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Slovenian to English: Oncology: Abstracts General field: Medical Detailed field: Other
Source text - Slovenian Progresivna multifokalna levkoencefalopatija po rituksimabu pri bolniku z recidivnim limfomom plaščnih celic v popolni remisiji
Tanja Roš, Matej Horvat, Mara Popović, Barbara Jezeršek Novaković
Progresivna multifokalna levkoencefalopatija (PML) je redko in običajno smrtno demielinizacijsko obolenje možganov, ki se razvije skoraj izključno pri bolnikih z imunsko pomanjkljivostjo in je posledica reaktivacije latentne okužbe s polioma virusom JC. V zadnjih letih so opisani tudi primeri PML po zdravljenju z rituksimabom. Predstavljamo naš prvi potrjeni primer PML pri 55-letnem HIV-negativnem bolniku z recidivnim limfomom plaščnih celic, pri katerem so raka uspešno zdravili s kemoterapijo in rituksimabom ter z avtologno presaditvijo perifernih krvotvornih matičnih celic (PKMC). S primerom želimo opozoriti na pomembnost PML v diferencialni diagnozi pri bolnikih z napredujočo nevrološko simptomatiko in imunsko pomanjkljivostjo po zdravljenju limfoma z rituksimabom ter pomembnost zgodnjega prepoznavanja te bolezni z dokazom JC-virusne okužbe v likvorju ali v vzorcu stereotaktične biopsije možganov.
Translation - English Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy following rituximab therapy in a patient with a relapsed mantle cell lymphoma in complete remission
Tanja Roš, Matej Horvat, Mara Popović, Barbara Jezeršek Novaković
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a rare and usually fatal demyelinating disease of the brain that is developed almost exclusively in patients with immunodeficiency and is a result of a latent infection with the JC polyomavirus. In recent years, several cases of PML have been reported following rituximab therapy. We present our first confirmed case of PML in a 55-year-old HIV-negative patient with a relapsed mantle cell lymphoma who was treated successfully with chemotherapy, rituximab and autologous transplantation of peripheral haematopoietic stem cells (PHSC). By reporting this case we wish to draw attention to the importance of PML in differential diagnosis of patients with a progressing neurological symptoms and immunodeficiency following lymphoma treatment with rituximab and stress the importance of early detection of this disease with evidence of JC virus infection in the cerebrospinal fluid or stereotactic brain biopsy sample.
English to Slovenian: Mathematics Education in Europe General field: Other Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English Mathematics curricula lay down all the essential learning aims and outcomes of mathematics education. In the past years, and especially since 2007, the great majority of European countries have revised their mathematics curricula, adopting an outcome-based approach whereby the focus lies on developing students’ competences and skills rather than on theoretical content. The amount of mathematics content in the curriculum has decreased while cross-curricular links, problem-solving and the application of knowledge has increased. This integral approach tends to be more comprehensive and flexible in responding to the needs of a diverse range of learners, as well as to their ability to understand the purpose of mathematics applications in the real world.
However, the report also reveals that central authorities are generally falling short on providing sufficient guidance to teachers for implementing the revised curriculum. Providing the necessary support to teachers while respecting their didactic autonomy remains therefore a challenge in Europe.
Translation - Slovenian Učni načrti za matematiko določajo vse bistvene učne cilje in rezultate pouka matematike. V preteklih letih, še posebno od leta 2007, je velika večina evropskih držav pričela s revidiranjem svojih matematičnih kurikulumov, ki temelji na pristopu na podlagi izidov, pri čemer največ pozornosti namenjajo razvoju kompetenc in spretnosti učencev in ne teoretični vsebini. V kurikulumu je matematične vsebine vedno manj, več pozornosti pa se posveča medpredmetnemu povezovanju, razreševanju težav in uporabi znanja. Takšen integralni pristop naj bi bil celovitejši in fleksibilnejši v smislu naslavljanja potreb raznolike populacije učencev in upoštevanja njihove sposobnosti razumeti namen rabe matematike v realnem svetu.
Poročilo pojasnjuje tudi, da osrednje oblasti učiteljem na splošno ne zagotavljajo zadostnih smernic za izvedbo revidiranega kurikuluma. Zagotavljanje potrebne podpore učiteljem ob hkratnem upoštevanju njihove didaktične avtonomije v Evropi zato ostaja velik izziv.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Feb 2011. Became a member: May 2013.
Slovenian to English (University of Maribor, verified) English to Slovenian (University of Maribor, verified)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Catalyst, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, OmniPage, Subtitle Workshop, Subtitler, Visual SubSync, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast, XTM
I am a native speaker of the Slovenian language with a B.A. in Translation and Interpretation Studies (English & Slovenian) and another B.A. in History.
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