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Sep 27, 2017 (posted Translating some personal documents from Russian into Romanian and listening in the meantime to wonderful Russian songs... best moments in the freelancing!!!...more, + 3 other entries »
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1 projects entered 1 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Editing/proofreading Volume: 3200 words Completed: Oct 2006 Languages: English to Romanian
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
positive Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
14 entries
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Source text - English The Management Board members observed a one minutes silence in memory of Professor Benzi, who died on 9 November 2006 after a long illness. Professor Benzi had been associated with the EMEA since its creation and had been a constant and active supporter of the Agency. He served five terms of office as a member of the Management Board since his first nomination in 1994.
The Management Board welcomed Cristina Avendaño Solà as the new member from Spain.
In accordance with the policy on conflicts of interests, the Board members were asked to declare any interests which could be considered prejudicial to their independence with respect to the items on the agenda. Milan Šmíd informed the Board that he is a member of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP). Patricia Vella Bonanno and Panayiota Kokkinou informed the Board that they are alternates of the CHMP.
1. Draft agenda
[EMEA/MB/218213/2006] The agenda was adopted. It was agreed to include the standing ‘any other business’ point in this and future agendas.
2. Draft minutes of 52nd meeting, 28 September 2006
[EMEA/MB/388867/2006] The minutes were adopted. The Management Board agreed, as an exception, to Professor Valverde’s request that his full intervention be annexed to the minutes of the meeting instead of providing summary of his intervention in the minutes. The minutes will be amended accordingly. The text of the intervention was tabled at the meeting for information.
The Management Board discussed that it is preferable to continue with the current practice whereby the minutes reflect the spirit of the discussion and only at a request of a member a summary of his or her position be reflected in the minutes. Personal statements, if a member’s opinion differs from that of the Management Board, can be distributed at the meeting.
3. Highlights from the Executive Director
EMEA performance in 2006
EMEA reached its overall targets for 2006. The year was marked with significant increase in the number of applications in many core activity areas. The Executive Director thanked both national experts and EMEA staff for successful performance throughout the year against the background of a substantial increase in workload in many core activity areas.
EudraPharm database
The database has been launched. At present it contains information on centrally authorised products in English and has limited functionality. The functionality will increase in 2007 however inclusion of information on mutual recognition and decentralised procedure products will be achieved only over the longer term.
Translation - Romanian Membrii Consiliului de administraţie au păstrat un minut de reculegere în memoria Profesorului Benzi, care a decedat la 9 noiembrie 2006 după o perioadă lungă de boală. Profesorul Benzi s-a asociat cu EMEA încă de la înfiinţarea ei şi a fost un susţinător constant şi activ al Agenţiei. Şi-a desfăşurat activitatea timp de cinci mandate ca membru al Consiliului de administraţie de la prima sa numire în 1994.
Consiliul de administraţie a întâmpinat-o pe Cristina Avendaño Solà ca noul membru din Spania.
Conform politicii privind conflictele de interese, membrilor consiliului li s-a cerut să declare orice interes care ar putea fi considerat că aduce prejudicii independenţei acestora cu privire la punctele de pe ordinea de zi. Milan Šmíd a informat consiliul asupra faptului că el este membrul Comitetului pentru produse medicamentoase de uz uman (CHMP). Patricia Vella Bonanno şi Panayiota Kokkinou au informat consiliul că ei sunt supleanţi ai CHMP.
1. Proiect de ordine de zi
[EMEA/MB/218213/2006] Ordinea de zi a fost adoptată fără modificări. S-a căzut de acord ca să se includă punctul permanent „orice alte afaceri” în această ordine de zi şi în următoarele.
2. Proiect de proces-verbal la cea de-a cincizeci şi doua reuniune, 28 septembrie 2006
[EMEA/MB/388867/2006] Ordinea de zi a fost adoptată. Consiliul de administraţie a fost de acord, doar cu o excepţie, cu cererea Profesorului Valverde ca intervenţiile sale să fie anexate la procesul verbal al şedinţei în locul includerii unui rezumat al intervenţiei lui în procesul verbal. Procesul verbal va fi modificat în consecinţă. Textul intervenţiei a fost trecut pentru informare în tabelul reuniunii.
Consiliul de administraţie a discutat că este de preferat ca să se continue cu practica actuală prin care procesul verbal reflectă spiritul discuţiilor şi doar la cererea unui membru să se întocmească un rezumat al poziţiei sale care să apară în procesul verbal. Declaraţiile personale, dacă opinia unui membru diferă de cele ale Consiliului de administraţie, pot fi distribuite la reuniune.
3. Aspectele principale din partea Directorului executiv
Performanţe EMEA în 2006
EMEA şi-a atins obiectivele generale pentru anul 2006. Anul a fost marcat de o creştere semnificativă în numărul cererilor în multe domenii principale de activitate. Directorul executiv a mulţumit atât experţilor naţionali, cât şi personalului EMEA pentru performanţele de succes realizate pe parcursul anului pe fondul creşterii substanţiale a volumului de lucru în multe domenii principale de activitate.
Baza de date EudraPharm
A avut loc lansarea bazei de date. În prezent acesta conţine informaţii despre produsele autorizate central în limba engleză şi care au funcţionalitate limitată. Funcţionalitatea va creşte în 2007, totuşi includerea informaţiilor asupra recunoaşterii reciproce şi a produselor de procedură descentralizată va fi realizat numai după o perioadă mai lungă.
Hungarian to Romanian: Autóhangszórók General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - Hungarian Három- és négyutas autóhangszórók
Az RFP autóhangszóró család a gépjárművek kárpitozásában gyárilag vagy utólag kialakított helyekre építhető be. A méretválaszték, a beépítési mélység és a rögzítési lehetőségek úgy lettek meghatározva, hogy szinte valamennyi gépkocsiba problémamentesen beszerelhetőek legyenek. A család legnagyobb tagjának („nagyovál”) helye klasszikusan a kalaptartó. A típusszámok úgy kerültek meghatározásra, hogy azok segítséget nyújtsanak már a vásárláskor, a termék kiválasztásakor. Ugyanis a kötőjel előtti számjegy jelzi, hogy hány utas hangszóróról van szó, a kötőjel utáni pedig a névleges külső átmérő milliméterben kifejezve. A komponens szettek esetében centiméter a mértékegység és a „S” utal a komplett szettre, míg a „W” a párban kapható woofer jelzése.
Hogy minél szélesebb legyen a frekvencia-sáv, ezzel együtt pedig élethűbb a hangzás, e családnál több részre osztották a megszólaltatott frekvencia-átviteli sávot. Minden sáv kapott egy önálló hangsugárzót, amely így csak egy viszonylag szűk és konkrétan meghatározott frekvencia-átvitelért felelős. Ez lehetővé tette a célratörőbb tervezést, a célnak maximálisan alárendelt konstrukciók létrehozását. Ennek megfelelően az RFP hangszórók három- és négyutas kivitelben készülnek, és természetesen tartalmazzák a szükséges hangváltót (kondenzátort) is.
A membránok alapanyaga polipropilén. Kitűnő tulajdonságai közül a legfontosabbak: pára és nedvességálló, ami az autós felhasználást tekintve nem elhanyagolható előny; viszonylag könnyű és kellőképpen merev; nagy a belső csillapítása és rendkívül esztétikus. Ilyen membránnal érzékeny és dinamikus hangzású sugárzók építhetők. És hogy a divattal is lépést tart, valamint az igényes vásárlók elvárásainak is megfelel, azt mi sem bizonyítja jobban, mint a kor szellemének megfelelő titánkék szín. Így egyszerre jó hangzású, tartós és divatos megjelenésű.
A hangszórókosár krómozott, a közép- és magassugárzók kerete szintén elegánsan csillogó. A hosszú élettartamhoz az időjárás igénybevételeinek ellenálló membrán mellett a tartós gumiperem is hozzájárul. A szokásosnál nagyobb mágnesek, a korszerű belső alkatrészek, valamint a gondos összeszerelés eredményeként precízebb, szebb hangzás a végeredmény.
Translation - Romanian Difuzoare auto cu trei şi patru canale
Difuzorul auto RFP poate fi montat în tapiţeria autovehiculelor în locuri proiectate în fabrică sau ulterior. Sortimentul de dimensiuni, adâncimea de montare şi posibilităţile de fixare au fost definite în aşa fel, încât să fie posibilă montarea lor fără probleme în aproape toate tipurile de autovehicule. Locul clasic al celui mai mare membru al familiei („oval mare”) este pe panoul hayon. Numerele de identificare ale tipurilor de difuzoare au fost definite în aşa fel, încât să ofere ajutor chiar la alegerea şi cumpărarea produsului. Cifra din faţa liniuţei reprezintă numărul canalelor difuzorului, iar cifra de după liniuţă reprezintă diametrul extern nominal, exprimat în milimetri. În cazul seturilor de componente unitatea de măsură este centimetrul, „S” se referă la setul complet, iar „W” marchează woofer-ul disponibil în pereche.
Ca banda de frecvenţe să fie cât mai largă, iar prin aceasta sonoritatea să fie cât mai autentică, banda utilizată de transmisie a frecvenţei a fost divizată la această familie în mai multe părţi. Fiecare bandă a primit un difuzor independent, astfel fiind responsabilă pentru transmisia de frecvenţă relativ limitată şi concret definită. Acest lucru a permis proiectarea orientată spre scop, crearea unor produse subordonate în întregime scopului. În conformitate cu acestea, difuzoarele RFP sunt fabricate cu trei şi patru canale, şi, desigur, cuprind şi dispozitivul de schimbare a sunetului (condensatorul) necesar.
Materialul de bază al membranelor este polipropilena. Cele mai importante caracteristici ale acestuia sunt: rezistenţa la aburi şi umiditate, ceea ce la utilizarea în autovehicul nu este un avantaj de neglijat; relativ uşor şi suficient de rezistent; amortizare internă ridicată şi un design deosebit. Cu o astfel de membrană se pot construi difuzoare de înaltă fidelitate şi cu o rezonanţă dinamică. Culoarea albastru de titan se încadrează în orientările actuale de design şi corespunde cerinţelor clienţilor pretenţioşi. Astfel prezintă o rezonanţă şi o rezistenţă ridicată şi se încadrează în tendinţele actuale.
Cadrul difuzorului este placat cu crom, rama difuzoarelor pentru sunete medii şi înalte este, de asemenea, cromată. Durata lungă de viaţă este asigurată, pe lângă membrana rezistentă la intemperii şi de cadrul de cauciuc rezistent. Magneţii cu dimensiuni mai mari ca de obicei, componentele interne moderne şi montarea de precizie oferă o rezonanţă de o fidelitate mai ridicată.
English to Hungarian: General text General field: Other Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
As we progress through 2009 with world economies in turmoil it is even more important for us to focus on our growth strategies.
A key element in our growth strategy over the past several years has been to focus on Green Technology and Products. We recognize that our world has never needed us more than it does today in terms of reversing the damage done to our environment. We have recognized that designing and developing technologies and products that do so means exposure to markets that will be growing exponentially in the future as more and more people seek products that are environmentally friendly.
At the same time, being more environmentally conscious in how we run our plants and process those products also saves us money! Reducing energy bills by using more efficient lighting or better yet natural lighting in our buildings, natural ventilation, heat resistant roofing, more efficient heating and cooling systems and recycling systems for waste water and other production by products saves us money every day while at the same time helping the environment.
We want to recognize the efforts of plants and product development teams for the valuable work they are doing in the area of “Green”. As such, we have developed a special icon to designate a process, product, equipment or other innovation that is environmentally friendly. Look for this logo around the company. Seeing it means that something in that area, a process improvement, a new type of equipment, or a new product has a met the minimum criteria of a 10% energy savings.
We are looking for your Green ideas as well; they should be an important element in helping you meet your targeted implemented ideas for 2009. I wonder which plant or office will be sporting the most green logos at the end of the year?
Together, we can reach any goal we are all committed to attain. Being Green is a goal that helps us grow our company, be more profitable and most importantly creates a world we can be proud to hand down to our children; clearly, a goal worth all of our commitment!
Miközben haladunk a 2009-es évben, a világgazdaság továbbá is zűrös, ezért növekedett a szükségessége annak, hogy jobban odafigyeljünk fejlesztési stratégiáinkra.
Az elmúlt évek során fejlesztési stratégiánk központi elemét az ökologikus termékek és technológia alkotta. Teljesen tudatában vagyunk annak, hogy bolygónknak soha nem volt nagyobb szüksége ránk, mint most, hogy visszafordítsuk mindazt a kárt, amit környezetünknek okoztunk. Felismertük, hogy az ilyen jellegű termékek piaca növekedni fog a jövőben, mivelhogy nagyon sokan fognak környezetbarát termékeket vásárolni.
Ugyanakkor spórolhatunk azáltal is, hogy környezetbarát módon és tudatosan viselkedünk üzemeink működtetésekor és a különböző eljárások alkalmazásakor. Csökkenthetjük kiadásainkat és segíthetünk környezetünkön azáltal is, hogy hatékony, illetve természetes világítási forrásokat, természetes szellőztetést, hőellenálló mennyezetet, továbbá hatékonyabb fűtési és hűtési berendezéseket használunk, valamint olyan rendszereket helyezünk működésbe, melyek elősegítik a szennyvíz újrahasznosítását. Természetesen ide soroljuk a környezetbarát termékek előállítását is.
Jutalmazni és elismerni akarjuk a gyárak környezetbarát erőfeszítéseit és az olyan termékfejlesztő csapatok tevékenységét, akiknek értékes munkája hozzájárul környezetünk védelméhez. Ennek érdekében kifejlesztettünk egy jellegzetes szimbólumot, mellyel megjelöljük a környezetbarát eljárásokat, termékeket, berendezéseket vagy egyéb ilyen jellegű újításokat. Keresse ezt az emblémát a vállalatban! Az embléma jelenléte jelzi, hogy az adott környezetben egy újító eljárás, egy újfajta berendezés vagy egy új termék teljesíti a 10%-os energiatakarításra vonatkozó minimális követelményeket.
Természetesen érdeklődési körünk magába foglalja az Ön környezetbarát javaslatait is; ezek a javaslatok fontosak, és segítenek Önnek megvalósítani a 2009-es évre tervezett célkitűzéseit. Vajon melyik gyár vagy iroda fogja a legtöbb zöld emblémát felmutatni az év végén?
Együtt elérhetünk bármilyen kitűzött célt. A környezetbarát viselkedés olyan cél, mely elősegíti vállalatunk fejlesztését, nyereségének növekedését, és ami a legfontosabb, ezáltal egy olyan világot alkothatunk, melyet büszkén átadhatunk utódainknak, és ezért a célért érdemes elköteleznünk magunkat!
Master's degree - Translation Studies and Terminology, Department of Applied Modern Languages, Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania
Years of experience: 25. Registered at Apr 2003. Became a member: Feb 2005.
English to Hungarian (Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU) Russian to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) English to Hungarian (Asociatia Traducatorilor din Romania) English to Romanian (Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU)
English to Romanian (Asociatia Traducatorilor din Romania) English to Romanian (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Foreign Applied Languages, verified) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) English to Hungarian (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Foreign Applied Languages, verified) English to Hungarian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) Romanian to Hungarian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Moldavian to Romanian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Romanian to Russian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Hungarian to Moldavian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Romanian to Moldavian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) English to Moldavian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Russian to Moldavian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Hungarian to Russian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) English to Russian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Moldavian to Russian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Moldavian to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Russian to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Russian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice) English to Hungarian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Romanian to English (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Foreign Applied Languages) Hungarian to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Russian to Romanian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Russian to Hungarian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) English to Romanian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) English to Romanian (American Translators Association) English to Hungarian (American Translators Association) Hungarian to Romanian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Moldavian to Hungarian (Chartered Institute of Linguists) Romanian to Russian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) English to Russian (Romanian Ministry of Justice) Romanian to English (Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU) English to Romanian (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) English to Hungarian (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) Hungarian to Romanian (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) Romanian to Hungarian (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) Romanian to English (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) Hungarian to English (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) Russian to Hungarian (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) Russian to Romanian (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) Russian to English (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) Romanian to Russian (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) Hungarian to Russian (Hungarian Education Authority (OH)) English to Russian (Hungarian Education Authority (OH))
Adobe Acrobat, Crowdin, FrameMaker, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Expert PDF 8 Creator, MS Office, Norton 360 Version 2.0 Antivirus, OmniPage Professional, PDF Converter Professional 5.0, Pagemaker, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Smartcat, Smartling, Subtitle Workshop, Trados Studio, Wordbee, Wordfast
The First Romanian Translator/Reviser at the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, Luxembourg
* * *
Professional translator, reviser, proofreader, editor, project manager since 2000//
January - June 2006 - Translator/reviser at the TRANSLATION CENTRE FOR THE BODIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Luxembourg//
February - June 2004 - Translation/revision trainee at the TRANSLATION CENTRE FOR THE BODIES OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Luxembourg//
MA in Translation Studies and Terminology, Department of Applied Modern Languages (LMA), Faculty of Letters, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj, Romania (2007-2008)//
Intensive Business English Language Course, Intensive English Language Program, ZONI Language Centers, New York, USA, August 2008//
Intensive Spanish Language Course, Curso super-intensivo de lengua española, Alicante, España, March 2013//
BA in English and Russian Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj, Romania (1994-1998)//
External Translator of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Translation. Two framework contracts (EN-RO, technical documents, in the fields of Transport, Energy, Telecommunications, Information Technology, Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment, and Natural Sciences)//
External Translator of the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, Luxembourg//
MA in Slavic Studies, Faculty of Letters, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj, Romania (1998-1999)//
Russian Language Studies, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation (1996, 2002)//
International Summer Language School at the University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic (summer of 1997 and 1998)//
Russian Language Course, Lexicon-Clasic Schools of Languages, Kishinev, Republic of Moldova, 2023//
Business English Language Course, English Language Program, ZONI Language Centers, New York, New York City, Manhattan, USA, May 2024//
Member of the American Translators Association (ATA) since 2005
Member (MCIL) of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) since 2007
Member of the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) since 2017
Member of the International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI) since 2011
Member of the New York Circle of Translators (NYCT) since 2017
Sworn Translator/Interpreter certified by the Romanian Ministry of Justice for English-Russian-Romanian
Certified Translator and Interpreter for Hungarian-Romanian-Russian-English - certified by the Hungarian Education Auhtority (OH)
Chartered Translator and Interpreter for English-Moldovan-Russian-Romanian-Hungarian - Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL)
- Personal Documents Translation: Certificates, Diplomas, Transcripts, Licenses, IDs, Passports, Records, Travelling Documents, Military Records/Documents, References, Applications, CVs, etc.
- Business / Commerce
- Marketing / Market Research
- Automotive / Cars / Trucks / Technical Documentation
- Tourism and Travel
- Transport / Transportation / Shipping
- Internet / E-commerce / IT
- Oil and Gas Industry
- Legal (contracts, agreements, affidavits, etc.)
- Localization
- EU Documents
Translator/reviser for Romanian (January-June 2006) at the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, Luxembourg, language combinations: English/French-Romanian/Hungarian, fields: Agriculture, Environment, Market, Trade Marks and Designs, Education, Culture, Human Rights Protection, Legal, Vocational Training, Social Affairs, etc.).
Full-time translation/revision traineeship (February-June 2004) at the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, Luxembourg.
2004-present - Translation in various fields, such as: Law, Agriculture, Environment, Finance, Education, Market, Trademarks, etc. for the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, Luxembourg.
July 2009-present - External Translator of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Translation. Two framework contracts (EN-RO, technical documents, in the fields of Transport, Energy, Telecommunications, Information Technology, Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment and Natural Sciences).
2002-present - Translations for SPECTUS ROMANIA SRL, Cluj, Romania mainly in the technical field: user manuals, window systems, product presentations, product installation and maintenance, transport, legal documents translation, etc.
Translation of technical documentation (more than 100 000 words, RO-HU, HU-RO, EN-RO) for S.C. ASSIX S.R.L., Cluj, Romania. Fields: Construction, Electronics, Equipments, Machinery, Technical, etc.
Legal, technical translations and translations of road constructions, highway construction for CFEB – Centre Français d’Etudes Bibliographiques, Beauvais, France.
Translation and revising for ABCTranslate, LinguaLinx Language Solutions Inc., Spectus s.r.o./s.r.l., TRADEURO srl, Carlito srl, Mobil Service srl, Sampha Consult srl, TransLing Translation & Consultancy, Total Term s.r.l., ATW Translations, Autoworld srl, Universe Technical Translation Inc., Pambac, FINEX 5.0 Kft., Glyph Language Services, CETRA Language Solutions, Focus Translation, Multi-Languages Corporation, Pantransnet, Holidaycars Group B.V., NewTech Infosystems Inc., MasterWord Services Inc., Eurotranslations, Janus Worldwide Inc., The Language Source, CFEB SARL, TransPerfect Translations, LEXIKA sro, Multi-Lingua Kft., Entirenet LLC, Alpha Translation Services Inc, Impact Language Solutions Kft., 24/7-Translations, Olive Translations Ltd., STEP Limited, Rebuild Babel, In Every Language, Marsolutions Ltd., etc.
2000-present - Translation and revision (more than 50 000 pages translated) for S.C. CARLITO S.R.L. Translation Company, Kristin Translation Agency, TRADEURO S.R.L., SPECTUS S.R.L., TOTAL TERM S.R.L., AUTOWORLD S.R.L., SAMPHA CONSULT S.R.L., EUROKYT S.R.L., etc. Fields: automotive, electronics, EU, IT, legal, marketing, personal documents, transcripts, medical certificates, contracts, agreements, business letters, etc.
Translation of various service manuals and technical presentations, technical documentation, offers (Chevrolet, Volkswagen, Audi, Ford, etc.).
2002-2003 - Teaching English/Translation of personal documents for BRIDGE LANGUAGE STUDY HOUSE, Heltai Gáspár Library Foundation, Cluj-Napoca.
Participant in the ATA-American Translators Association 65th Annual Conference, 30 October-2 November 2024, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem / Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Budapest, Hungary, 27 September 2024
Participant in NAJIT (National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators) 45th Annual Conference - Exploring the Future of T&I, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 16-19 May 2024.
Participant in TranslateCluj 2024 - A Quest for Quality, Cluj-Napoca, Hilton Hotel Cluj, Romania, 20-23 March 2024.
Participant in Translating Europe Workshop - Unlocking Borders: Post-Editing Machine Translation Nowadays and Beyond. Challenges and Practices, Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania, 15 March 2024.
Participant in the IAPTI-International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters International Conference, The University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I", Timisoara, Romania, 10-13 November 2023.
Participant in the ATA-American Translators Association 64th Annual Conference, 24-28 October 2023, Miami, Florida, USA.
Participant in Translating Europe Workshop - Language for specific purposes: Building the bridge between academics and language practitioners, Faculty of Letters, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania, 11-12 May 2023.
Participant in TranslateCluj 2023 - Learn. Grow. Thrive. Event for Language Professionals, Cluj-Napoca, Hilton Hotel Cluj, Romania, 23-25 March 2023.
Participant in The 44th Translating and the Computer Conference - TC 44, AsLing - The International Association for Advancement in Language Technology, Luxembourg, 24-25 November 2022.
Participant in the International Translation Day 2022 - ITD 2022, - online, 26-29 September 2022.
Participant in TranslateCluj 2022 - Together Again. Event for Language Professionals, Cluj-Napoca, Hilton Hotel Cluj, Romania, 19-20 May 2022.
Participant in the International Translation Day 2021 - ITD 2021, - online, 28-30 September 2021.
Participant in the ATA-American Translators Association 61st Annual Conference, 21-24 October 2020, USA.
Participant in the ATA-American Translators Association 60th Annual Conference, 22-26 October 2019, Palm Springs, California, USA.
Participant in the Competitive Edge Conference, 25th Anniversary, 23 July 2019, New York, USA.
Participant in the New York 2019 Technology Expo - TECHSPO, 9-10 May 2019, New York, USA.
Participant in the ATA-American Translators Association 59th Annual Conference, 23-27 October 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Participant in the ATA-American Translators Association 58th Annual Conference, 24-28 October 2017, Washington, DC, USA.
Participant in the ATA-American Translators Association 57th Annual Conference, 1-5 November 2016, San Francisco, California, USA.
Participant in the 2016 International Conference, 2-4 September 2016, organized by – the world's largest community of professional translators, Stockholm, Sweden.
Participant in the ATA-American Translators Association 56th Annual Conference, 3-7 November 2015, Miami, Florida, USA.
Participant in the 2015 International Conference, 12-14 June 2015, organized by – the world's largest community of professional translators, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Participant in the Conference of Hungarian Translators and Interpreters (Magyar Fordítók és Tolmácsok Napja, XVII. Fordítástudományi Konferencia), Translating Europe Workshop, 8-10 April 2015, organized by Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Humanities and OFFI (Országos Fordító és Fordításhitelesítő Iroda), Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the ATA-American Translators Association 55th Annual Conference, 4-8 November 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Participant in the Conference of Hungarian Translators and Interpreters (Magyar Fordítók és Tolmácsok Napja), 10-11 April 2014, organized by Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Humanities and OFFI (Országos Fordító és Fordításhitelesítő Iroda), Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the Translators and Interpreters Autumn Conference (Fordítók és Tolmácsok Őszi Konferenciája), 27 September 2013, organized by Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Association of Hungarian Translation Companies, Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the CIOL Workshop, Saxon House, 15 March 2013, London, UK.
Participant in the Language Show Live, 19-21 October 2012, Olympia, London, UK.
Participant in the Translators and Interpreters Autumn Conference (Fordítók és Tolmácsok Őszi Konferenciája), 28 September 2012, organized by Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Association of Hungarian Translation Companies, Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the Translators and Interpreters Autumn Conference (Fordítók és Tolmácsok Őszi Konferenciája), 30 September 2011, organized by Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Association of Hungarian Translation Companies, Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the Conference of Hungarian Translators and Interpreters (Magyar Fordítók és Tolmácsok Napja), 7-8 April 2011, organized by Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Humanities and OFFI (Országos Fordító és Fordításhitelesítő Iroda), Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the 7th International Conference, 2-3 October 2010, organized by – the world's largest community of professional translators, Prague, Czech Republic.
Participant in the Translators and Interpreters Autumn Conference (Fordítók és Tolmácsok Őszi Konferenciája), 01 October 2010, organized by Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Institute of Modern Languages, Association of Hungarian Translation Companies, Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the intensive training course Building the Competences Required for Translating and Revising Legal Texts organized by the European Institute of Romania, Translation Coordination Department, 3-5 March 2010, Bucharest, Romania.
Participant in the Regional Conference, 27-29 November 2009, organized in Vienna by – the world's largest community of professional translators, Vienna, Austria.
Participant in the Translators and Interpreters Autumn Conference (Fordítók és Tolmácsok Őszi Konferenciája), 25 September 2009, organized by Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Institute of Modern Languages, Association of Hungarian Translation Companies, Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the ITI (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) International Conference on Sustainability in Translation (ITI’s 22nd Conference), Institution of Mechanical Engineering, One Birdcage Walk, 16-17 May 2009, London, UK.
Participant in the Conference on Legal Translations (English and French), 7-8 November 2008, (Traducerea juridică - engleză/franceză) organized by the ATR - Romanian Translators Association, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Participant in the Translators and Interpreters Autumn Conference (Fordítók és Tolmácsok Őszi Konferenciája), 26 September 2008, organized by Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Institute of Modern Languages, Association of Hungarian Translation Companies, Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the Seminar about the European Standard SR EN 15038, 5 April 2008, (Seria de seminarii "Traducătorul în faţa Standardului European SR EN 15038") organized by the ATR - Romanian Translators Association, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Participant in the International Day of Hungarian Translators and Interpreters, 27-28 March 2008, organized by the ELTE FTT (ELTE Fordító és Tolmácsképző Tanszék) Department of Translation and Interpreting, Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the International Seminar Tools for Assisted Translation, 28-29 February 2008, organized by the Latin Union, Romanian Academy, STAR, Ambassade de France en Roumanie, Association Europeenne de Terminologie, Comitetul Electrotehnic Român, Asociaţia Română de Terminologie, Bucharest, Romania.
Participant in the Translators and Interpreters Autumn Conference, 28 September 2007, organized by Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Modern Languages, Association of Hungarian Translation Companies, Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the 5th International Conference, 28 April - 1 May 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
Participant in the 3rd ATR Annual Conference, 15-17 March 2007, organized by the Romanian Translators Association (ATR) in Sibiu, European Capital of Culture in 2007, Sibiu, Romania.
Participant in the ATR Workshop, 23 September 2006, organized by the Romanian Translators Association (ATR) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
American English in Focus
(American English-British English-Romanian-Hungarian), 2nd Edition, NAPOCA STAR Publishing House, 2006, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
American English in Focus, DACIA Publishing House, 2003, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: translation of personal and official documents, personal documents, documents, sworn translations, cluj, kolozsvar, transilvania, transylvania, erdely, juhasz. See more.translation of personal and official documents, personal documents, documents, sworn translations, cluj, kolozsvar, transilvania, transylvania, erdely, juhasz, automotive, cars, trucks, construction, civil engineering, business, commerce, law, engineering, tourism, travel, environment, ecology, finance, education, pedagogy, insurance, business, marketing, oil and gas extraction, brand name analysis, personal documents translation, fordito, forditas, magyar, roman, angol, juhasz, jozsef, juhasz jozsef, iosif, juhasz iosif, iosif juhasz, english to romanian translations, english to hungarian translations, translator, IT, computers, technical, localization, PC, software, hardware, certificates, diploma, english-romanian translations, english-hungarian translations, contracts, patents, trademarks, software localization, website translation, user manuals, user guides, European Union, proofreading, editing, project manager, translation project management, translation project manager, fixer, driver, Translation Centre, Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union, EU, Tradeuro, Asociatia Traducatorilor din Romania, ATR, Romanian Translators Association, ATA, American Translators Association, Chartered Institute of Linguists, IOL, International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters, IAPTI, exam invigilator and supervisor, exam invigilation and supervision, forditoiroda kolozsvar, forditas kolozsvar, kolozsvár. See less.
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