Working languages:
German to Italian
French to Italian
English to Italian

Elisa Farina Professional Trainer
Technics, Tourism, Marketing & Politics

Local time: 07:12 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Italian 
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What Elisa Farina is working on
Jun 10, 2021 (posted via  German > Italian – Translation of the history of the wood industry in an Alpine valley. As we all know, many musical instruments are made of wood. But… what's the name of the specific parts of each instrument? For instance, what's the "Decke" of a violin? Well, in Italian it's called "tavola armonica" or "tavola di risonanza". | | ...more, + 74 other entries »
Total word count: 223500

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You are welcome to visit my website as well as my LinkedIn profile.

Feel free to download my CV in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.

For any additional information, don't hesitate to contact me: [email protected].



Freelance translator and interpreter based in Zaragoza (Spain) - Holder of VAT number (VIES)

Italian native speaker.
Working languages: English, German, Spanish, French.



Translation & Proofreading       

Liaison & Phone Interpreting     



Language lessons

  • DE > IT
  • FR > IT
  • EN > IT
  • ES > IT
  • IT <> ES
  • IT <> EN
  • IT <> DE
  • Italian
  • Female
  • IT
  • ES
  • EN
  • DE
  • IT
  • ES
  • EN
  • DE

Other services I offer:

TM creation on the basis of bilingual texts (only if the two languages belong to my working languages), TB creation, MT post-editing, professional training for translators.


Software and CAT Tools

OS: Windows 10

MS Office 2013 & 2007

SDL Trados Studio 2019 & 2015




MA Conference Interpreting - SSLMIT (Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators) of the University of Trieste (ITALY) - March 2009

> BA Translation and Interpreting - SSLMIT (Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators) of the University of Trieste (ITALY) - October 2005

> I strongly believe in the importance and effectiveness of lifelong learning. Please feel free to have a look at the several courses, webinars and training sessions I've attended over the years in my CV.




  • Technical specifications, user manuals and catalogues → Household appliance, utensil and household product instructions and brochures for non-professional consumers. Manuals and instructions for machine and system assembly and maintenance for company employees and factories.
  • Public utility services → Specialised magazines and training courses for the water, gas and electricity sectors: water networks, power supply, etc.
  • HVAC → Websites, catalogues, magazines and press releases for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. 


  • HORECA → Websites, catalogues, brochures, presentations and menus for hotels, restaurants, wellness centres, bars, wineries, etc.
  • Culture and sports → Websites, information boards, guides, event programmes, tour descriptions and brochures for tourism offices, museums, natural parks, sports centres, etc.


  • Online and offline communication tools and campaigns for companies in a wide variety of industries. Press releases, blog articles and social media posts to promote and market products, services and events.


  • Regular translation of documents and publications for the European Centre for Workers’ Questions (EZA), as well as similar texts relating to national and European labour and employment policies.



I'm an experienced professional with a clear goal in mind: to be extremely good at my job and to gain an impeccable reputation as a serious and dedicated interpreter, translator and voice-over artist. No-one was born a genius. I strongly believe in the importance of hard work, consistency, effort and passion. I try to live every day proving myself up to my ambitions. Never forgetting that to be a good professional you first have to be a good person. This is why I've made a point of always being cooperative, reliable, polite and respectful.


This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 1665
PRO-level pts: 1304

Top languages (PRO)
German to Italian594
English to Italian462
Spanish to Italian212
French to Italian32
Italian to Spanish4
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Poetry & Literature103
Mechanics / Mech Engineering92
Law (general)77
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters56
Automotive / Cars & Trucks51
Pts in 59 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: Italian, German, French, English, Spanish, translator, translation, technical translation, tech, technology. See more.Italian, German, French, English, Spanish, translator, translation, technical translation, tech, technology, tourism, travel, leisure, sports, arts, museum, marketing, politics, EU politics, labour market, employment politics, literature, history, checking, editing, proofreading, interpreter, interpreting, liaison interpreting, phone interpreting, voice-over, audio guide, audiobook, spot, ad, video, company video, product video, education, training, language lessons, language course, transcreation, TM creation, translation memory creation, TB creation, termbase creation, copyediting, transcription, subtitling, subtitles Italienisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Übersetzer, Übersetzung, technische Übersetzung, Technik, Technologie, Tourismus, Reisen, Freizeit, Sport, Kunst, Museum, Marketing, Politik, EU-Politik, Arbeitsmarkt, Beschäftigungspolitik, Literatur, Geschichte, Korrektorat, Korrekturlesen, Dolmetscher, Dolmetschen, Verhandlungsdolmetschen, Telefon-Dolmetschen, Voice-Over, Audioguide, Hörbuch, Werbung, Video, Firmenvideo, Produktvideo, Bildung, Training, Sprachunterricht, Sprachkurs, Transkreation, TM-Erstellung, Erstellung von Translation Memories, TB-Erstellung, Termbankenerstellung, Textbearbeitung, Transkription, Untertitelung, Untertitel Italien, allemand, français, anglais, espagnol, traducteur, traduction, traduction technique, technologie, tourisme, voyages, loisirs, sports, arts, musée, marketing, politique, politique européenne, politique de l'emploi, marché du travail, littérature, histoire, révision, correction, interprétation, interprète, interprétation de liaison, interprétation téléphonique, voix off, audioguide, audiobook, publicité, vidéo, vidéo d'entreprise, vidéo de produit, éducation, formation, cours de langues, transcréation, création de mémoires de traduction, création de TM, création de termbases, création de TB, rédaction de textes, transcription, sous-titrage, sous-titres Italiano, alemán, francés, inglés, español, traductor, traducción, traducción técnica, técnica, tecnología, turismo, viajes, ocio, deportes, arte, museo, marketing, política, política de la UE, mercado laboral, política laboral, literatura, historia, revisión, edición, corrección, intérprete, interpretación, interpretación de enlace, interpretación telefónica, locución, audioguía, audiolibro, anuncio, publicidad, vídeo, vídeo de empresa, vídeo de producto, educación, formación, clases de idiomas, curso de idiomas, transcreación, creación de TM, creación de memorias de traducción, creación de TB, creación de bases de datos terminológicas, redacción de textos, transcripción, subtitulado, subtítulos Italiano, tedesco, francese, inglese, spagnolo, traduttore, traduzione, traduzione tecnica, tecnica, tecnologia, turismo, viaggi, tempo libero, svago, attività ricreative, sport, arte, museo, marketing, politica, politica comunitaria, politica europea, mercato del lavoro, politica del lavoro, politica dell'occupazione, letteratura, storia, revisione, interprete, interpretariato, interpretazione, interpretariato di trattativa, interpretazione di trattativa, interpretariato telefonico, interpretazione telefonica, voice-over, speakeraggio, audioguida, audiolibro, spot, pubblicità, annuncio, video, video aziendale, video di prodotto, formazione, lezioni di lingua, corso di lingua, transcreazione, creazione di TM, creazione di memorie di traduzione, creazione di TB, creazione di basi di dati terminologiche, redazione di testi, trascrizione, sottotitoli, sottotitolazione. See less.

Profile last updated
Aug 27, 2023