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CAT Tool & Software Day

Sep 28, 2012

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63 total. Showing 1-50
ProZ.com users -- in Croatia -- registered for the event (63)
Checked in
Nikola Bijelić, MD, PhD Contact directly
Professional medical & pharma translator
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Bio: My name is Nikola Bijelić from Osijek, Croatia. I am a medical doctor and a PhD student with experience in translation of scientific biomedical texts including articles for scientific journals. My wife and I are currently working with ZamKor translation team from Surin...
Message: I wish everybody a great conference, and hope it will advance all of us as translators!
Tomislav Kojundzic Contact directly
Translator, who loves CAT tools
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Asociación Argentina de Traductores e Intérpretes, 27 years of experience
Lucija Raković Contact directly
Premium-quality human translator into HR
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Croatia: University of Zagreb, MA-Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - University of Zagreb, ATA, Croatian Association of Scientific and Technical Translators, Association of Court Interpreters and Translators (DSTiP), Translators and Interpreters Interest Group with the Croatian Ch, 22 years of experience
Ivana Bojcic Contact directly
Technical, IT, Logistics, Automotive
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
County Court of Zagreb, University of Zadar, MA-University of Zadar - Departement of German/Italian language and literature , 17 years of experience
Darko Kolega Contact directly
Your colleagues to translate
Native in Croatian (Variants: standard, Bosnian) Native in Croatian
OTHER-Germanic philology at Liberal Arts College, 23 years of experience
Zdenka Ivkovcic Contact directly
Your voice in Croatian for over 20 years
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
University of Zagreb , BA-University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, English and Czech Language and Literature, 25 years of experience
Aleksandra Mišak Contact directly
MD, medical translations
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
University of Zagreb , Mediterranean Editors and Translators, Društvo znanstvenih i tehničkih prevoditelja, 30 years of experience
Sanja Staklenac Contact directly
Postgraduate Translation Specialist
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Bio: Education:
- Postgraduate Translation Studies (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)
- English Language and Literature (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)
- Certified Court Interpreter for English (Zagreb Count...
bonafide1313 Contact directly
Native in Croatian (Variants: Bosnian, standard) Native in Croatian
HDZTP (Croatia), University of Zagreb , MA, 30 years of experience
Checked in
bergazy Contact directly
The most effective all-around player
Native in Croatian 
HDZTP, HDZTP, 31 years of experience
Checked in
Katarina Frgacic Contact directly
Proficient EN>HR translator & localiser
Native in Croatian (Variant: standard) 
MA-Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in University of Rijeka, 16 years of experience
Checked in
LogosART Contact directly
Practicing the ART of Translation
Native in Dutch 
University of Amsterdam , Bureau for Sworn Interpreters and Translators, 35 years of experience
Checked in
ciovo Contact directly
the write Person for croatian?
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, English Native in English
OTHER-Experience, 33 years of experience
Checked in
Kolumbina Benčević Tomljanović Contact directly
English, Italian, Croatian translation
Native in Croatian (Variants: standard, Bosnian) 
Freelancer and outsourcer
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb , OTHER-Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Association of Court Interpreters and Translators (DSTiP), Društvo sudskih tumača i prevoditelja - Society of Court Inter, 33 years of experience
Ivan Nekic Contact directly
Quality first. Nice texts then.
Native in Croatian (Variant: standard) 
3 anni di permanenza a Roma; studio alla PU Gregor, University of Zagreb , MA-University of Zagreb, 29 years of experience
Svjetlana Nevescanin Contact directly
Words weave worlds.
Native in Croatian 
Stratford University, Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), City University London, University of Michigan, MA-University of Split, ATA, Croatian Chamber of Commerce Foreign Language Affiliation, Association of Court Interpreters and Translators- STIP, IAPTI, 23 years of experience
Mirta Didara Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
36 years of experience
Darko Pauković Contact directly
Technical/medical translations
Native in Croatian 
Freelancer and outsourcer
Chartered Institute of Linguists, OTHER-Goethe Institut - Zertifikat C2, 23 years of experience
Marija Tufekčić Contact directly
English - German - Croatian
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, German Native in German
J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Philosophy, MA-Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek, 15 years of experience
mirjanac Contact directly
Do not worry, I can help
Native in Croatian 
Message: Happy to meet you again
Ljerka Kovacic Tot Contact directly
Conference interpreter English-Croatian
Native in Croatian 
University of Zagreb , BA-Faculty of Philosophy Zagreb, 30 years of experience
npog Contact directly
Jasna Kovacevic Contact directly
Native in Croatian (Variant: standard) 
Bio: I am a Croatian freelance translator/interpreter for English language (EN-HR and HR-EN). I also do transcriptions and subtitling. I specialize in agriculture/forestry, tourism and travel and web site localization.
Message: I am her for the first time and after two days of sessions I became aware of how big and important this event is for our profession. Hello everybody and thank you ProZ.
Biljana Grbesa Contact directly
Transform everything. Change nothing.
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, Serbian Native in Serbian
County Court in Zagreb, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Philosophy, MA-J.J.Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia, 23 years of experience
Maria Pezer Contact directly
Bilingual English_Croatian
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, English Native in English
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, Hrvatsko društvo znanstvenih i tehničkih prevoditelja , OTHER-NAATI - National Accreditation of Australian Translators and Interpreters , 30 years of experience
jasmini Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
50 years of experience
Jana Kohut Contact directly
15+ yrs translating, CRO/SLO - ENG
Native in Croatian (Variants: standard, Bosnian) Native in Croatian, Slovenian Native in Slovenian
21 years of experience
Mirna Herman Baletić Contact directly
In principio erat verbum
Native in Croatian 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, University of Zagreb , MA-The Faculty of Philosophy, Zagreb, Croatia, 26 years of experience
janagolob Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, English Native in English
22 years of experience
Milena Gerboni Contact directly
Professional translations into Italian
Native in Italian (Variant: Standard-Italy) 
Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, SSML San Pellegrino, Universita' degli Studi di Genova, BA-Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici Istituto San Pellegrino, Misano Adriatico (2005), AITI, 20 years of experience
Zeljko Vukoja Contact directly
Translating all kinds of texts for 15+y
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
University of Zagreb , MA-Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, 25 years of experience
Rinchi Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
25 years of experience
Kristina Kolic Contact directly
Croatian legal, financial and IT expert
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, French Native in French
Split County Court, SFT, 35 years of experience
ctera1 Contact directly
technical translations
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Bio: I am a native Croatian speaker with a Master degree in
Electronics, active 15 years as freelance translator for
English/German to Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian and vice versa.
If you have interest in that offer please don't hesitate
to contact me asap by mail or phone.
Vanja Zelić Contact directly
Legal and finance specialist
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Bio: I'm a freelance translator for Italian and Croatian language.
Tamara Tomic Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
ACMT/Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, 25 years of experience
Gordanas Contact directly
Professional translations done with joy.
Native in Croatian 
Bio: I was born and live in Zagreb, Croatia. I am the Master of English Language and Literature (University of Zagreb - Faculty of Philosophy) and have worked as a translator in a state company and as a freelancer for 14 years. My fields of work are statistics, medicine and ...
Message: Hello, everybody. Great to meet you again.
Eva Cukor Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
MA-University of Zagreb, 16 years of experience
Toni Luburic Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Bio: 20 years' experience in freelance conference interpreting Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian - English and retour, clients include ICTY, UEFA, FIFA, international justice and security organisations
Message: Hi, everybody!
Marija G Contact directly
Native in Croatian 
http://www.sudacka-mreza.hr/tumaci.aspx?Search=&Ty, University of Zagreb , 14 years of experience
Ivan Sertic Contact directly
Expertise in military/defence/history
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
University of Zagreb, BA-Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, 22 years of experience
Tihana Babić Benić Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Bio: I am a translator for English and German language with over 13 years experience, specialized in translation of finance and legal texts. I live and work in Zagreb, Croatia. I have gained translation experience working for an bank in Croatia as well for several audit and ...
Barbora Veselić Contact directly
Native in Czech Native in Czech
Bio: czech native speaker, living in Croatia, cooperate with many croatian agencies. translate from crotian - czech, czech - german, german - czech, croatian - german....
Janko Mesić Contact directly
Quality through knowledge
Native in Croatian 
ETS, global, 23 years of experience
Jakov Milicevic Contact directly
High quality is what you pay for...
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Freelancer and outsourcer
Country court of Split, University of Zadar, MA-University of Zadar - Departement of french/italian language and literature , Croatian association of sworn interprets and translators, 21 years of experience
Tomislav Gersic Contact directly
English->Croatian Life Sciences/Medical
Native in Croatian (Variant: standard) Native in Croatian
University of Zagreb , BA-Faculty of Economics at the Uniceristy of Rijeka + University of Applied Health Sciences Zagreb, 16 years of experience
consulting1 (X) Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Bio: I was born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1951. Part of my childhood I spent in Africa and attended an Irish missionary school. I graduated in social anthropology and archeology at the University of Zagreb, and later received the Masters degree in the same field. The years 1980 ...
mladent Contact directly
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
Freelancer and outsourcer
Bio: Freelance translator and Wordfast trainer.
Message: Greetings from Croatia.