This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow:

May 4, 2014, 12:00 pm
United KingdomBelfastIn personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (15) / Confirmed: 6
Name NoteWill Attend
Christina McGown  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
X954082 (X)  \"Host\" This time I won't miss it!  y
X1521590 (X)   ...  
Marzena Rydzinski   Can't wait to this one as well! Well done Christine for organising it!  y
Christine Tubridy   ...  
Maeve Bouvier   ...  
Aoife Brennan   ...  y
Gabrielle Weatherhead   I'm going to try to be there. I organised a few myself before and it was always great to meet up with fellow translators/interpreters. Hope to make it!  
Rebecca Killen   ...  
Marianne Wasson   ...  y
Anna Morvern   I will definitely try, if it's not too disruptive for me to drop in as I did last time!  
X638556 (X)  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Can't wait!  y
Laura Morwood   ...  
Liam Quinn   ...  
Helena Zalewska   ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Belfast - United Kingdom
Christina McGown
Christina McGown  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:03
Spanish to English
+ ...
Powwow - Belfast Mar 28, 2014

Hi all,
We spoke at the last Powwow about continuing to meet up about every 6 weeks or so. Last time we met at the MAC, so I thought we could meet here again. It was easy to park in the area and the atmosphere was nice too. Looking forward to seeing those from last time and meeting new translators and interpreters in NI.

Christina McGown
Christina McGown  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:03
Spanish to English
+ ...
Powwow Belfast Apr 22, 2014

Hi all,
Still considering same time and location - 11am on 4th May at the canteen at the MAC.
Hope you will all be able to make it, and do spread the word to other translators and interpreters!
I'll send out another message nearer the time.

Christina McGown
Christina McGown  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:03
Spanish to English
+ ...
Powwow Belfast May 3, 2014

Hi all,
Just a message to confirm our Powwow: 11am, Sunday 4th May, the MAC in Belfast.
Hope to see you all there!

954082 (X)
954082 (X)
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:03
English to Polish
+ ...
Powwow Belfast May 4, 2014

Thanks everyone for coming, I had a great time! I've created a group on Facebook, so it's easier to get in touch on a daily basis:

638556 (X)
638556 (X)
United Kingdom
Local time: 04:03
Spanish to English
+ ...
Thank you Christina! May 4, 2014

Hi everyone!

It was great to see you all today, I had such a good timeicon_smile.gif Thanks for organising today, Christina.


[Edited at 2014-05-04 17:06 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-05-04 17:06 GMT]


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