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English to Croatian: English suburbia in the clouds By Claire Wrathall / Engleska provincija u oblacima Claire Wrathall
Source text - English English suburbia in the clouds
By Claire Wrathall
Bound for the Himalayas in search of medicinal herbs needed to save the wounded Lord Rama, the flying monkey god Hanuman paused on Jakhu Hill to rest.
The precise location is a detail omitted in the great Sanskrit epic Ramayana but a gaudy temple marks the spot where Hanuman is said to have alighted and a troop of handsome monkeys – reddish-gray rhesus macaques the size of cats – is usually in attendance.
At 2,455m, Jakhu is the highest of the seven hills on which Shimla was built (a 2km path rises steeply to its crest from just behind the town’s imposing Anglican church), and the best vantage point from which to survey the town and the sublime mountainscape that surrounds it. The air is cool and aromatic, especially after the stifling heat of Delhi. You can see why Hanuman might have thought to stop here. Indeed, you can see why the British Raj chose this as the site of its summer capital and would move its government here en masse from April till October, when the temperature can be up to 20°C cooler than Delhi.
Shimla is the capital of Himachal Pradesh, the state that markets itself as “the land of gods” but it is equally a land of monkeys. In the forest you may see silvery-coated langurs but there are macaques almost everywhere. As well as by the Jakhu temple and in the trees, their long straight tails hanging like vertically descending branches, they can be found lounging by and sauntering along the Mall, as modern Shimla’s main street is known. They can be seen all over the tiny Edwardian railway stations on the 70-mile, five hours-plus journey on the single-gauge railway from Kalka, itself nearly six hours by train from Delhi, on the lumbering, endearingly misnamed Himalayan Queen Express.
A breathtaking location
If at first the scenery around Shimla strikes you as literally breathtaking that is because the air is thinner up there. At such altitudes, your kidneys start to produce the hormone erythropoietin or EPO. EPO boosts the amount of haemoglobin and oxygen in your blood, which increases your aerobic threshold and stamina.
Best of all is the riding on offer there. The horses in its stables enjoy comparable levels of comfort and service to the guests. Three grooms take care of three impeccably trained former polo ponies and one retired racehorse, which live in quarters fitted out in polished teak and brass. Even if you don’t ride, it’s worth asking to see them.
Not that the monkeys find much favour with locals. In my hotel a note by the bedside warned guests to keep their windows closed “to safeguard your belongs” from them. And at breakfast, one of the waiters warned me how “naughty” they could be and to take care if I encountered them in the “jungle”, which hereabouts is less a wilderness of lianas and vines, more a tidy forest of rhododendron, towering pines and cedars. Indeed The Times of India was full of stories of the “man-monkey conflict”, not least that the state had requested the government “to lift the ban on the export of simians” for vivisection in order that it might reduce their number, which stands at more than 300,000.
This building was built by… a godfather of fusion inasmuch as he conflated Scottish baronial, Gothic revival, Renaissance and Mughal styles, and then adorned it with balustrades, colonnades, crenellations, oriel windows, Dutch gable ends and the odd Rajasthani chatri or dome. It is scarcely more coherent inside with its overblown ornamentation. It serves as home to the Indian Institute of Advanced Study. “A joy and an expense for ever,” said Bhasin of the building, one eyebrow raised, before mentioning that a few winters back, a leopard had crept in via an open window, causing no little consternation.
Architecturally Shimla is extraordinary. Not beautiful at all but somehow amazing, a sort of suburban English town with a fondness for half-timbering transplanted to an Asian mountain landscape, the incongruity, the eccentricity, the very oddness of which gives it a peculiar charm. There may be many undistinguished buildings: Christ Church, in yellow stone with a red tin roof (because the monkeys are inclined to dislodge slate) and stained glass by Rudyard Kipling’s father.
Shimla has quite an atmosphere of a town en fête. Though it’s hard to believe that a fifth of the human race once came under the jurisdiction of a government based here for half the year, it’s a vibrant place all the same, with its “Honeymoon Inn” hotels, its busy Lakkar Bazaar, numerous Tibetan shops and stalls selling “Himachal wine” made from pears, plums, peaches, wild strawberries and even rhododendrons. In other words, Shimla has much more to offer than relics of the Raj and the restorative herbs Hanuman was searching for – though venture into its abundant woodland, and you’ll find plenty of those as well.
Translation - Croatian Engleska provincija u oblacima
Claire Wrathall
Na putu za Himalaju u potrazi za ljekovitim travama potrebnim za spas ranjenog gospodara Rame, leteći majmun, bog Hanuman zaustavio se na planini Jakhu da se odmori.
Točna lokacija je detalj koji je izostavljen u velikom sanskrtskom epu Ramayana, ali šareni hram označava mjesto gdje je, kažu, Hanuman prizemljio, a gdje uobičajeno dežura vojska naočitih majmuna – crvenkasto-sivih rezus makakija veličine mačke.
Na 2.455 m, Jakhu je najviši od sedam brda na kojima je izgrađena Shimla (staza duga 2 km uzdiže se strmo do njegovog vrha počevši upravo iza impozantne anglikanske crkve) i najbolji vidikovac za promatranje grada i uzvišenih planinskih predjela koji ga okružuju. Zrak je svjež i mirisan, pogotovo nakon užarene vrućine Delhija. Očigledno je zašto je Hanuman mogao pomisliti da se tu zaustavi. I zaista je očigledno zbog čega je britanski Rađ odabrao baš ovo mjesto za svoje ljetno sjedište gdje bi preselio cijelu vladu od travnja do listopada, kada temperatura može biti i 20°C niža nego u Delhiju,.
Šimla je glavni grad Himaćal Pradeša, države koja sebe promovira kao «zemlju bogova», ali ona je jednako tako i zemlja majmuna. U šumama se mogu vidjeti srebrnodlaki languri**, a makakija ima gotovo svugdje. Može ih se vidjeti posvuda po malenim edvardijanskim željezničkim stanicama, na 70 milja i nešto više od pet sati dugačkom putovanju po jednotračnoj pruzi, od Kalke koja je i sama gotovo šest sati vlakom udaljena od Delhija, u tromom, od milja pogrešno nazvanom vlaku «himalajski kraljevski ekspres».
Lokacija od koje staje dah
Ako vas prizor uokolo Šimle od prve ostavlja doslovce bez daha, to je zato jer je zrak tu gore rjeđi. Na takvim visinama bubrezi počinju lučiti hormon erithropoetin ili EPO. EPO povećava količinu hemoglobina i kisika u krvi, time i potrebu za zrakom i većom izdržljivosti
Najbolja je od svega ondje ponuda za jahanje. Konji uživaju u podjednakoj količini mira i služenja gostima. Tri timaritelja brinu se o tri besprijekorno istrenirana polo ponija i o jednom umirovljenom trkaćem konju, koji žive u nastambama opremljenima uglačanom tikovinom i mjedi. Čak i ako ne jašete, isplati se zatražiti da ih vidite.
I nije baš da lokalno stanovništvo jako voli svoje majmune. U mojem hotelu, obavijest pokraj kreveta upozoravala je goste da zbog njih drže prozore zatvorenima «radi zaštite vaše imovine». A za doručkom me jedan od konobara upozorio kako «zločesti» mogu biti i da pripazim ako ih sretnem u «džungli», koja je ovdje puno manje slična divljini od lijana i povijuša, a puno više urednoj šumi rodondendrona, visokih borova i cedrova. No uistinu, The Times of India bio je pun priča o «konfliktima između ljudi i majmuna», u tolikoj mjeri da je država zatražila vladu da «skine zabranu izvoza majmuna» za vivisekciju ne bi li smanjila njihov broj, koji iznosi više od 300 000.
Ovu zgradu izgradio je... kum fuzije, utoliko što je smiješao škotski Baronial****, neogotički, renesansni i mogulski stil, i zatim ga ukrasio balustradama, kolonadama, puškarnicama, pomolcima***, holandskim zabatima i neobičnom rajasthanskom chatri ili kupolom. Unutrašnjost jedva da je nešto skladnija zbog prenapuhane ornamentacije. Ona služi kao dom indijskom Institutu za napredne studije. «Užitak i trošak zauvijek,» rekao je Bhasin o građevini, podigavši obrvu prije no što je spomenuo da se nekoliko zima unazad jedan leopard ušuljao unutra kroz otvoren prozor, uzrokujući ne malu konsternaciju.
Arhitektonski, Šimla je izneneđujuća. Uopće nije lijepa, ali je čudesna na neki način, neka vrsta provincijskog engleskog gradića, koji voli pokazivati drvenu konstrukciju, presađenog u azijski planinski krajolik, neusklađenost, ekscentričnost i sama njegova čudnovatost daje mu taj posebni šarm. Tu ima mnogo ni po čemu posebnih zgrada: Kristova crkva, od žutog kamena sa crvenim limenim krovom (jer majmuni su skloni razbacivanju pločica škriljevca) i vitrajima koje je obojao otac Rudyarda Kiplinga.
Šimla ima atmosferu gradića na ladanju. Iako je teško vjerovati da je nekoć jedna petina ljudskog roda bila pod jurisdikcijom vlade smještene ovdje pola godine, ipak je to živahno mjesto, sa svojim «Honeymoon Inn» hotelima, užurbanim Lakkar Bazaarom, brojnim tibetanskim trgovinama i štandovima koji prodaju «himaćalsko vino» napravljeno od krušaka, šljiva, bresaka, divljih jagoda pa čak i rodondendrona. Drugim riječima, Šimla ima za ponuditi mnogo više od preostataka Rađa i ljekovitih trava koje je tražio Hanuman – mada, ako se otputite u njeno bogato šumsko prostranstvo naći ćete i toga u izobilju.
*Rađ – kraljevstvo, posjed (skr. vladavina); britanski Rađ naziv za doba britanske dominacije, kolonizacije i vladavine u Indiji (1858 -1947)
**Langur – poznat još i kao Hanumanov majmun, indijski sveti majmun
***pomolac - erker, istaknuti prozor, doksat
Source text - English Oftentimes blindness isn't the only physical challenge for some of our students and alumni. Certain causes of blindness, degenerative diseases, accidents and even aging often have results that impair physical abilities other than vision. In order to meet the diverse needs of our students and continue our role as leaders in innovative training, our Custom Needs Program was established in the 1990s. The Custom Needs Program includes many tools and resources that we can employ to fill the needs of our students.
Continued Assessment Program:
Occasionally, we may recommend that an applicant come to one of our campuses for a more thorough assessment of their skills and abilities. The purpose of the continued assessment is to determine if a Guide Dog is the best form of mobility for them.
There are a number of advantages to the Continued Assessment. If an applicant has physical challenges or other custom needs, we can determine in advance if any individualized training for the dog or for the applicant is required. The Continued Assessment may provide the person with a better understanding of what is required to be successful in the future, and prepares others for immediate training.
Applicants who have disabilities in addition to their blindness may attend this free three-day program which gives them the opportunity to visit the campus and experience working with a Guide Dog.
Custom Needs Dog Training:
Certain dogs are trained to perform tasks in addition to guidework, often in an alternative manner to the one usually taught. The skills the dogs are taught are tailored to meet the needs of specific incoming students. It usually requires a longer training program for each dog in addition to specialized instruction for each student. Examples include training dogs to:
• respond to modified hand/foot gestures and movements
• respond solely to verbal commands (instead of a combination of verbal commands and hand signals)
• stop at the top of wheelchair access ramps (to allow the handler to adjust to the change in grade)
• take one step at a time when traveling on stairs (to wait for the handler to adjust position)
• remain calmly and patiently in a stationary position for an extended period of time to allow a handler who has limited functional use of his hands or arms to set down the harness handle and accomplish tasks such as opening doors.
Custom Needs Student / Graduate Training:
In addition to their blindness, applicants may be dealing with medical conditions that affect their mobility. Their pace may be slowed due to age, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, or other conditions. They may have neuropathy or lack of sensitivity in their hands or feet. They may have arthritis or prosthetic limbs. They may be on medication or dialysis. Individualized training can be coupled with modified routes (e.g. short routes, level routes) and schedules, reduced pace, or in-home training.
Custom Equipment:
Our harness handles come in a variety of lengths and shapes, and can be off-set rather than parallel to the dog's back. Ergonomic handles can ease the strain of repetitive motion. Modified snaps for the harness and leash can help those with dexterity problems. Support canes can be used if necessary in conjunction with the dog (additional dog training may be required). Leash usage can be modified (for example: secured to the handler by being wrapped in a variety of efficient ways, such as around the waist or as a sash).
Wheelchair Training:
Guide Dogs for the Blind has had a guide dog wheelchair program in place for five years. The program began as a way to provide continued services to former graduates who through health or trauma faced the challenge of wheelchair use for mobility in addition to their blindness. As a second stage to accepting applicants into the guide dog wheelchair program, Guide Dogs opened its training to graduates of other guide dog schools who had been successful guide dog users.
Translation - Croatian Sljepoća vrlo često nije jedini fizički izazov za neke od naših klijenata i pitomaca. Neki uzroci sljepoće: degenerativne bolesti, nesreće pa čak i starenje, često rezultiraju oštećenjem i drugih fizičkih sposobnosti osim vida. Da bismo zadovoljili različite potrebe naših klijenata i nastavili ulogu predvodnika u inovativnom treningu, izradili smo 1990. godine Program za posebne potrebe korisnika. Program za posebne potrebe korisnika uključuje mnoge alate i sredstva koji mogu poslužiti za ispunjavanje potreba naših klijenata.
Kontinuirani program procjene:
Povremeno možemo preporučiti nekom klijentu da dođe u neki od naših kampusa zbog podrobnije procjene svojih vještina i sposobnosti. Svrha kontinuiranog procjenjivanja je da se odredi je li kretanje sa psom vodičem najbolji oblik mobiliteta za njega.
Postoje mnoge prednosti kontinuiranog procjenjivanja. Ako neki klijent ima tjelesne poteškoće ili druge korisničke potrebe, možemo unaprijed odrediti je li potreban nekakav oblik individualnog treninga bilo za psa ili za korisnika. Kontinuirano procjenjivanje može toj osobi omogućiti bolje razumijevanje toga što je ubuduće potrebno za uspješnost treninga, a druge priprema za trening bez odgađanja.
Klijenti, koji imaju i druge vrste invaliditeta osim sljepoće, mogu pohađati ovaj trodnevni program koji im omogućuje posjet kampusu i iskustvo rada sa psom vodičem.
Trening pasa vodiča za potrebe korisnika:
Neke se pse trenira da uz vođenje slijepih osoba izvode i dodatne zadatke, vrlo često na način drugačiji od onog koji se uobičajeno uči. Vještine kojima se podučava psa prilagođene su zadovoljavanju individualnih potreba nadolazećih studenata. To obično zahtijeva duži program treninga za svakog psa, uz specijalizirani trening svakog klijenta. Primjeri uključuju trening pasa za:
• odaziv na izmijenjene geste ili pokrete ruku ili nogu
• odaziv isključivo na usmene naredbe (umjesto kombinacije usmene naredbe i signala rukom)
• zaustavljanje na vrhu pristupne rampe za invalidska kolica (da bi se korisniku omogućila prilagodba stupnju nagiba)
• hod korak po korak na stepenicama (čekanje da se korisnik postavi u poziciju)
• mirno i strpljivo čekanje na mjestu tokom produženog vremenskog perioda, da bi se korisniku, koji ima ograničenu funkcionalnu sposobnost korištenja šaka ili ruku, omogućilo da spusti dršku orme i obavi zadatak kao što je otvaranje vrata
Klijenti sa korisničkim potrebama / završni trening:
Osim sljepoće, moguće je da se klijenti moraju nositi sa medicinskim stanjima koja utječu na njihov mobilitet. Njihov korak može biti usporen zbog godina, cerebralne paralize, multipla skleroze ili drugih stanja. Mogu imati neuropatiju ili smanjenu sposobnost osjeta u rukama ili nogama. Mogu imati artritis ili umjetne udove. Mogu biti na lijekovima ili na dijalizi. Individualni trening može se kombinirati sa promijenjenim rutama (npr. kratke rute, rute po ravnom terenu) i rasporedom, usporenim tempom hoda ili treningom kod kuće.
Korisnička oprema:
Drške naših ormi su različitih dužina i oblika i češće su savijene u stranu nego postavljene paralelno sa leđima psa. Ergonomske drške mogu olakšati naprezanje zbog ponavljanja pokreta. Modificirane kvačice za ormu i povodac mogu pomoći klijentima koji nisu dovoljno spretni ili vješti. Štapovi za hodanje mogu se koristiti ako je neophodno i uz psa vodiča (vjerojatno će biti potreban dodatni trening za psa). Korištenje povodca može se modificirati (na primjer: može se pričvrstiti za korisnika omatanjem na mnogo djelotvornih načina, oko pojasa ili preko ramena, kao lenta)
Trening pasa vodiča za pomoć slijepim osobama u invalidskim kolicima:
Škola Guide Dogs for the Blind već pet godina ima program za korištenje pasa vodiča uz invalidska kolica. Program je započeo kao jedan od načina da se omogući kontinuirana usluga za prijašnje klijente, koji osim što su sljepi, zbog zdravlja ili ozljede, koriste invalidska kolica za kretanje. Kao drugi korak u prihvaćanju klijenata u program pasa vodiča za osobe u invalidskim kolicima, škola Guide Dogs je otvorila trening i za završene klijente drugih škola za pse vodiče slijepih, koji su bili uspješni korisnici pasa vodiča.
Croatian to English: Tišnjanska zvir/The Beast of Tisno General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Croatian TIŠNJANSKA ZVIR
U kamenom gradiću na rubu mora koji se nalazi na mjestu gdje se ljube kopno i otok, i gdje su mještani sagradili most umjesto usana kako bi spojili dva nerazdruživa dijela, davno, davno prije, življaše Zvir.
Žene u crnim vuštanima koje su još prije zore na magarcima i pješice odlazile u polja kopati masline i vinograde, saditi blitvu i skupljati krumpir, muškarci koji su noću odlazili “na sviću” loviti ribe, pa i gospođe u krasnim haljinama iz visokih kamenih kuća sa šeširima na glavi, svi su barem jednom bili ugledali istu sliku i prepričavali gotovo istu priču.
Zvir bi izronila ponekad iz mora, kod otočića koji se danas zove Ljutac, ali bi se znala vidjeti i kako plazi duž stare gusterne na Karavaju, pa ju je vidjela i stara Bosa kako se valja gore u brdu Broščica! Nikad se nije pojavljivala za bure, ne, bura joj je smetala. Ali za južine, kako ovdje kažu, javljala se čak i na deset mjesta odjedared!
Translation - English THE BEAST OF TISNO
A long, long time ago, in a small town made of stone, on the very edge where the sea caresses the shore, and where people built a bridge to connect the two parts, lived a Beast.
Everyone in town had at least once seen the same spectacle and told the same story. Women in long black skirts who walked or rode donkeys before dawn to work in olive orchards and vineyards, plant mangold and harvest potatoes, and men who went fishing at night with boat lights, and even the ladies in beautiful gowns and hats who lived in tall stone houses; all of them had seen the Beast.
Sometimes, the beast emerged from the depths close to a small island that is today known as Ljutac, and sometimes it crawled along the old water tank in Kravaj. Even old Bosa had seen the Beast wallowing up there on Broscica hill. Interestingly, the Beast never showed itself when the north wind was blowing. Bora was troublesome to the Beast; however, when the south winds were blowing, it would appear in ten places at the same time.
Years of experience: 40. Registered at Mar 2009.
University of Zagreb - English language and literature studies
- Indology studies: Indian languages (Vedic and classical Sanskrit, Hindi, Pali, Avestic, Old Persian, Bengali), Indian culture (literature, philosophy, religion, mythology, history and arts)
Professional membership: Croatian Association of Scientific and Technical Translators
Main translation areas:
- General
- Literary translation, Administrative translation, Commercial translation
Specialized in:
Agriculutre, Forestry, Mining
Dog breeding, behaviour, genetics, training, guide dogs for the blind
Arts and literature
Mythology, religion
Acts, statutes, contracts
Keywords: agriculture, forestry, humanities, statistics, guide dogs for the blind, dog breeding, dog behaviour, blindness, people with disabilities, NGO. See more.agriculture, forestry, humanities, statistics, guide dogs for the blind, dog breeding, dog behaviour, blindness, people with disabilities, NGO, museology, museum, gallery, art, catalogue, literature, fiction, novel, short story, haiku, biography, India, Indian culture, Indian art, Indian philosophy, Pali, Buddhist literature, Jataka, mythology, unicorn, history, architecture, travel, tourism, geography, web, business/finances, contracts, law, statutes, acts, web site, tourism, subtitling, photography, correspondence, veterinary medicine, medicine, sport, journalism, editing. See less.