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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Kids welcome!

May 15, 2005, 12:00 am
United KingdomBristol, Bath,In personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (37) / Confirmed: 7 / Tentative: 14
Name NoteWill Attend
Mihailolja  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Interested in meeting any other translators in this part of the UK  y
Joao Andre Madeira   I don't know why I thought this would be in Feb rather than May!!! I'll try to attend!!!  m
Lisa Davey   Has a venue been decided? If not, can I add my vote for meeting in Bath. Am too new to the area to be able to suggest anywhere suitable indoors.  m
XEmilienne   ...  
Julian Wood   Hiay-glad to see this is still going ahead- hope I can make it. Am intersted in meeting any Bristol/Bath translators before then too!  
Xs.brook1 (X)   Sue Brook  y
XJane Griffiths (X)   Unfortunately I'll be in Devon on 15th May, but I hope you'll have a great time. FFI about an ongoing Bristol/Bath-based group check out  n
Robertas Jescenko   ...  m
Dierk Widmann   Veeery big maybe, but I might be heading "Bristle"-way soon. / Sorry mid-May is just no-go for me. Enjoy!  n
Sebastian Tredinnick  \"Photographer\" \"Host\" Afraid I can't organise it, but I look forward to meeting some other translators from the area.  y
Elena Petelos   Definitely Mihail....:-)  y
Anette Herbert  \"Photographer\" Unfortunately, a last minute impediment stops me from attending. I hope I can come next time instead. Have a great time everybody!  n
Josephine Bacon   [email protected]  
pacrting   Hi! I am new to Powwows ..nice to meet you all ^^  
Lil VK   a powwow in Bath sounds great, unsure about the date for the moment  m
Dorota Cooper   I might just be able to make it...  m
Sandra Kirley   ...  m
Martijn Naarding   Keep me posted. I am only here for 6 months, but it might be a good idea to meet some British colleagues.  m
germansarah   would love to come - any chance of someone offering transport from oxford?  m
ASA   Have always wanted to attend a Powwow but they've all been to far away to date... so this is great as I live in Bath! Will definitely make it.  y
XHenriett Varga (X)   I am interested, I might be able to come.  m
Russell Jones  \"Reporter\" I'm a possible  n
Fiona Busfield   Would like to but unfortunately will have to confirm nearer the time. Bristol preferable for me.  m
Nikki Graham   Sorry, can't make it after all. Have a good time everyone.  n
Steve Woods   May be able to attend, provided it doesn't clash with my 50th birthday bash!  m
John McDonnell   I am interested, an earlier start than 1500 is preferable  
Matthew Train   I am interested, and don't live far away, so count me in!  
Eva Kovacikova   Hello everyone. I have never been to Bristol before. I am looking forward to meeting you all there.  m
Xmariamaturan (X)   I am in London at the time.. I would like to attend!  m
jerrie   Maybe ... not so far away from Stroud ...  m
Giles Bickford   A big job came up. My bank manager tells me to get my priorities straight. Given the choice between a good time in the Watershed with like-minded people and three years financial accounts, which should I choose?  n
XIris Pallokowski   I've just found out about it now. I would love to come. Bristol would be better for me. I'd quite like the idea of St. Werburgh's City Farm, but anywhere accessible with public transport will do :-)  y
Lindsay Butler   I would be interested, The City Farm would be great for me too. LIndsay Butler, Bristol  
Peter Bissmire   not possible after all :-(  
Xdavid angel (X)   I certainly would like to come: I live in the area.  y
XRosalind Cooke (X)   tentatively interested. Suitable for a small agency like mine?  
Rachel Fell   Interested, never attended one (yet!), doubtful I can get there though (various reasons); am near Faringdon, Oxon.; let me know when/where it's happening in case! Thanks.  

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Bristol, Bath, - United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Any experience of Powwows? Jan 17, 2005

hi there everybody

I'm new to this like everyone else in this area of the country it appears, can anyone suggest what we do at a Powwow since I've never actually been on one? I mean do we have a list of things we talk about or...........? We're spoilt for choice with venues in Bristol I think, Watershed, Boston Tea Party spring to mind.



Lisa Davey
Lisa Davey  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
German to English
Any experience of Powwows? Jan 17, 2005

Hi Mihailolja. Have you read the FAQ sheet about Powwows? I suggest that all those who are interested in attending this one make suggestions as to what they would like to get out of it. Also suggest there is a deadline for such suggestions to allow speakers/who/whatever to be arranged. If only a few people want to come, then it might be more of an opportunity to get to know other translators rather than have a formal affair with seminars, etc.

Hoping to move to Bath in a few weeks
... See more
Hi Mihailolja. Have you read the FAQ sheet about Powwows? I suggest that all those who are interested in attending this one make suggestions as to what they would like to get out of it. Also suggest there is a deadline for such suggestions to allow speakers/who/whatever to be arranged. If only a few people want to come, then it might be more of an opportunity to get to know other translators rather than have a formal affair with seminars, etc.

Hoping to move to Bath in a few weeks.



United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
thanks for the ideas Jan 17, 2005

hi Lisa

thanks for the comments and ideas Lisa, I'll definitely read the faq. I'm really waiting to see how many people are interested before we decide what we will actually do.i.e have a speaker and seminar type thing or an informal "gathering"



Sebastian Tredinnick
Sebastian Tredinnick  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:46
Member (2002)
German to English
Informal Jan 24, 2005

Since there hasn't been a powow in this area before - I would prefer a more informal opportunity to meet other professionals from around Bath & Bristol (+ anyone else who wants to come, of course!).

Anette Herbert
Anette Herbert  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:46
English to Swedish
+ ...
Informal Jan 27, 2005

I live outside Bournemouth, and am really interested in a local network of translators, that could meet informally and online and help each other
with workrelated issues.
If others feel the same, perhaps it could happen.icon_smile.gif

United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Good to see this amount of interest Jan 27, 2005

Hello all

Would be great if you could come Anette , all the way from Bournemouth too! I'm more and more convinced Translators in this part of the UK do need to meet up.

Dierk Widmann
Dierk Widmann  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:46
English to German
Shame Jan 27, 2005

Since sining up, I have learnt that a) I will be moving to Bristol, but also b) that I cannot make it on the Whitsun weekend. Shame. Have fun.

Jane Griffiths (X)
Jane Griffiths (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Italian to English
Existing translators' and interpreters' group in Bristol and Bath Jan 27, 2005

Hi, I hope I'm not breaking any rules if I tell you that there is already a group for translators' and interpreters' meeting regularly in the Bristol area - see:

We're meeting in a pub in Bristol this Saturday - please email me or contact the people named on the website if you're interested in coming. A powwow will be something else, so I think it's good for that to happen too, but it would be
... See more
Hi, I hope I'm not breaking any rules if I tell you that there is already a group for translators' and interpreters' meeting regularly in the Bristol area - see:

We're meeting in a pub in Bristol this Saturday - please email me or contact the people named on the website if you're interested in coming. A powwow will be something else, so I think it's good for that to happen too, but it would be a pity to duplicate a group that already exists.

United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Date Jan 27, 2005

15th May is very provisional and will no doubt change for either a week earlier or later, what would suit you Expat?

United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
existing group Jan 27, 2005

Hi Jane

I'm sure you're not breaking any rules by telling us of the existing group, I personally wont be able to make it but appreciate your info. I'm just so busy with our 2 kids and our recent house move that even one Powow as far of as May is the most I can achieve. Thanks again.

Dorota Cooper
Dorota Cooper  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
English to Polish
+ ...
Organizing a powwow Feb 8, 2005

Hi Mihailolja
I'm sure you will have no problem at all organizing a powwow - it's really easy! I have attended two and organized one myself and they were all great. I think the first powwow in the area should indeed be informal, as Sebastian and Anette said. I can't say with any certainty if I will make it or not but I do hope so!

United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Thanks youngling Feb 8, 2005

Hope you can make it.

United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Well done ASA Feb 23, 2005

another YES!

Fiona Busfield
Fiona Busfield  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Member (2002)
French to English
+ ...
Love the title Feb 26, 2005

Kids welcome! Great, because I have 2 of them and my attendance will very much depend on a) the availability of babysitter and b) the venue! Good to see I'm not the only one here.

United Kingdom
Local time: 19:46
Ukrainian to English
+ ...
Have to accomodate for them(!) Feb 28, 2005


Waht venue would suit you best Fiona? Watershed? Boston Tea Party? Park St etc?



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