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[View Powwow Report] powwow: simply great

June 5, 2003, 6:00 pm
United StatesCambridge/Boston, MAIn personEnglish
Have fun and meet an international crowd here!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (7) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Dolly O'Neal  \"Reporter\" with Names Antique  
Yolanda Morato  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  
maferal   ...  
Marion Burns   ...  
Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X)   will eat, drink and be merry?  
George Runde   ...  
XRuselkie  \"Photographer\" Will be honored  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Cambridge/Boston, MA - United States
George Runde
George Runde
Local time: 22:21
Norwegian to English
+ ...
want to learn about how to set up business May 8, 2003

Yolanda Morato
Yolanda Morato  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:21
+ ...
June 5, at 2pm? Jun 2, 2003

Dear translators,
our day is almost there and I was wondering if meeting at 2pm is convenient for all of you.
We could meet at Davis Square or at Harvard Sq. though this last one may be crowded because of graduation day.

Let me know what suits you best. Looking forward to meeting you,


Yolanda Morato
Yolanda Morato  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:21
+ ...
2 days left ! Jun 4, 2003

Dear all,

some of you have written about the impossibility of making it at 2pm, since not everybody here is freelancingicon_wink.gif So what about 5pm? I need your responses so that we can agree on a definite time and place...



Yolanda Morato
Yolanda Morato  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:21
+ ...
Tomorrow Jun 4, 2003

Dear all,

some of you have not answered yet, so I don't really know if you're coming neither can I adjust the meeting to your preferences.

Finally, we will be meeting at 6, since that's the most convenient option for the people who sent me messages. Since Harvard Sq. in Cambridge will be crowded (tomorrow is Graduation Day), what about meeting at 6 at Davis Sq. at the exit of the subway, next to the cinema?

There are nice coffee places there and it's easier for
... See more
Dear all,

some of you have not answered yet, so I don't really know if you're coming neither can I adjust the meeting to your preferences.

Finally, we will be meeting at 6, since that's the most convenient option for the people who sent me messages. Since Harvard Sq. in Cambridge will be crowded (tomorrow is Graduation Day), what about meeting at 6 at Davis Sq. at the exit of the subway, next to the cinema?

There are nice coffee places there and it's easier for most of us.

Let me know what you think.
Looking forward to meeting you,


Marion Burns
Marion Burns  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:21
Sounds good. Jun 5, 2003

Looking forward to it!


United States
Local time: 22:21
French to Russian
+ ...
Note:) Jun 5, 2003

Dear All,

I'm still planng to join you tonight, weather conditions pending (will be driving from NYC). In case I'm not there, wish you all the best!

maferal  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:21
English to Spanish
Can definitely make it... Jun 5, 2003

Hi all, would you mind waiting 5 or 10 minutes after 6pm? I could be a little late since I´ll be taking the train from Concord, but I´d love to attend. Thanks,


  What are these?

United States
Local time: 22:21
French to Russian
+ ...
Cancellation Jun 5, 2003

My apologies!
Due to unexpected assignement early morning tomorrowicon_frown.gif((


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