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Search results: (398 matches)
Off topic Dutch word order in English text because translator didn’t know how to reorder tags in CAT tool! Hmm [quote]Kim Metzger wrote: Shopaholics can eat
their hart out in Scheveningen. The boulevard
offers the most touristic kind of shops. Whilst
the Palace Promenade and the Keizerstraat g
Orrin Cummins Aug 15, 2014 suggestions Translator education: a possible solution to despicable job offers Yes [quote]Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL wrote: is
to close the job board... :-) Outsourcers can
contact the translators directly, via their
profile. I don't care if this is time-consuming<
Orrin Cummins Aug 15, 2014
Getting established Translating from one's native language - feedback needed Analogies [quote]Lincoln Hui wrote: The piano is
considerably easier to learn than the organ, but
it is no easier to to professionally proficient on
the piano than it is on the organ. I would no
Orrin Cummins Aug 14, 2014
Getting established Translating from one's native language - feedback needed Nah みれい (Mirei) [quote]Phil Hand
wrote: With all the arrogance of Chinese
speakers who couldn't care less how the Japanese
mess up the pronunciation of *our* kanji, I can
Orrin Cummins Aug 13, 2014
Getting established Translating from one's native language - feedback needed ... [quote]Phil Hand wrote: [quote]Orrin Cummins
wrote: (names are hard)[/quote] The comment on
names is right, I'm sure, but I think we should
see it as one example of the kind of way
Orrin Cummins Aug 13, 2014
Off topic Vsauce on the English language Love this guy. Orrin Cummins Aug 13, 2014
Getting established Translating from one's native language - feedback needed It isn't always possible in some languages [quote]Gitte Hovedskov, MCIL
wrote: [quote]LilianNekipelov wrote: ...
Spelling is not the most important thing with
regards to translation--it can always be fixed.
The essence of
Orrin Cummins Aug 13, 2014
Office applications Filtering out Chinese/English only This doesn't delete everything, unfortunately [quote]Mikhail Zavidin wrote: Hi. In the
Find/Replace dialogue in the Find field you should
click the Format button and choose Chinese
language to replace with an empty string which yo
Orrin Cummins Aug 12, 2014
Translation news Linguist’s concern at heritage language report Children live in a world of extremes [quote]Mark Dobson wrote: [quote]Orrin Cummins
wrote: The sole purpose of language is
communication. If no one around you speaks your
language, it isn't really helping you to
Orrin Cummins Aug 12, 2014
Translation news Linguist’s concern at heritage language report Interesting My wife teaches Japanese to two Syrian refugee
children here in Japan. Their parents speak
Arabic, mostly, but the kids go to Japanese
schools and have Japanese friends so they pretty
Orrin Cummins Aug 12, 2014
Getting established Translating from one's native language - feedback needed Wow [quote]Sarah Lewis-Morgan wrote: [quote]Gitte
Hovedskov, MCIL wrote: [quote]Sarah
Lewis-Morgan wrote: I accept that there are
some exceptions, such as the issue with languages
Orrin Cummins Aug 12, 2014
Office applications Filtering out Chinese/English only regex [quote]jyuan_us wrote: [quote]Krzysztof
Pawliszak wrote: namely Chinese and English,
where English translation follows Chinese source
paragraph by paragraph. I would like to
Orrin Cummins Aug 12, 2014
Trados support Confused about how Studio 2011 updates TMs ... Thanks for the reply, Paul. [quote]... "I don't
have a "master" TM set under Studio's Tools ->
Options -> Language Pairs." Do you have one in the
Project Settings now as opposed to Tool
Orrin Cummins Aug 10, 2014
Trados support Confused about how Studio 2011 updates TMs I am struggling to understand how Studio 2011
handles my TMs. I created a new, empty TM, then
opened one of my old projects and added it as a TM
(the only TM). The "Update" checkbox is
Orrin Cummins Aug 9, 2014
MemoQ support How do you arrange your projects? ... [quote]boostrer wrote: I believe that this is a
common problem for Trados Studio, MemoQ and any
similar CAT tools. I have several customers who
send various projects. Projects for diff
Orrin Cummins Aug 8, 2014
Translation Theory and Practice Good command of the target language is more important than knowledge of source language? ... [quote]Christine Andersen wrote: (a lot of good
stuff) [/quote] Good post. I agree, it
depends on the subject area and level of
complexity. Language is too diverse to get hemmed
Orrin Cummins Aug 8, 2014
Internet for translators Skype permanently online ... [quote]2G Trad wrote: You can try
ected/m-p/3001280#M243124]this solution[/url]
Orrin Cummins Aug 7, 2014
Translation news Court interpreter's arrest highlights system shortcomings Hmm The title of this article says it all I
think: [quote]Lost in Translation: Court
interpreter's arrest highlights system
shortcomings [/quote] How's that for
Orrin Cummins Aug 7, 2014
Internet for translators Skype permanently online It doesn't poll you enough, I think When my wife signs off Skype on her computer,
sometimes it takes two or three hours for the
Skype program on my computer to show her signing
off. Interestingly, signing on is nearly
Orrin Cummins Aug 7, 2014
Translator resources Best tools to translate mobile apps? It sucks I stopped doing these kinds of translations for
exactly the reason you mentioned. If I can't see
what they are talking about, it is very hard to
guess the most natural translation for sing
Orrin Cummins Aug 7, 2014
Windows operating systems How do other translators back up their files? Best way to set up an automated back up? My setup Western Digital 2 TB drive connected via Ethernet
to my wireless router. Acronis True Image 2014,
which is set to incrementally back up all
"documents" (SDL folders and My Documents, ma
Orrin Cummins Aug 7, 2014
Business issues How many words approx. in 1 min of audio? It could be something like this 494 words per minute in the first
xGI& Just sayin'.
Orrin Cummins Aug 6, 2014
Translation news Gender neutral 'hen' enters dictionary The problem with natural [quote]Ty Kendall wrote: [quote]susan rose
wrote: What could we do in English?
[/quote] Singular 'they' is perfectly natural
English, but people have an irrational aversion to
Orrin Cummins Aug 2, 2014
Money matters Is it ethical? An excellent question [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: Why do so many
people here (people in general - I'm not targeting
you here, Orrin, nor the OP ;)) see the life of
freelancers as a one-way street: they recei
Orrin Cummins Aug 2, 2014
Money matters Is it ethical? ... [quote]Sheila Wilson wrote: Unless they have a
specific contract, freelancers are only contracted
to do the work actually delivered to them. If the
client sends 1000 words and authorise
Orrin Cummins Aug 2, 2014
Money matters Is it ethical? ... The only thing that you are entitled to--and the
only thing that an agency is required to do--is
whatever was agreed to in the purchase order, or
in email correspondence if there was no pu
Orrin Cummins Aug 2, 2014
Speech recognition Can anybody recommend voice recognition software? ... [quote]Hannah Keet wrote: I find that Dragon
works extremely well in MemoQ, but with Trados (I
use 2011) it opens DragonPad in a new window which
can be quite frustrating - I find it al
Orrin Cummins Aug 2, 2014
Legal FATCA, Meaning of Paragraph V.A. of the DoJ Program for Non-Prosecution-Agreements In that case... [quote]Gerald Maass wrote: The Program defines
"Applicable Period" as follows: "Applicable
Period" shall mean the period between August 1,
2008, and either (a) the later of December
Orrin Cummins Jul 31, 2014
Off topic "Hen" is official now ... [quote]Phil Hand wrote: My kids' inability to
get the he/she distinction drives me crazy.
They're mostly English native, but this one
carry-over from Chinese is really conspicuous :(
Orrin Cummins Jul 31, 2014
Legal FATCA, Meaning of Paragraph V.A. of the DoJ Program for Non-Prosecution-Agreements Nice research [quote]Patrick Porter wrote: I haven't done
extensive research into all the particulars and am
not an expert on FATCA, so this post only
represents my opinion as a translator. But
Orrin Cummins Jul 31, 2014
Off topic What about Search Engine Optimization? ...
Orrin Cummins Jul 31, 2014
Off topic "Hen" is official now ... [quote]Tim Drayton wrote: I wonder which other
languages are gender neutral like Turkish, which
is (almost entirely) gender neutral: Turkish
'o' = 'he, she, it' 'onun' = 'his, her,
Orrin Cummins Jul 31, 2014
Legal FATCA, Meaning of Paragraph V.A. of the DoJ Program for Non-Prosecution-Agreements It's horribly ambiguous The way I read it is: "The Tax Division will
not authorize formal criminal investigations
before January 1, 2014." In other words, the
date "January 1, 2014" doesn't seem to be relat
Orrin Cummins Jul 31, 2014
Off topic "Hen" is official now Yep [quote]neilmac wrote: PS: If we accept the
scientific and evolutionary view, the egg came
first, as birds - including chickens - descended
from dinosaurs, which laid eggs.

Orrin Cummins Jul 30, 2014
Linguistics How should I mention references used several times in a thesis? Style issue You have to pick a style guide, as they generally
have different recommendations for this sort of
thing. What is the style guide preferred in the
realm of "speech pathology"?
Orrin Cummins Jul 29, 2014
Speech recognition Two queries about Dragon I mentioned this above... [quote]adrienneiii wrote: Getting close to
purchase point here! Thanks for the latest
feedback. One last query - how does DNS handle
abbreviations? My texts have an awful lot of
Orrin Cummins Jul 28, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help Translation without CAT tools ... [quote]jyuan_us wrote: [quote]Orrin Cummins
wrote: If you are looking to CAT tools to
improve the quality of your translations, you may
be taking the wrong approach. You might just n
Orrin Cummins Jul 28, 2014
Translation Theory and Practice Translation subverting or reinforcing the values of a receiving culture ... [quote]Lucyxiao wrote: I am writing an essay
about how translation can be used to subvert,
reinforce or reflect the values of a receiving
culture. [/quote] I don't know if there is
Orrin Cummins Jul 27, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help Translation without CAT tools My opinion If you are looking to CAT tools to improve the
quality of your translations, you may be taking
the wrong approach. You might just need to find
better translators. A CAT tool is not goin
Orrin Cummins Jul 27, 2014
Translation Theory and Practice Rubbish in, rubbish out? This is key [quote]Phil Hand wrote: In your situation,
where you have informative texts that just seem
wordy, I sometimes go through a whole mental
exercise. I rewrite the text in the source
Orrin Cummins Jul 27, 2014
Translation Theory and Practice Rubbish in, rubbish out? Hmmm [quote]adrienneiii wrote: Orrin, it is a pretty
well-paid gig, so the incentive to do a good job
and keep the assignments coming in far outweighs
any desire to boost word count. It m
Orrin Cummins Jul 26, 2014
Translation Theory and Practice Rubbish in, rubbish out? ... [quote]adrienneiii wrote: I am paid by target
word, so it is to my detriment to edit down -
though I always do. [/quote] This is a fairly
uncommon way to be paid, for a couple reaso
Orrin Cummins Jul 26, 2014
CAT Tools Technical Help How do you use technology to boost your productivity? ... I recently created different TMs and termbases for
various fields. Not sure if that is the way to go
or not, but since you can load multiple TMs and
termbases into a single project in Trad
Orrin Cummins Jul 26, 2014
Speech recognition Two queries about Dragon No, you can type anything in the title [quote]adrienneiii wrote: (and is it really
that important to summarize one's main point in
the title?!) I have an awful lot of
abbreviations in my texts - how do you all deal
Orrin Cummins Jul 24, 2014
Scams Asking for a scam directory in Proz The Blue Board [quote]Andrew Catford wrote: Same old
story: After long interval, bogus email offer
from individual with plenty of online notoriety as
translation scammer. Their supposedly Gaza-based<
Orrin Cummins Jul 24, 2014
Money matters Why do clients turn to big translation companies rather than individual translators? Wait [quote]José Henrique Lamensdorf wrote: Doing
performance appraisal interviews in front of a
mirror would be taken as a mild case of
insanity. [/quote] You mean no one else does
Orrin Cummins Jul 24, 2014
Translation news A translator who talked ... [quote]Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote: Certainly
life and human rights should have the maximum
priority for every human being, but I doubt the
translator discussed in this topic was confr
Orrin Cummins Jul 24, 2014
Translation news ¥80 million earmarked to translate Japanese books into English to aid PR drive Well I don't see any indication that the selections
will be works of fiction. Wouldn't you say that
most if not all of the classics have already been
translated? As have popular modern works li
Orrin Cummins Jul 24, 2014
Getting established Internship in Translation Agencies Yes [quote]Vlad Kotenko wrote: 1) I would like to
know whether agencies offer internship for
beginning translators for little/ no pay to help
them get more experience. [/quote] It's cal
Orrin Cummins Jul 23, 2014
Translation news A translator who talked Yes, this is true [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]Renée
Annabel W. wrote: With regard to Orrin Cummins'
comments, surely there IS some kind of personal
"moral threshold" when it comes to that type
Orrin Cummins Jul 23, 2014

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