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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Russian to English, French to English
Specializes in
Law (general), Business/Commerce (general), Law: Contract(s), and 1 more.
Native in
English Native in English

19 positive reviews

(19 reviews) profile photo
Paul Gamber
Sep 27, 2023
Laura is a consummate professional and we could not be happier with her work.
Laura's translations are simply superb. profile photo
Jul 01, 2015 Blue Board Agad Traductions / Agadtrad / AGATRAD
Avg. LWA : 3.3 (3 entries)
Very professionnal translator and also she is a very nice person, we have a good relationship. profile photo
Magnus Franzen
Jun 10, 2015 Blue Board Dopply / previously: Kastvind Ltd
Avg. LWA : 5 (13 entries)
Excellent work, customer orientated. Reliable. Would certainly work with Laura Friend again. profile photo
Tilly Gaillard (Fédération internationale des droits de l'Homme)
May 13, 2015
Laura is very accurate, conscientious, pleasant and accommodating to work with, be it Russian into English or French into English. A real professional.
I utilized Ms. Friend's services for a Back Translation for the purpose of identifying potential translation errors in an already excellent translation. With her help we were able to a identify few errors and work with the original translator. We held an open discussion and each person benefitted. Ms. Friend is dedicated to ensuring that her work is accurate; and it is obvious to me that she is passionate about the Russian language. I would love to work with her again. profile photo
Elena Sidorova (Visotsky Consulting Inc)
Aug 26, 2014
Мы работаем вместе над переводом книги, задача стояла точно передать смысл и сохранить стиль автора. Довольна профессиональным подходом, Лаура всегда уточняла значение слов, в которых сомневалась. Благодаря чему и появился русско-англ словарь. Кроме того, она выполняет свои обязательства по срокам.
Very detailed and accurate, excellent quality and delivery earlier than expected. A pleasure to work with. profile photo
Jan 07, 2014 Blue Board Global Accent
Avg. LWA : 5 (2 entries)
Laura did a great job on the project we worked on together. Her quick timing was much appreciated as well! profile photo
Tom Fennell (S 3 TRANSLATIONS)
Oct 14, 2013
I have used Laura as an editor and she is superb. Careful, attentive, finding all those items I just can't see when translating. Her knowledge of legal and business terminology is superb. To top it all off she is very easy to work with. A+++ profile photo
Tim Hanes
Oct 06, 2013
Excellent work on short notice. Thanks Laura! profile photo
Michael Frischhut
Jul 04, 2011 Blue Board Cerebro AG / formerly: Clementis AG
Avg. LWA : 5 (17 entries)
It was a pleasure to work with Laura. She is very reliable, friendly and professional. We are looking forward to assigning more projects to her in the future.

Outsourcer feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)

Jan 08, 2021
(William Shurtleff)

Willing to work with again: Yes

Dec 11, 2017
Matthew Capelle

Willing to work with again: Yes

Dec 10, 2017
(Fédération internationale des droits de l'Homme)

Willing to work with again: Yes

Apr 12, 2015

Willing to work with again: Yes

Dec 12, 2014
One Planet Blue Board One Planet Corporation
Avg. LWA : 4.9 (7 entries)
Willing to work with again: Yes

Dec 30, 2013
Geotext Translations Limited (Geotext Translations Limited)

Willing to work with again: Yes

Colleague feedback
(Those who did not leave a comment)

Jan 28, 2015
Emilia Zeydlits

Willing to work with again: Yes

Managed Services feedback
(This section shows feedback received after completing jobs via Managed Services)

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