightmare? (please share!) It happens Sometimes, I dream of working - with all details.
If you think sleeping as a time to rest, then you
can call it a nightmare. But well, it happens.
I'd be worried if I started to dream w
Luiz Barucke Feb 10, 2017
Trados support Trados Studio 2011 closes immediately after start, no error message Run as administrator [quote]Martina Silpoch wrote: Just an
update. I received a suggestion how to possibly
resolve the issue. But before following the steps
gave it one more try. Located SDL from my Start<
Luiz Barucke Feb 5, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: How many CAT tools do you use? More than 5 My CAT of choice is Wordfast Pro 3 and this is the
tool I use more regularly, even when clients don't
require any CAT at all. I also love Memsource,
which I use for an important client
Luiz Barucke Jan 20, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Where do you work most often? Home office and a cafe Most of the time, I work in my home office, but I
take my laptop to a cafe 1-3 times a week for some
hours to change the setting around.
Luiz Barucke Dec 28, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What do you do while waiting for your PC/notebook to start up? I sit down on my chair As I always hibernate my computer and never shut
it down, it takes 10 seconds to start.
Luiz Barucke Dec 3, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you worked less in 2016 in comparison with previous years? The same... ...and the $ame. Luiz Barucke Dec 2, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you work mostly with a PC or a laptop? Both I have 2 laptops ready for work. One is
permanently connected to a big screen, mouse and
keyboard, so it's actually a PC. I use my
second laptop to work in a cafe or other places
Luiz Barucke Nov 27, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: What has been your longest period of "famine"? A few hours Not considering weekends, of course Luiz Barucke Nov 25, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think translators each have their very own writing style, regardless of the source text? Yes... ... If they are good. Luiz Barucke Nov 24, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you offer a lower rate to attract a new client? I did in the past... But after seeing how hard re-negotiating standard
rates can be, I don't do it anymore.
Luiz Barucke Nov 14, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you send an email confirming receipt of payments to your clients? I received a check once and I had to cancel it [quote]Michael Harris wrote: [quote]Mario
Chavez wrote: I don't send payment
confirmations unless the customer so requests it.
Otherwise, I'm contributing to email spam. On
Luiz Barucke Nov 12, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you send an email confirming receipt of payments to your clients? Always if... [quote]Teresa Borges wrote: I always send a
small email to most of my clients with a thank
you. The exceptions are: long-standing customers,
those who have automatic systems and large
Luiz Barucke Nov 12, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you update your availability calendar? Never I have several jobs everyday, so I'm always busy.
But it doesn't mean I cannot take another job.
Everything depends on how interesting and feasible
a job offer is (rate, content, word coun
Luiz Barucke Nov 7, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use speech recognition software when you translate? I think I could not Regardless of solutions created by this kind of
software - and problems generated by these
solutions - I consider writing and speaking
totally different creation processes. I need to
Luiz Barucke Nov 5, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think translators tend to be introverts? Good question Of course it depends on many factors and life
styles, but I notice I got more introvert during
these years as a freelance translator. Maybe an
in-house translator does not feel the same, b
Luiz Barucke Nov 2, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Which is the best way to learn a new language? How could I know? I live abroad for almost 4 years. I learn a whole
world everyday and I'll always do. But everyday
I'm also sure I'm a foreigner, and I'll always be
one, in language and everything else.
Luiz Barucke Oct 14, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you mute incoming email notifications when working? No [quote]Mario Freitas wrote: While I'm working
on a current job, new e-mail messages usually
contain job proposals for the next jobs, and many
of them will be given to another transla
Luiz Barucke Oct 2, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: In your opinion, which of these combinations is better to be more successful in your business? I got lost with these options I don't have a clue... This is my best answer. Luiz Barucke Sep 27, 2016
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you listen to the radio while working? No I need to work while listening to silence. Luiz Barucke Sep 24, 2016

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