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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Law: Contract(s)
Furniture / Household Appliances
Engineering (general)
Law (general)
Business/Commerce (general)
Medical: Instruments
Also works in:
Construction / Civil Engineering
Human Resources
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Science (general)
Education / Pedagogy
Engineering: Industrial
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Electronics / Elect Eng
German to Romanian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 25 EUR per hour
30 projects entered 8 positive feedback from outsourcers 1 positive feedback from colleagues
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 500000 words Duration: Jan 2010 to Dec 2016 Languages: German to Romanian
Ongoing automotive project
Ongoing project for the automotive industry. TPI (technical service instructions) updates for various car models, training programs for service employees, etc.
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
No comment.
Translation Volume: 400000 words Duration: Apr 2010 to Dec 2011 Languages:
German to Romanian
Service instructions (TPI) and training materials mainly for VW, Audi, Seat, Porsche
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
No comment.
Translation Volume: 30000 words Completed: Jan 2010 Languages:
German to Romanian
Civil Engineering 30.000 words
Baubeschreibung und detaillierte Beschreibung aller Installations-anlagen eines Mall-Gebäudes für eine funktionale Ausschreibung der technischen Gebäudeausrüstung.
Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8000 words Completed: Nov 2009 Languages: English to Romanian
8000 words of a User Guide
User guide of various VAX vacuum cleaners.
Electronics / Elect Eng
No comment.
Translation Volume: 30 pages Completed: Apr 2009 Languages: German to Moldavian
30 Seiten Handbuch Nachtsichtgerät
Eingehende Beschreibung (inkl. Menübeschreibung) eines Nachtsichtgerätes mit eingebautem Laserentfernungsmesser.
Electronics / Elect Eng
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Translation Volume: 50 words Completed: Mar 2009 Languages: German to Romanian
50.000 Wörter Transportmaschinen für Zeitschriftenproduktion
Eine Reihe von Fördermaschinen einer modernen Druckanlage, samt dazugehörige Automatik, inkl. Software-Texte.
Automation & Robotics
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8000 pages Completed: Feb 2007 Languages: English to Romanian
Contracts and internal documents
All kind of contracts, interior documents, auction documents, privatisation contracts for MOL Romania Petroleum Products SRL, for a period of 5 years.
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Colleague feedback:
Anca Oprita: Great professional, reliable partner, excellent collaboration. Highly recommended!
Translation Volume: 25 pages Completed: Dec 2008 Languages: German to Romanian
25 Seiten Gasanalysator
Sicherheitsanweisungen und Beschreibung eines Gasanalysators mit computergesteuerter Bedienung.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 80 pages Completed: Nov 2008 Languages: German to Romanian
80 Seiten Bedienungsanleitung Druckluftförderer
Eine komplette Anlage zur Vorbereitung und Transport von Mischgut (Estrich): Sicherheitsvorschriften, Beschreibung der Komponenten, Bedienung der Anlage anhand der Steuereinheit, Wartung und Instandsetzung.
Engineering: Industrial
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Translation Volume: 15.8 words Completed: Jul 2008 Languages: German to Romanian
15.800 words of a skiving machine
Detailed description and terminology of a skiving machine (Schärfmaschine) for circular saw blades, including the CNC part.
positive Unlisted : Freely adapted from "Casablanca" : "I think this is the start of a beautiful collaboration!"
Translation Volume: 7000 words Completed: Apr 2008 Languages: German to Romanian
Air Tools Catalogue
An updated catalogue of pneumatic tools.
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Translation Volume: 105000 words Completed: Feb 2008 Languages: German to Romanian
105.000 words in Marketing
A complex training program of how vendors of a fashion department store have to be trained in order to become professional vendors.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8000 words Completed: Nov 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
Train station rehabilitation / Bahnhofsanierung
Rehabilitation of a railway station from the floor to the roof going through Mauerwerk, Verputze, Abdichtungen usw.
Construction / Civil Engineering
positive : No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 8 pages Completed: Nov 2007 Languages: English to Romanian
Supply contract
Proofreading of the contract; introducing changes operated by the parties
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 25 pages Completed: Nov 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
25 pages of technical translation
Complete description of the vehicle body and its equipment (electric, hydraulic and pressure pipe system)
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
No comment.
Translation Volume: 7 pages Completed: Nov 2007 Languages: English to Romanian
7 pages of a chemical product presentation
Safety data sheet of an insecticide.
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8000 words Completed: Oct 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
8000 words of technical translation
User manual of a blood sugar meter (Blutzuckermessgerät)
Medical: Instruments
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3222 words Completed: Sep 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
Technical manual
User manual of a deep fryer.
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2000 words Completed: Sep 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
2000 words of a technical manual
User manual of secateurs.
Marketing, Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 11 pages Completed: Sep 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
Insurance contract
Insurance contract regarding vehicles.
No comment.
Translation Volume: 7 pages Completed: Aug 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
Geotechnical report - 7 pages
A geotechnical report for Kaufland Supermarket.
Construction / Civil Engineering
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 5 hours Completed: Jun 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
Mobile crane terminology validation
Proofreading of mobile crane terminology in Romanian.
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4500 words Completed: Aug 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
Fifteen pages of a technical manual
Technical manual of an agricultural machinery:
safety and security provisions,
how to handle the machine
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1290 words Completed: Jul 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
Powerpoint-Presentation (company presentation)!
Presentation of an important German company implied in power generation.
Energy / Power Generation
No comment.
Translation Volume: 8000 words Completed: Jun 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
28 pages in animal food
Presentation sheets of animal food products (pigs, cows and sheep)
general description, biochemical composition,
how to administer food in respect of weight and age
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6000 words Completed: Apr 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
6.000 words in a project of water cleaning system
Water treatment installations with several drawings
Engineering (general)
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 20 hours Completed: Apr 2007 Languages: English to Romanian
Validation of a questionnaire
Linguistic questionnaire on life quality in breast cancer patients.
I was asked to check the language quality of the questionnaire by
using 10 patients with breast cancer.
Medical (general)
positive Unlisted : Catalina did a faulous job with linguistic validation of a medical questionnaire. I would not hesitate to recommend her. Good communication, early delivery, excellent work.
Translation Volume: 6 pages Completed: Mar 2007 Languages: German to Romanian
6 pages of a musical text
Much more a problem of style than of specific terms
No comment.
Translation Volume: 10000 words Completed: Apr 2006 Languages: German to Romanian
Sanitary Products Catalogue
Marketing, Engineering: Industrial
positive Blue Board outsourcer (50 to 100 entries): No comment.
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer
Sample translations submitted: 2
German to Romanian: Die Gegenwart als Vergangenheit
Source text - German Diese zeitliche Schwebe ähnelt der eschatologischen Zeitlosigkeit oder der Zeit, die am Ende aller Zeiten herrscht. In seinem letzten Buch DPP/NN hat Viktor Pelevin all die apokalyptischen Vorstellungen beschrieben, die im zeitgenössischen Russland von Bankern, Gaunern und Polizeibeamten vertreten werden. Diese groteske Phantasmagorie der Endzeit, die als Privatangelegenheit erlebt wird, ist im Wahnsinn der Hauptfigur Stepa Michailov verwurzelt, der mit der verbleibenden Zeit zu spielen und das drohende Ende durch die Beschwörung magischer Zahlen aufzuhalten versucht. Zeit und Geschichte verschwinden ganz und gar in einer unzeitlichen Zahlenparanoia. Pelevins Buch stellt somit die moderne russische Eschatologie auf treffende Weise als ein rein allegorisches Spiel privater Obsessionen dar. In gewisser Weise ist es eine trash-Allegorie. Die Melancholie, die derartige Allegorien durchströmt, ist jedoch nicht an die Vergangenheit gebunden, sondern vielmehr an eine Gegenwart, die immer wieder als bereits verloren erscheint oder aber hinter ein weiteres Bruchstück der kaleidoskopischen Reihe zurücktritt. Es handelt sich um die Melancholie des ‚Eschaton‘, der unzeitlichen Zeit.
Trash privilegiert die Nicht-Literatur als eine Fundgrube von dekontextualisierten literarischen und mythologischen Figuren (wie wir von Benjamin wissen, steht der Mythos der Allegorie sehr nahe). Trash begreift die Wirklichkeit stets in Begriffen jener Figuren, die aus der Literaturgeschichte bestens bekannt sind: die Guten und die Schurken, die unschuldigen Mädchen usw. Wirklichkeit hat keinerlei Bedeutung, solange sie nicht in den Figuren verkörpert werden kann. Und derlei Figuren gestatten es, jedwede Bedeutung in völlig geschlossenen Bildern einzukapseln.
Translation - Romanian Această plutire în timp seamănă într-un fel cu eternitatea eschatologică sau cu timpul care domneşte la capătul tuturor timpurilor. În ultimul său volum DPP/NN Viktor Pelevin a prezentat toate scenariile apocaliptice reprezentate în Rusia contemporană de bănci, escroci şi funcţionari de poliţie. Această fantasmagorie grotescă a sfârşitului lumii, trăită ca eveniment personal, este înrădăcinată în nebunia personajului principal, Stepa Michailov. El încearcă să se joace cu timpul care a mai rămas şi să împiedice apocalipsa pin invocarea unor cifre magice. Timpul şi istoria dispar pur şi simplu într-o paranoia atemporală de cifre. Cartea lui Pelevin prezintă în mod inspirat eschatologia modernă a Rusiei ca pe un joc alegoric al unor obsesii private. Într-o oarecare măsură e voba de o alegorie trash. Melancolia care traversează asemenea alegorii nu este legată de trecut, ci mai curând de un prezent care pare mereu a fi deja pierdut, sau pare un timp care se retrage în spatele unor fragmente dintr-o serie caleidoscopică. Aveam de a face aici cu melancolia ‘eschatonului’, a timpului dincolo de timp.
Trash-ul privilegiază non-literatura ca pe o mină de aur cu figuri literare şi mitologice decontextualizate (aşa cum ştim de la Benjamin, mitul şi alegoria sunt înrudite). Trash-ul percepe realitatea în termenii unor figuri arhicunoscute din istoria literară : tipii buni şi escrocii, fetele nevinovate, etc. Realitatea nu are de fapt nici o semnificaţie în afara acestor figuri. Asemenea figuri permit ţintuirea oricărei semnificaţii în imagini perfect închise.
English to Romanian: standard
Source text - English Introduction
A Permit to Work is a documented system used as part of a safe system of work for potentially hazardous tasks. The system will apply to employees and contractors. It defines the work to be done, where it is to be done, when it is to be done, by whom and precautions to be taken. Completion of a permit does not ensure safety, but together with risk assessments, method statements and procedures they can ensure that risks are recognized and minimized. For every Permit to Work (PTW) there should be a relevant procedure: -
The following definitions will apply (Ref OHSAS 18001): -
Hazard - Source or situation with a potential for harm in terms of injury or ill health, damage to property, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these.
Risk - Combination of the likelihood and consequence(s) of a specified hazardous event occurring. .
Risk Assessment – Overall process of estimating the magnitude of risk and deciding whether or not the risk is tolerable
Safe Systems of Work
A specific control measure that directs personnel to work in a particular way is called a Safe System Of Work. The three categories to be used are: -
Safety Rules
Safe Work Procedures
Permit to Work procedures
Translation - Romanian Introducere
Un permis de lucru este un sistem documentat folosit ca parte a unui sistem de siguranţă de lucru pentru operaţii potenţial periculoase. Sistemul se aplică angajaţilor şi contractanţilor. El defineşte operaţia ce trebuie făcută, unde să fie făcută, când, de către cine şi cu ce precauţii. Îndeplinirea permisului nu garantează siguranţa de lucru, dar împreună cu evaluarea de risc, cu metodele şi procedurile de lucru stabilite se poate determina o recunoaştere şi o minimalizare a riscurilor. Pentru fiecare permis de lucru (PTW) trebuie să existe o procedură aferentă : -
Se vor utiliza următoarele definiţii (Ref OHSAS 18001
Pericol – sursă sau situaţie care implică un pericol potenţial la adresa integrităţii şi sănătăţii angajaţilor, avarii ale bunurilor, deteriorări ale mediului sau o combinaţie a acestora.
Risc – combinaţie dintre probabilitatea apariţiei unui anumit pericol şi consecinţele sale. . Evaluarea riscului – Procesul integral de estimare a amplorii riscului şi decizia cu privire la suportabilitatea acestuia.
Sisteme de siguranţa muncii
O măsură specifică de control care constrânge personalul să acţioneze într-un anumit mod se numeşte sistem de siguranţă a muncii. Cele trei categorii aplicabile sunt : -
Regulamentul de siguranţă
Proceduri de siguranţa muncii
Proceduri ale permisului de lucru
German to Romanian (Certificate of Translator, verified) German to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) German to Romanian (Faculty of Letters, UBB, verified)
■ Contracts, marketing and business documents (GE>RO) :
- MOL Romania: all contracts, internal documents, notifications, job charts, etc.
- Safety, health and security standards for RIGIPS Romania
■ Legal documents (GE>RO) :
- Expression of interest in the privatisation of SNP Petrom SA
- General agreement for BECHTEL
- Translation of the legal letters and documents in a compensation claim defended by Eisenberger Herzog Rechtsanwaltssozietät
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