Working languages:
English to German
French to German

Christina Wieling
Friendly, reliable, experienced

Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Local time: 21:03 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: German 
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Graduate Translator
Christina Wieling

Qualified, native German, technical translator for the languages English, French and German, holding a triple qualification in Translations since 2005.

Extensive experience with translating operating instructions, user manuals, software specifications, product descriptions, websites, brochures, e-learning materials, legal documents, etc.

Professional background

Since 2013: Freelance translator
2010-2013: Inhouse translator for a German automation company
​2007-2010: PR Manager for a German financial consultancy

Academic background

German diploma in translation (Diplom-Übersetzerin), FH Köln, Germany
Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in Applied Modern Languages, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK
Maîtrise Internationale en Langues Etrangères Appliquées, Aix-en-Provence, France

Fields of expertise

Automation technology

Translation of technical descriptions, data sheets, product catalogues, operating instructions, test reports and glossaries, covering automotive, energy and food & beverage industries, sensor technology, object recognition, diagnostic and identification systems, networking and control systems, AS-Interface, bus systems, PCB technology, production processes, logistics, machinery, etc.

Information technology

Translation of software specifications, online help texts, databases, getting started guides, documentation, etc.

Internet, Multimedia, e-commerce

Translation of websites, especially Wordpress, web shops, user interfaces, animations, video speaker texts, web news, e-learning files, etc.

Marketing & PR

Translation of press releases, media kits, presentations, company magazines, corporate image brochures, flyers, bulletins, questionnaires, newsletters, etc.

Economics/Business (general)

Commercial texts, corporate publishing, balance sheets, contracts, management documents, meeting minutes, offers, organisation charts, general correspondence, etc.


Translation memory maintenance
Terminology maintenance


Working with Déjà Vu (expert knowledge), basic knowledge of OmegaT, SDL Passolo, Sisulizer and Poedit
Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), OpenOffice, Adobe Acrobat, knowledge of HTML, installing and maintaining Wordpress sites and Adobe CS (Photoshop, Illustrator)
Current setup: Windows 8.1, MS Office 2010, Déjà Vu X2 Professional (version 8.0.640)

Please contact me or visit my website for more information.
Keywords: english, german, french, englisch, deutsch, französisch, anglais, allemand, français, automation. See more.english, german, french, englisch, deutsch, französisch, anglais, allemand, français, automation, technology, IT, computer, marketing, research, tourism, travel, media, multimedia, manufacturing, internet, e-commerce, contracts, Verträge, law, recht, droit, public relations, advertising, werbung, software, electronics, energy, energie, medical, medizin, medicine, psychology, psychologie, localization, lokalisierung, dvx, dejavu, trados, manuals, handbücher, manuels, specifications, spezifikation, operating instructions, bedienungsanleitungen, gebrauchsanweisungen, notices d'utilisation, website, webseiten, sites web, hotel sector, hôtellerie, localisation, translating, proofreader, editor, revision, revising, review, reviewing, transcription, transcribing, flyer, brochure, leaflet, online, campsite, camping, restaurant, hospitality, catering, caterer, cuisine, cooking, gastronomy, gourmet, estate agent, estate agency, real estate, property, document, environment, ecology, NGO, relectrice, édition, en ligne, hospitalité, restauration, plein-air, traiteur, voyages, SAP, applications, Applikationen, correspondence, Korrespondenz, proofreading, Korrekturlesen, relecture, lectrice, lecteur, translation, translator, traductions, traductrice, traducteur, übersetzer, übersetzerin, language, langue, sprache, editing, quality, experience, qualität, erfahrung, text, fachtexte, uebersetzung, uebersetzer, service, photoshop, illustrator, indesign, automatisierung, automatismes, technologie, informatique, recherche, tourismus, tourisme, reise, voyage, medien, fachübersetzungen, Kfz-, Reisen, Unterhaltungselektronik, Handys, mobile, portable, Smartphone, manutention, fabrication, material handling, fördertechnik, sensorik, sensoren, sensork sensors, capteurs, détecteurs, networking, control systems, Steuerungssysteme, systèmes de contrôle, position sensors, inductive sensors, Capacitive sensors, Magnetic sensors, Cylinder sensors, Photoelectric sensors for general applications, Photoelectric fork sensors, angle sensors, Laser sensors, distance measurement sensors, Fibre optic sensors, Photoelectric sensors for specific applications, Feedback systems for valves and valve actuators, Switching amplifiers, sensors for motion control, Encoders, Speed sensors, Inclination sensors, Pulse evaluation systems, industrial imaging, vision sensors, 3d cameras, illumination, light grids, relays, controllers, safety at work, pressure, vacuum, flow, level, process sensors, temperature, signal evaluation, I/O modules, fieldbus, IO-Link, industrial communication, identification systems, RFID, condition monitoring systems, vibration monitoring, diagnostic, singal converters, systems for mobile machines, connection technology, power supplies, connectors, sockets, plugs, splitter boxes, AS-Interface, Profibus, Positionssensoren, Industrielle Bildverarbeitung, Sicherheitstechnik, Prozesssensoren, Industrielle Kommunikation, Identifikationssysteme, Systeme zur Zustandsüberwachung von Maschinen, Systeme für mobile Arbeitsmaschinen, Verbindungstechnik, Détecteurs de position, Détecteurs pour le contrôle de mouvements, Vision industrielle, Technologie de sécurité, Capteurs process, Communication industrielle, Systèmes d'identification, Systèmes pour la surveillance d'états de machines, Systèmes pour engins mobiles, Technologie de connexion. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 8, 2024

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