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Search results: (103 matches)
Trados support Unable to open multiple files Review QuickMerge feature By Gemma Smith, Project Manager at
-DeM Best
Joel Pina Diaz Oct 16, 2022
Money matters Localization company refused to pay me... Name or URL? Please contact me directly and I give you no
charge no questions all details. Bes
t Regards
Joel Pina Diaz Jul 20, 2022
Trados support No pre-translation when creating a new project based on previous template/project Step by step adding a new folder for existing projects You can see the step by step here:
ticleName=000004232 Be very careful on steps 11
and 12 and make sure you are choosing the correct
Joel Pina Diaz Feb 2, 2022
Trados support "Cannot find central directory" Opening Project package results in error: An error occurred extracting the package. Cannot find cent Symptoms/Context You receive a project package
from a client, translator or reviewer with the
extension *.sdlppx, *.sdlrpx, *.ttp, *.stppk or
*.wsxz. When you open it in SDL Trados Stu
Joel Pina Diaz Jan 24, 2022
Money matters Payment Dispute Statement against you Dear Alex One of the paragraphs in your own
statement is your answer, "he should have made
that clear from the very beginning". You are the
contractor, YOU should state the clauses and
Joel Pina Diaz Oct 3, 2021
Money matters PayPal closed No When you do not read the terms and conditions and
you heat, it happens. No worries. But do not
blow-a-fuse. First thing to do, is get a cell
phone in US or anywhere in the world you want y
Joel Pina Diaz Aug 31, 2021
Translation news From doctor to janitor to translator Wet not back Unfortunately the lack of information and even the
"unconfort" to appoint at the migration offices,
follow the steps to continue your professional
career and empty pockets, takes several
Joel Pina Diaz Aug 25, 2020
Spanish Cuidado, estafa ... WTAI para tu asistencia sin costo Me molesta demasiado leer este tipo de casos, por
desgracia, mientras no cambien las formas y
procedimientos seguiremos siendo víctimas
fáciles. Además de ser traductor profesional y
Joel Pina Diaz Jun 2, 2020
Artificial languages How deep you are involved with Natural Language Processing (NLP) Among several, the neural network-based technique
for natural language processing (NLP)
pre-training, called Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers, or "BERT", is
Joel Pina Diaz May 17, 2020
Across support Across (crossweb version) + Language tool plugin for Google Chrome Get help at help desk Some plugins for Across -
sing_machine_translation_in_across.html Deep L
Pro Integrator -
Joel Pina Diaz Mar 7, 2020
Voiceover Voice recognition CAT tools Best tool free Computer Assisted Tool to dictate and expedite
some impossible to scan / OCR or pictures is as
simple as Google docs, sign in, open your document
and chose Voice Typing under Tools. If you
Joel Pina Diaz Oct 22, 2019
Translation news Petition: Urge the UN to protect translators and interpreters worldwide Protection agains what? Dear Vanessa I really would like to sign the
petition but I am totally blind regarding the
"dangers" against translators. I will appreciate
your clarification and little feedback to get
Joel Pina Diaz Oct 13, 2019
Powwows Powwow: Buenos Aires - Argentina Donaré una remera para hacer una rifa gratuita entre los asistentes Pueden verla en este enlace:
_161126.jpg?dl=0 Se que no mucho que ver con el
intercambio pero bueno es una nota más para
pasarla bie
Joel Pina Diaz Aug 28, 2019
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina ¿Cómo retirar fondos de Paypal en Argentina? Late but safe Primero mil disculpas Marisa porque no tengo
activada la notificación de este foro. Es hasta
hoy que lo leo. Y por desgracia aunque muy tarde
la situación en Argentina sigue igual o peor
Joel Pina Diaz Jun 21, 2019
Trados support "Create return package" is grayed out. Topic has been addressed
71-create_return_package_is_greyed_out.html or
Joel Pina Diaz May 26, 2019
Money matters Need your help about this project from a client! I'm waiting onlie! Calm down Make sure the customer is giving you a PO
(PURCHASE ORDER) make sure all the information is
there, check the blue board and imput his/her name
over the Internet and check if there is no a
Joel Pina Diaz Apr 10, 2019
Money matters Bidding on Webpages PHP, HTLM, Piton, Java, what? Use an editor where you can put aside the text
from code, counting text is now easy, base your
work in words if you charge by hour you also have
to edit so, in order to quote, take your ti
Joel Pina Diaz Feb 24, 2019
Scams Scam alert UK/Germany / AKA Peter McAllister or Steven Calvin Scam at Guru and other freelancing sites Modus
operandi - job offer, claims to be part of
Lionbridge or other big company, first name
contact Peter McAllister second name used Steven
Joel Pina Diaz Feb 22, 2019
Money matters Payment in the form of royalty-sharing? Royalties here you can find all the information and job
Joel Pina Diaz Feb 18, 2019
Money matters Possible scam/money laundering - red flag request from client SCAM New accounts make the check a valid document with
funds at the beginning (15 to 30 days). If check
goes thru and you get any money keep it for
minimum 60 days. That will cover you if the
Joel Pina Diaz Jan 23, 2019
Trados support Google Sheets in Trados Upgrade or not Those links will help you a
/translationproductivity/f/90/t/12723 https://c
Joel Pina Diaz Jan 15, 2019
Translation news Re-vamped IATE EU terminology database released Great resource Thank you much for sharing this article, really
Joel Pina Diaz Dec 11, 2018
Trados support DTD error message while trying to create Trados Return Package DTD/schema file... Resolution You can check the schema file if you
go to “Project Settings > File Types > [your xml
filter] > Validation”. If the “Perform schema
validation when verifying translation
Joel Pina Diaz Nov 25, 2018
Translator resources Wanted CMS or Wordpress plugin for translator software, plugins + Apps Dear Massimiliano Special per se means several
things. WordPress itself is a CMC full of tools to
work with (VIP), the developing has a wide range
of tools as wells, CMC software
Joel Pina Diaz Oct 29, 2018
Money matters Salary Several factors The average salary for a Freelance Translator is
$24.70 per hour in the United States. (Indeed),
different sources point out, 16 hours a week, and
earns about 1,500 gross, someone earns 1,
Joel Pina Diaz Oct 16, 2018
Translation Project / Vendor Management Payment Terms No trick or treat here The only way to stop this nonsense is finally get
together as a group, as a strong community in the
industry (as we are now... Or I am the only one
who can see the full view?) We have to r
Joel Pina Diaz Oct 9, 2018
Translator resources Fr-En online legal resource needed Plusieurs options sont disponibles 1)
sh-Dictionary-International/dp/9287124965 or
Joel Pina Diaz Oct 3, 2018
Business issues ProZ Pay™: A new way for freelancers to get paid Business not freelance business 5% charge is above any financial instrument in the
market. If I receive a Paypal payment there is a %
discounted out of such payment, then Proz will
charge 5%? If that payment goes to Payo
Joel Pina Diaz Sep 22, 2018
Translation in Argentina / La traducción en Argentina ¿Cómo retirar fondos de Paypal en Argentina? Time is up... Las cosas cambian rápido en Argentina por
fortuna, hay dos o tres sitios y personas que te
cambian tu saldo PayPal a pesos, el cheque es
historia. El único banco que puedes enlazar para<
Joel Pina Diaz Feb 7, 2018
Money matters W-8BEN form for doing a freelance job for company based in the USA W8 No.Only if the amounts are up to 10k, or if
customer requesting for his/her specific reason,
or for her/his own records or because your country
requires to tax such payment. There is n
Joel Pina Diaz Sep 18, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think we should charge for the delivery of a translation memory? NO TM as standard We know no TM is produced as standard delivery, so
far by request and only a very small amount of
customers request it. This opens several points to
discuss but at this time will be better
Joel Pina Diaz Jul 29, 2016
Translation news An introduction to MedDRA for medical translators Any comparison so far. I appreciate your post and information, quite
interesting for me. I wonder if you ever compare
this terminology with IHTSDO® SNOMED CT (more
related to clinic not pharma)? FDA since my
Joel Pina Diaz Mar 17, 2016
Trados support Translated segments in trados do not appear in target file EER / UER Hi Here is a link that might help
Joel Pina Diaz Mar 5, 2016
Translation news Bilingual Mexican Constitution: Spanish-Mayan translation complete after years Filling the cube I read this and really do not understand why some
people spit arguments without a hint of
knowingly... Filling the empty cube... "(Mexico)
2013.- The National Institute of Indigenous
Joel Pina Diaz Aug 15, 2015 Translator Coop Freelancing future using Proz plataform Restarting your Translation business [quote]Joel Pina Diaz wrote: I truly respect
your point of view and this exercise will give me
a superficial approach about what's next no doubt.
No one is questioning here to quit thei
Joel Pina Diaz May 1, 2015 Translator Coop Freelancing future using Proz plataform I understand that this dynamic is not for everyone... I truly respect your point of view and this
exercise will give me a superficial approach about
what's next no doubt. No one is questioning here
to quit their own job, I might not explain m
Joel Pina Diaz Apr 17, 2015 Translator Coop Freelancing future using Proz plataform We are a community of translators. We are
professionals with vast experience that could be
readily established as a highly profitable
company/community with a global reach much larger
Joel Pina Diaz Apr 17, 2015
Translation news Monterey Institute of International Studies changes name nope What you are looking is an Institute based on
Monterey CA, I am talking about Defense Language
Institute Foreign Language Center known for
Military Personnel (like my self) as Monterey
Joel Pina Diaz Jan 24, 2015
Translation news Monterey Institute of International Studies changes name View The Monterrey Institute is only for military
personnel, today's is opening to reach much more
places and students and the cost is much less if
Joel Pina Diaz Jan 23, 2015
Translation news Monterey Institute of International Studies changes name Local training Middlebury College, in Vermont, is one of
America's top liberal arts colleges, renowned for
its strengths in international studies and
environmental education and as today applies the
Joel Pina Diaz Jan 21, 2015
Powwows Powwow: Ciudad de México - Mexico Horario Un gusto volver a vernos Seth, yo llevo tres
propuestas concisas y en definitiva la apertura
para diversos temas será una necesidad, la
intención de crear un grupo mexicano para
Joel Pina Diaz Sep 13, 2014
Powwows Powwow: Ciudad de México - Mexico La Selva del Fondo 13 de Septiembre de 15 a 18 horas Buen día a todos se programo para el 13 de
septiembre de las 15 a las 18 horas queda el Café
La Selva del fondo, escucho propuestas de horario
o si están de acuerdo nos vemos por ahí,
Joel Pina Diaz Sep 11, 2014
Powwows Powwow: Ciudad de México - Mexico Puro México! Es un verdadero gusto ver caras nuevas y
conocidas. Será más poder concretar objetivos
que nos beneficien a corto y largo plazo. Todo
parece indicar que la Selva Café ganará aunque
Joel Pina Diaz Sep 6, 2014
Powwows Powwow: Ciudad de México - Mexico Abierta y funcionando Justo marque con el encargado Mr. Javier X me
confirma que la cafetería está funcionando en la
parte alta aunque sí están haciendo arreglos en
librería y fachada, me comentó que a la
Joel Pina Diaz Sep 1, 2014
Powwows Powwow: Ciudad de México - Mexico So far La Selva is winning! La Selva Café Fondo de Cultura Económico Miguel
Ángel Quevedo nº115 Colonia Chimalistac,
Delegación Álvaro Obregón México D.F. Tel: +52
54 80 18 20 Google
Map https://drive.go
Joel Pina Diaz Sep 1, 2014
Powwows Powwow: Ciudad de México - Mexico Cafetería so far 2 puntos Falta un trecho pero hasta este momento la
cafetería del excelentísimo Fondo de Cultura va
ganando... Caballo que rebase línea gana. Sirve
que paso a dejar a los plebes a Kidzania jaja.
Joel Pina Diaz Aug 31, 2014
Powwows Powwow: Ciudad de México - Mexico Como quieran quiero. jejeje... Pues que bien José! Salud! jeje...
Estos son negocios no creo que haya tiempo de
pisto! Pero siempre es bienvenido un buen elixir y
más si llegas a México de visita como tu
Joel Pina Diaz Aug 31, 2014
Powwows Powwow: Ciudad de México - Mexico Tentativo El Hijo del Cuervo en Coyoacán por confirmar
dependiendo la cantidad de colegas. Si alguien
tiene otra propuesta por favor adelante para
reservar con unos tres días de anticipación. El<
Joel Pina Diaz Aug 31, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever used a typewriter for working on your translations? Hups I m getting old! Jajajajajajaja... Yes, yes I used a typewriter up
to 1982!! Huaaa long ago! Still having my old
machine as a collection item together with
stationary items; pens, pencils, erasers, ink,
Joel Pina Diaz Aug 24, 2014
Translation news Sixty languages at risk of extinction in Mexico What to do Unfortunately the rescue of those languages has
been a long task from -first CONAFE, then other
groups with dissipated efforts (several)... The
Comisión para el Diálogo con los Pueblos
Joel Pina Diaz Apr 21, 2014

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