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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Networking + fika (part II)

September 14, 2013, 3:00 pm
SwedenMalmöIn personEnglish
Hello everyone,

I have tried booking a table at KAFFEROSTERIET by phone and by email several times but got no reply - which is weird because last time I have managed to do so.

Still, I think this won't be a problem as the place is quite big and there are 3 floors. Last time we met in the second floor, in a quiet room to the right. I will be there again, ready to meet you all.

Here goes my phone number in case you get lost or can't find me in the café: 0700 375689.

Have a nice day and see you tomorrow at 1 p.m!

Baltzarsgatan 24, Malmö
040-48 20 00
[email protected]

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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (15) / Confirmed: 9 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Nicole L. R.  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Estela Corbellini   ...  y
Anna Wiman   Won't be able to make it after all.  n
Mats Wiman   ...  y
Vera Schoen   Sorry, have to work this weekend.  n
Gabriela Zielinska   ...  y
Malin Davidsson   ...  y
Mario Marcolin   ...  m
XOrdkallaren (X)   ...  y
Jan Nilsson   ...  y
XMarie LE MEN (X)   ...  y
XHans Näslund (X)   Nyvärr har det visat sig att jag inte kan den dagen - beklagar!  n
Emma Jansson   ...  m
XHelen Enoksson (X)   Helen Enoksson  
Anne-Marie Silvester   ...  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Malmö - Sweden
Nicole L. R.
Nicole L. R.
Local time: 01:47
+ ...
Networking + fika (part II) Jul 31, 2013

Dear Translators of Skane,

I would like to invite each and every one of you to take part in the second Powwow for translators in Malmö. The first one took place in June, with a small and very multi-cultural group of translators based in Sweden.

I thought we could celebrate the beginning of the autumn together, chatting about our professional careers while enjoying a fika!

Hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

Nicole Rodrigues

... See more
Dear Translators of Skane,

I would like to invite each and every one of you to take part in the second Powwow for translators in Malmö. The first one took place in June, with a small and very multi-cultural group of translators based in Sweden.

I thought we could celebrate the beginning of the autumn together, chatting about our professional careers while enjoying a fika!

Hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

Nicole Rodrigues

Note: I´ll will confirm the place where we will meet sometime soon, but the aim is to meet again at:

Baltzarsgatan 24, Malmö
040-48 20 00
[email protected]

[Edited at 2013-08-14 08:51 GMT]

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
Member (2003)
Danish to English
+ ...
Ha' en rigtig god powwow! Sep 12, 2013

Vi skal nok sende nogle venlige tanker over bro'n, mens vi holder powwow i København.

Mange hilsner
Christine Andersen
icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif icon_smile.gif

Nicole L. R.
Nicole L. R.
Local time: 01:47
+ ...
Thank you Sep 13, 2013

Thank you very much Christine,

We appreciate it!

Best regards,


Gabriela Zielinska
Gabriela Zielinska  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
Member (2012)
English to Polish
+ ...
Thank you! Sep 16, 2013

Thank you, Nicole, for organizing this event! It was so nice to see everyone! Looking forward to the next PowWow!

Jan Nilsson
Jan Nilsson  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:47
English to Swedish
+ ...
Thank you Sep 16, 2013

It was nice to meet you all, and it worked as a great support to hear of both common and individual experiences of the work and the industry.


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