Working languages:
English to Russian
English to Ukrainian

Iryna Makedon
Archive Research/Translation EN-UKR/RU

Kyiv, Kyiv, Misto, Ukraine
Local time: 00:58 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Ukrainian Native in Ukrainian
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May 12, 2022 (posted via  I provide the free initial archive and consulting services for the Ukrainian refugees and the American volunteers that I meet in Poland! ...more »
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Atlas Advisors, LLC (ATLAS), Rzeszow
                                             March-April, 2022

Professional services
(interpretation and translation, local advisor services) to the US Military

(Greece – Ukraine) Navy Project
"Combat Usage, Operation and Maintenance of ACLC (Air Cushion Landing
, Ukraine (Sevastopol – Feodosia)                                                 2000
– 2001

Interpreted lectures and practical
training for foreign navy officers; translated various technical and legal
documents, harbor and sea acceptance tests reports and other required
documents, managing day-to-day operation climate


Freelance translator/interpreter/archive researcher, Ukraine, Kyiv                     2007
– to present

Major recent projects:

Translation/editing online course on Ethics Training - on a regular basis.

Translation of various business
contracts (
related to VSAT
technologies for maritime applications), as well
reviews, business proposals, feasibility studies
– on a regular basis.

√ Interpretation of all communications between the
representatives (Switzerland, Ukraine) from international charitable
organization Caritas and local people at the camp for children whose parents
were the victims of human trafficking

√ Interpretation at business meetings between top
management staff of leading Ukrainian banks and the representatives of
European bank in Kyiv and regions of Ukraine, translated from
Ukrainian/Russian into English banking documents

Hammer Intl. Group, Ukraine, USA (LA,California)                                                         
1998 – 2006

Marketing and
Translation division.  Project manager.
Translated from and into English project proposals, reports and other related
documents, translated the negotiations between American, Japanese and the CIS
partners, including partners from Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Baltic

Major projects: Petroleum and Petrochemical
projects, Hand power tools, Food processing and packaging equipment,
Construction materials, structures and components, equipment.


√ Archives search/Translation – Jewish/Germany/Slavic
– on a regular basis

Art research project “Not-figurative paintings of the beginning of
20th century in Russian/Ukrainian museums”,
Ukraine, Russia, Israel                                                     2009 – 2019

Translation and archival
research: Manager/Translator/Archive Researcher

Keywords: translation, interpreting, research, genealogy, avantgarde, wsat, business, ukraine, exhibition, malevich. See more.translation, interpreting, research, genealogy, avantgarde, wsat, business, ukraine, exhibition, malevich, paintings, ethic codes. See less.

Profile last updated
Dec 1, 2022

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