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What is post-editing exactly?
Thread poster: Alan Wang
ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:18
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尽情地拍 Mar 28, 2013

Alan Wang wrote:


在200 转/分~300 转/分的低速搅拌提取5 -15min
【你的翻译】to carry out extraction for 5 to 15 min while being stirred at a low speed of 200 rpm to 300 rpm
【我的翻译】The mixture is stirred for 5-15 min. at 200 ~ 300 rev / min.

第一、 此处的提取应该只是指搅拌过程。而你的翻译,特别是这个【while】让人以为在这一阶段存在【搅拌】和【提取】两种不同的过程。

第二、 【提取】包括几个步骤,涉及的是整个发明的宗旨。你这样翻译是把【提取】用在了其中一个中间步骤上,这时,离提取成功还缺了一个步骤。所以这时不存在真正的提取【to carry out extraction】。此时,无论怎么搅拌,都还是搅拌液。如果这时存在提取,就必须指明提取到哪里去了?你没有指出。所以即使这时有提取,比如在液体混合液之间发生什么交换,也不能说。否则给人一种莫名其妙的感觉。

第三、 要成功提取,是在搅拌以后,【经水浴加热破乳后分出油层】,然后【所得水相即为博落回中总生物碱的溶液】。你在搅拌这一步就说在提取了,是不是过早了?根据字面翻译易落陷阱!

你说我漏译了第一个【博落回】,实际上没有漏译。我把它译为【the plant material】。指的是这种植物的干粉,即提取中实际采用的。因为前面提到了该植物的名称,这里无需重复这个怪名。的确,我喜欢不根据字面去翻译。




ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:18
English to Chinese
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继续拍 Mar 28, 2013

Alan Wang wrote:






wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:18
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高温提取 Mar 28, 2013

"Boiling tea leaves in water extracts the tannins, theobromine, and caffeine out of the leaves and into the water."


The extraction process doesn't occur when the tea is ready and being served to you; it occurs after the tea leaves are immersed in the boiling water. From that point you wait about 5 minutes until the extraction process is over.

Alan Wang
Alan Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:18
English to Chinese
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ok Mar 28, 2013

Rita, Thanks.

I will try to dress up AS IF I am a true professional.

Well, perhaps not quite.

Rita Pang wrote:

And Alan, frankly, with all due respect, I really wouldn't talk too much about post-editing if I were you on a public forum. I am not here to judge your expertise or your ability to translate; my concern is mostly that your repeated insistence on the relatively superb ability of post-editing or MT might put you strictly in that field of work. If someone were to collaborate with you, found you on proz and did a search under your name, the frequent popping up of your name in a link related to MT might turn some customers away (who are, frankly, willing to pay more than $0.06 USD...) Just my two cents, I hold no personal nor professional grudge against your preferred method of work.

I gotta say though, I truly think you scored a deal with the 200 K job Kudos to you on that one.

[Edited at 2013-03-29 01:18 GMT]

Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:18
Chinese to English
Same old content, quite nice packaging Mar 28, 2013

Rita Pang wrote:

Hey Phil, can you elaborate a bit on why you use this particular dictionary the most often?

The real reason I like it is a slightly silly one: when you open the nciku web page, it automatically selects the query field. This means you don't have to click in the query field with your mouse, you can just type. I've usually just come from a document/my CAT tool, so I've got my right hand on the mouse, my left hand doing the ctrl-C ctrl-V. The auto-selection of the query means that my look-up process has one less click in it. Over the years, that will give me an extra three days free of carpal tunnel, right?

Nciku does have a couple of nice features:

1) You can build your own glossaries in the site (and test yourself on them - I've used it for learning).
2) Words from people's glossaries show up in the basic search, so sometimes you get good user-generated equivalents.
3) It gives a definition from a Chinese-Chinese dictionary in the basic search results (very important!)

It doesn't have much unique or high quality content, it's just a usable, readable interface with a basic dictionary, that serves as a place to start. Like I say, we all have our little habits - mine aren't anything to be proud of, but they get me through the day!

I've seen some dictionaries on HK and TW sites that look better, but sometimes they don't reflect mainland usage that well, and sometimes the GFW just doesn't love me, so I prefer to have a mainland site as my first port of call.

NB. I'm staying well out of this debate on the patent abstract - I think I really didn't understand this process very well when I was translating it

Alan Wang
Alan Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:18
English to Chinese
+ ...
至于吗? Mar 28, 2013


ysun wrote:

Alan Wang wrote:






ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:18
English to Chinese
+ ...
你能端正态度就好 Mar 28, 2013

Alan Wang wrote:


ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:18
English to Chinese
+ ...
Very good example and explanation Mar 28, 2013

wherestip wrote:

"Boiling tea leaves in water extracts the tannins, theobromine, and caffeine out of the leaves and into the water."


The extraction process doesn't occur when the tea is ready and being served to you; it occurs after the tea leaves are immersed in the boiling water. From that point you wait about 5 minutes until the extraction process is over.

Stirring (agitation) speeds up (or increases efficiency of) the extraction process.

Rita Pang
Rita Pang  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:18
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Moderator of this forum
Interesting Mar 28, 2013

Phil Hand wrote:

Rita Pang wrote:

Hey Phil, can you elaborate a bit on why you use this particular dictionary the most often?

The real reason I like it is a slightly silly one: when you open the nciku web page, it automatically selects the query field. This means you don't have to click in the query field with your mouse, you can just type. I've usually just come from a document/my CAT tool, so I've got my right hand on the mouse, my left hand doing the ctrl-C ctrl-V. The auto-selection of the query means that my look-up process has one less click in it. Over the years, that will give me an extra three days free of carpal tunnel, right?

Nciku does have a couple of nice features:

1) You can build your own glossaries in the site (and test yourself on them - I've used it for learning).
2) Words from people's glossaries show up in the basic search, so sometimes you get good user-generated equivalents.
3) It gives a definition from a Chinese-Chinese dictionary in the basic search results (very important!)

It doesn't have much unique or high quality content, it's just a usable, readable interface with a basic dictionary, that serves as a place to start. Like I say, we all have our little habits - mine aren't anything to be proud of, but they get me through the day!

I've seen some dictionaries on HK and TW sites that look better, but sometimes they don't reflect mainland usage that well, and sometimes the GFW just doesn't love me, so I prefer to have a mainland site as my first port of call.

I am VERY new to "tools" in translation apart from my own brain and buckets of coffee. I started using wordfast (trial version) but find it slightly confusing; MemQ is not too bad, but I've really only looked at it a few times. In general, I don't work enough with the type of content which involves recall (or where recall will greatly assist my work). I wonder because I think eventually I'll need to equip myself more with these type of tools, seeing that more and more clients ask for them, but I do wonder about the necessity of these things.

In general, I stay away from Trados offers especially ones coming from Proz. I don't entertain the idea of getting that particular software anytime soon (but please do share your thoughts if you think I should know about them). Maybe that's why I am not making enough bucks as I'd like to.

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:18
English to Chinese
+ ...
答复 Mar 28, 2013

Alan Wang wrote:

在200 转/分~300 转/分的低速搅拌提取5 -15min
【你的翻译】to carry out extraction for 5 to 15 min while being stirred at a low speed of 200 rpm to 300 rpm
【我的翻译】The mixture is stirred for 5-15 min. at 200 ~ 300 rev / min.

第一、 此处的提取应该只是指搅拌过程。而你的翻译,特别是这个【while】让人以为在这一阶段存在【搅拌】和【提取】两种不同的过程。

搅拌(agitation or stirring)和提取(extraction)确实是两种不同的过程。因此,你的“提取应该只是指搅拌过程”这种说法是完全错误的。但是,这两种过程确实是同时进行的。搅拌是为了提高提取效率。顾名思义,提取器的主要作用就是提取。原来我以为你只是粗心漏译。现在看来你是因不理解“提取”这一术语而故意删除 Google Translate 给出的 extraction 一词。
Alan Wang wrote:

第二、 【提取】包括几个步骤,涉及的是整个发明的宗旨。你这样翻译是把【提取】用在了其中一个中间步骤上,这时,离提取成功还缺了一个步骤。所以这时不存在真正的提取【to carry out extraction】。此时,无论怎么搅拌,都还是搅拌液。如果这时存在提取,就必须指明提取到哪里去了?你没有指出。所以即使这时有提取,比如在液体混合液之间发生什么交换,也不能说。否则给人一种莫名其妙的感觉。

此专利摘要并没有指明“提取到哪里去了”,所以翻译者也没有义务指明。但是作为一名翻译,你应该懂得提取到哪里去了。如果不懂,就应该去了解,否则就不可能翻好。此发明是关于“液膜分离提取方法”。如果你懂得液膜分离提取是什么意思,就会知道提取到哪里去了。在这方面,Google Translate 是无能为力的。但 Google 或其它参考资料却能帮你找到答案。
Alan Wang wrote:

第三、 要成功提取,是在搅拌以后,【经水浴加热破乳后分出油层】,然后【所得水相即为博落回中总生物碱的溶液】。你在搅拌这一步就说在提取了,是不是过早了?根据字面翻译易落陷阱!

水浴加热破乳之前,提取已经完成,而且物料已经离开提取器了。Google Translate 正是设立字面翻译陷阱的罪魁祸首!
Alan Wang wrote:

你说我漏译了第一个【博落回】,实际上没有漏译。我把它译为【the plant material】。指的是这种植物的干粉,即提取中实际采用的。因为前面提到了该植物的名称,这里无需重复这个怪名。的确,我喜欢不根据字面去翻译。



ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:18
English to Chinese
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一点都不好笑 Mar 28, 2013

Alan Wang wrote:






以 Steve 所举的泡茶为例,如果你不搅动,提取过程照样也在进行,从茶叶提取到水里去了。但如果你搅动,就会提取得更快更完全。借用沙家浜阿庆嫂的名言:这茶喝到这会儿,喝出点味儿来了吧?

wherestip  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:18
Chinese to English
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Extraction Mar 28, 2013

ysun wrote:

Alan Wang wrote:






以 Steve 所举的泡茶为例,如果你不搅动,提取过程照样也在进行,从茶叶提取到水里去了。但如果你搅动,就会提取得更快更完全。借用沙家浜阿庆嫂的名言:这茶喝到这会儿,喝出点味儿来了吧?

As soon as I reread the Wikipedia page on "Extraction(Chemistry)" that I posted, I realized that extraction most likely didn't involve any chemical reactions. That's why I posted that example of extracting whatever out of tea leaves after thinking it through ... call it self-correction.

I'm clueless when it comes to chemistry and chemical engineering too. The two compulsory 3-hour chemistry courses I had to take to get my EE degree were really a waste of time. As much as I disliked the subject, I did make sure I got A's in both courses, 'cause it affected your GPA.

[Edited at 2013-03-29 14:31 GMT]

Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:18
Chinese to English
Adds a little professional mystique Mar 29, 2013

Rita Pang wrote:

I am VERY new to "tools" in translation apart from my own brain and buckets of coffee. I started using wordfast (trial version) but find it slightly confusing; MemQ is not too bad, but I've really only looked at it a few times. In general, I don't work enough with the type of content which involves recall (or where recall will greatly assist my work). I wonder because I think eventually I'll need to equip myself more with these type of tools, seeing that more and more clients ask for them, but I do wonder about the necessity of these things.

In general, I stay away from Trados offers especially ones coming from Proz. I don't entertain the idea of getting that particular software anytime soon (but please do share your thoughts if you think I should know about them). Maybe that's why I am not making enough bucks as I'd like to.

I resisted Trados for a long time, and I'm certain that nobody *needs* it. But I picked up a copy because of some work I was doing for some direct clients. They had many long contracts to translate with only small differences in the terms. A CAT tool made it easy. (You could do it with the "compare" tool in Word as well, but CAT gets you the same result while juggling fewer windows.)

And one of the best aspects of owning a CAT tool is that it allows you to do things that impress your clients. You know how much of the time clients think that anyone can do translation? They can't see the real work that we do. But funnily enough, when you tell them that you "processed" their 10,000 word file and found all the changes, they're really impressed. Go figure.

Alan Wang
Alan Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:18
English to Chinese
+ ...
特色 Mar 29, 2013



ysun wrote:

Alan Wang wrote:






以 Steve 所举的泡茶为例,如果你不搅动,提取过程照样也在进行,从茶叶提取到水里去了。但如果你搅动,就会提取得更快更完全。借用沙家浜阿庆嫂的名言:这茶喝到这会儿,喝出点味儿来了吧?

ysun  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:18
English to Chinese
+ ...
你似乎在无的放矢 Mar 29, 2013

Alan Wang wrote:



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