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Contributors to charity project - are you still interested?
Thread poster: Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:33
English to German
Jan 21, 2005

Dear all,

Early in December, I posted an idea to help children in need all over the world by publishing a book with the writings (poems, letters, stories etc) from those children, which then would need to be translated into multiple languages. Many, many of you offered your free help (and new offerings are coming in each week and one colleague is currently creating a database), and almost as many had started to help me create a strategy for this project.

After the Chris
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Dear all,

Early in December, I posted an idea to help children in need all over the world by publishing a book with the writings (poems, letters, stories etc) from those children, which then would need to be translated into multiple languages. Many, many of you offered your free help (and new offerings are coming in each week and one colleague is currently creating a database), and almost as many had started to help me create a strategy for this project.

After the Christmash holidays, I've been trying to reactivate the discussions in the translators4kids forum but the once lively discussion hasn't come back yet.

There may be many reasons for that (the tsunami disaster, holidays, reluctance to participate in the legal matters etc.) but I cannot believe that this could have resulted in a total standstill.

Whatever your personal reasons or opinions - please let me know if you are still interested and if yes, in what way. As I have pointed out several times, we don't necessarily have to found our own charity. All I need to know is whether this project will continue (and how) or not.

Thank you.

PS: You may post here or drop me an individual email, whatever suits you best.

Lietta Warren-Granato
Lietta Warren-Granato  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:33
Italian to English
+ ...
yes,but... Jan 21, 2005

I have only just seen this topic (I don't usually participate in forums as I have very little time)and I am definitely available to translate from Italian into English, and from English into Italian, should this be needed. My doubts, however, concern the project itself: it seems to me that it would be very difficult to market a book like the one you propose, without being attached to an already existing charity, which would have a wide network to distribute the book, market it etc.. Have you con... See more
I have only just seen this topic (I don't usually participate in forums as I have very little time)and I am definitely available to translate from Italian into English, and from English into Italian, should this be needed. My doubts, however, concern the project itself: it seems to me that it would be very difficult to market a book like the one you propose, without being attached to an already existing charity, which would have a wide network to distribute the book, market it etc.. Have you considered working as part of a larger Charity, and offering all our work for free? LiettaCollapse

Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:33
English to German
That's exactly the point we need to discuss Jan 21, 2005

Dear Lietta, that's what we should try to find out and decide. If you view the other topics in the translators4kids forum, you'll see that we had started this discussion already. Publishing a book like this on our own is not impossible. But it requires time and work

Paula Dana Szabados
Paula Dana Szabados  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:33
Member (2005)
English to Romanian
+ ...
I am still interested Jan 21, 2005

I noticed the quiet period but I am still interested in this project.

Natalia Elo
Natalia Elo  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:33
English to Russian
+ ...
Yes I'm interested Jan 21, 2005

As I wrote in December I can volonteer in translating Russian to Finnish, and from Finnish to Russian.


[Edited at 2005-01-21 14:30]

Local time: 08:33
English to German
+ ...
I am still interested as well Jan 21, 2005


I realized too that previous posters got kind of quiet. I can understand that the legal stuff would scare some of us away including me but I guess someone has to do it one way or the other. I do find it important to let Marion know what kind of role we would like to take on.
I would like to collect childrens poems pictures etc.and doing the translation from German - English and vise versa.

We also have to consider that Marion got her own forum from
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I realized too that previous posters got kind of quiet. I can understand that the legal stuff would scare some of us away including me but I guess someone has to do it one way or the other. I do find it important to let Marion know what kind of role we would like to take on.
I would like to collect childrens poems pictures etc.and doing the translation from German - English and vise versa.

We also have to consider that Marion got her own forum from because of her splendid idea. Yes I really believe that we owe Marion some explanation. )-; (I know for a fact that she won´t bite) Ouch!

Sorry Marion, I saw a dragon in the legal stuff.

((-; Andrea

[Edited at 2005-01-21 16:05]

elzosim  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:33
English to Greek
+ ...
I'm still interested too! Jan 21, 2005

Yes, I am still willing to contribute to the project by offering translation services.
However -and like most of us- I cannot help with the legal aspect of our project, since I am completely unaware of legal matters. I cannot even handle my own legal matters

As you mentioned Marion, this project was first discussed here in December, i.e. a period low in traffic.
Perhaps many prozians have not yet been info
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Yes, I am still willing to contribute to the project by offering translation services.
However -and like most of us- I cannot help with the legal aspect of our project, since I am completely unaware of legal matters. I cannot even handle my own legal matters

As you mentioned Marion, this project was first discussed here in December, i.e. a period low in traffic.
Perhaps many prozians have not yet been informed of our effort. I wondered whether it is possible to ask Henry to insert a banner or a link (like the tsunami relief link) prompting all prozians to contribute to our project. There are many colleagues who don't have time to browse through proz forums and may have not been informed yet.
What do you think?

Regards from Greece

Marion Schimmelpfennig
Marion Schimmelpfennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:33
English to German
Interim message: Thank you for your emails and postings so far Jan 22, 2005

Of course I hope that more colleagues (especially the ones who have been contributing to the strategy in the forum) will reply to my post here, but I'd like to say thank you to those who have assured me of their assistance.

I don't know how else to put it, so I simply say it: I never doubted that you won't be willing to do the translations, or even to collect the writings or do other work regarding the book. I know I can count on you in that respect. What I need to know is whethe
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Of course I hope that more colleagues (especially the ones who have been contributing to the strategy in the forum) will reply to my post here, but I'd like to say thank you to those who have assured me of their assistance.

I don't know how else to put it, so I simply say it: I never doubted that you won't be willing to do the translations, or even to collect the writings or do other work regarding the book. I know I can count on you in that respect. What I need to know is whether you are willing to restart the discussions.

And if yes, the next step would be determining whether to found a charity of our own or to team up with an existing one (already started in the legal matters and charities thread). Every future step depends on this decision.

By the way, legal matters sounds worse than it actually is. Many of us already are a member of some (charity) association or another, and the legal stuff would be done by professionals who already offered to do it for free. So all we have to determine is whether we'd like to stay independent to maintain control over the project or whether we'd prefer to only do the translations and let someone else decide the rest. It's really as simple as that.

[Edited at 2005-01-22 06:48]

Balaban Cerit
Balaban Cerit  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:33
Member (2004)
English to Turkish
+ ...
Yes, I am interested Jan 22, 2005

In the long term, I want to work on advertising the project with different means and contributing actively to discussions in that field.

And as for the real issue now being discussed, the basic organizational decisions, I just want to say that I will work for this project either way, i.e, either as a new charity, or a project that is being coordinated by an existing charity. And, in this respect, I am volunteering to work in any manner that I can, within my abilities.

Lamprini Kosma
Lamprini Kosma  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:33
Member (2003)
English to Greek
+ ...
I'm still interested as well! :-) Jan 22, 2005

Hi Marian,

I would definitely like to support this charity project. As I told you in early December, I could undertake the translation from English into Greek, and from Greek into English or Italian. Furthermore, I'd be more than happy to volunteer my translation services from French and Italian into Greek, though I suppose that what is needed most is language pairs that fit the languages of the kids.

With regards to the legal aspect, I personally like the idea of work
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Hi Marian,

I would definitely like to support this charity project. As I told you in early December, I could undertake the translation from English into Greek, and from Greek into English or Italian. Furthermore, I'd be more than happy to volunteer my translation services from French and Italian into Greek, though I suppose that what is needed most is language pairs that fit the languages of the kids.

With regards to the legal aspect, I personally like the idea of working as part of a larger Charity, as proposed by lietta. I think this might work quite well and solve some problems. However, I'd be open to other suggestions too.

Best wishes,

Frank Hesse
Frank Hesse  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:33
Dutch to English
+ ...
I'd like to help Jan 22, 2005

I could help by translating from Thai into English/Dutch

Francina  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 08:33
Dutch to English
+ ...
Yes still interested Jan 22, 2005

Currently working on the database for volunteers as well as reading up on the threads.

Keeping tabs on the incoming volunteers in this thread.

Still interested in volunteering my services as "Secretary".


Austra Muizniece
Austra Muizniece  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:33
Member (2004)
English to Latvian
+ ...
Still interested Jan 23, 2005

and following the threads...

Francina wrote:

Currently working on the database for volunteers as well as reading up on the threads.

Keeping tabs on the incoming volunteers in this thread.

Still interested in volunteering my services as "Secretary".


Local time: 08:33
+ ...
Interested very much, Jan 23, 2005

but I just don't know if an independant charity will work better for us or should we join some major charity. I've been hoping that other people are smarter than me and will decide it for themselves. Whatever you decide,folks, I will join the club.

Claudia Papurello
Claudia Papurello
Local time: 09:33
English to Spanish
+ ...
Still interested Jan 23, 2005

I'm interested in the project. I've found out about this just a couple of days ago, but I'm willing to help in anything I can. Actually I don't have any idea of how to accomplish this but I offer my collaboration not only as a translator. I'm from ARgentina and this project remided me of something I read a while ago, a group of artists collected drawings from children in need and then turned those drawings into paintings. And then sold those paintings and donated the money for the kids.
... See more
I'm interested in the project. I've found out about this just a couple of days ago, but I'm willing to help in anything I can. Actually I don't have any idea of how to accomplish this but I offer my collaboration not only as a translator. I'm from ARgentina and this project remided me of something I read a while ago, a group of artists collected drawings from children in need and then turned those drawings into paintings. And then sold those paintings and donated the money for the kids.
I would love to collaborate in this important project with my work and my ideas.

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Contributors to charity project - are you still interested?

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