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Experienced medical translator - diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, equipments
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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Human Resources
Medical: Health Care
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Medical (general)
Medical: Cardiology
International Org/Dev/Coop
Medical: Instruments
Also works in:
Business/Commerce (general)
English to Portuguese - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 EUR per word / 40 - 40 EUR per hour
Source text - English I am particularly focused on healthcare projects, due to my 17 years of experience with a German pharmaceuticals and diagnostics company - Boehringer Mannheim Portugal.
During the time I worked for this company I had the opportunity to work very closely not only with the top management but also with the Finance, Human Resources, Pharmaceutical and Diagnostics Departments within the organization.
In May 97 Hoffman-La Roche acquired this company, leading to major structure alterations worldwide and locally. I saw then a good opportunity to start a new career as freelance translator, taking advantage of the professional contacts and experience acquired.
Translation - Portuguese Estive ligada à indústria farmacêutica durante mais de 17 anos, numa multinacional sedeada na Alemanha (Boehringer Mannheim Portugal), A minha posição na empresa era a de Assistente do Director Geral, em estreita articulação com os vários departamentos, desde os Recursos Humanos, Financeiro, Farmacêutico e de Diagnóstica.
Em Maio de 1987, quando esta empresa foi adquirida pela Hoffman-La Roche, processo que originou profundas mudanças estruturais na organização a nível internacional e nacional, vi uma oportunidade para sair da empresa e dar início a uma nova fase da minha carreira profissional, tirando partido da experiência e conhecimentos adquiridos.
English to Portuguese: Monography General field: Medical
Source text - English Summary
Animal toxicology studies have been conducted with XXX alone, in mice, rats and dogs and in combination with YYY in rats and dogs. In repeated dose toxicology studies in mice, rats and dogs, there were only limited effects of treatment with ZZZ. In rodents the target organs identified were the haematopoietic system, the blood coagulation system, liver and thyroid. A variable but limited decrease in red blood cell related parameters was observed, together with increases in activated PTT. Changes were observed in liver and thyroid. In the rat, the combination of YYY with ZZZ lead to a small increase in effect on RBC parameters, liver and thyroid and increased incidence of islet fibrosis in the pancreas (in male rats only) compared to treatment with YYY alone. In the dog, no major toxicity findings or target organs were identified up to exposures equivalent to clinical exposure at the recommended dose.
Translation - Portuguese Resumo
Foram conduzidos estudos toxicológicos em animais, com XXX em monoterapia, em ratinhos, ratos e cães e em combinação com YYY em ratos e cães. Em estudos toxicológicos de dose repetida em ratinhos, ratos e cães, verificaram-se apenas efeitos limitados do tratamento com ZZZ. Em roedores, os órgãos alvo identificados foram o sistema hematopoiético, o sistema de coagulação sanguínea, fígado e tiróide. Foi observada uma redução variável mas limitada nos parâmetros relacionados com glóbulos vermelhos, juntamente com aumentos do tempo de tromboplastina parcial (PTT) activado. Foram observadas alterações no fígado e tiróide. No rato, a combinação de YYY com ZZZ conduziu a um pequeno aumento do efeito nos parâmetros RBC (hemácias), fígado e tiróide e aumento da incidência de fibrose das ilhotas pancreáticas (apenas em ratos machos) em comparação com tratamento com darunavir em monoterapia. No cão, não foram identificadas conclusões importantes relativamente à toxicidade ou órgãos alvo, até valores de exposição equivalentes à exposição clínica com a dose recomendada.
English to Portuguese: Diagnostics
Source text - English Serological screening assays have greatly reduced, but not eliminated, the risk of transmission of viral infections by transfusion of blood and blood products. Testing of whole blood and source plasma donations for HBV was initiated with HBsAg assays in the early 1970s. In addition to HBV screening, blood and plasma donations are routinely tested for HIV-1 and HIV-2 by screening with enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) and for anti-HCV by EIAs. Public demand for higher standards of screening for infectious agents in transfusion products has fueled the advancement of nucleic acid test (NAT) technology.
Translation - Portuguese Os testes serológicos de rastreio reduziram grandemente, mas não eliminaram, o risco de transmissão de infecções virais por transfusão de sangue e de produtos sanguíneos. A realização de testes às dádivas de sangue total e de origem plasmática para detecção de HBV foi iniciada com os ensaios para HBsAg no início da década de 1970. Para além do rastreio para HBV, as dádivas de sangue e de plasma são testadas como rotina para HIV-1 e HIV-2 através de rastreio com imuno-ensaios enzimáticos (EIAs) e para anti-HCV através de EIAs. A procura pública de padrões mais elevados de rastreio de agentes infecciosos em produtos de transfusões impulsionou o avanço da tecnologia do teste de ácido nucleico (NAT).
Years of experience: 45. Registered at Feb 2010.
I am particularly focused on healthcare projects, due to my 17 years of experience with a German pharmaceuticals and diagnostics company - Boehringer Mannheim Portugal.
During the time I worked for this company I had the opportunity to work very closely not only with the top management but also with the Finance, Human Resources, Pharmaceutical and Diagnostics Departments within the organization.
In May 97 Hoffman-La Roche acquired this company, leading to major structure alterations worldwide and locally. I saw then a good opportunity to start a new career as freelance translator, taking advantage of the professional contacts and experience acquired.