Powwow Report for Spain - Barcelona (Nov 12 2010)

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The report by Patricia de Gispert has not been submitted yet

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Edwal Rospigliosi
Enrique Gongora
Monica Santoro
Ligia Dias Costa
Anette Hilgendag
Jose Palomares
Interlangue (X)
Thomas Pauly
Laura Dominguez Barroso
Patricia de Gispert
Martina Hidalgo
Gemma Sanza Porcar
Sandra Torras Simona
Olga Munoz
Anne Diamantidis
Marta Lozano
Arantza Blanco
Wei-Hsin Yeh

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Nov 16 '10  Interlangue (X): Exposicion
Muy interesante. Gracias por esta iniciativa.