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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Informal meeting by the sea

May 9, 2009, 2:00 pm
FranceBiarritzIn personFrench
Bonjour à tous et à toutes !

De passage sur la Côte Basque en mai, je souhaiterais organiser une rencontre afin de faire connaissance avec les traducteurs et traductrices de la région, comparer nos expériences et échanger des idées.

Le dernier powwwow organisé au Pays Basque remonte à juin 2005 peut-être serait-il donc temps de renouer contact ?

Merci de me faire part de vos suggestions pour un lieu de rencontre approprié.

Au plaisir de vous lire et de vous rencontrer à Biarritz pour un powwow convivial et ensoleillé :-)


*********************** DETAILS OF THE POWWOW ***********************
Date: Saturday May 9th

Time: 14h00/16h00

Venue: Transat Cafe on the rooftop of the Radisson SAS Hotel (take the lift in Reception) 1, Carrefour Hélianthe 64200 Biarritz T: 05 59 01 13 13

The Radisson is a few minutes walk away from the centre of Biarritz (there is also a large, free carpark opposite the hotel). Drinks and sandwiches will be available for purchase in the cafe.

Hopefully if the weather is good we'll be able to sit on the terrace and enjoy a panoramic view of the beautiful coastline :-)

FYI there is a spa in/near the hotel (Serge Betsen's Kemana) in case some of you would like to make the most of the facilities after our meeting.

More info:


I look forward to meeting you there!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (16) / Confirmed: 9
Name NoteWill Attend
Flo in London  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Merci pour vos réponses si enthousiastes ! Apparemment on devrait pouvoir réunir un petit groupe sympa. À très bientôt donc pour plus d'infos et merci de continuer à faire passer le message car « the more, the merrier » comme on dit ici ;-)  y
Kaori Myatt  \"Photographer\" Great to see all the people near Biarritz! Keep in touch!   y
Laurence Nerry   En effet, c 'est une bonne idée. Je ne suis pas certaine d'être très disponible en mai, mais je passe le message autour de moi, dans le 64.  y
Anne Brulin   Désolée, un empêchement... Amusez-vous bien !  n
Carola BAYLE   I am really sorry, but having 2 major translations coming in next week, I cannot take a day off. Have a nice time all together.  n
glorija   glorija  y
Antoinette vH   Very unfortunately I have friends over that (holiday) weekend. Please keep me informed on the next event!  n
soubervie   auto-entrepreneur et auto-constructeur...entre le chantier et les vais essayer de me libérer, ca m´a l´air sympathique   y
Susana Fernández Oliván   Moi aussi je suis partante!!  y
Amaia Trad   Avec grand plaisir!  y
Kit Cree   Looking forward to it  y
Joanne Edwards   Si dispo je viendrai avec plaisir  y
Penelope Ausejo   I'll be in Madrid that weekend, but keep me posted!  n
Nathalie Diu   Hi there, unfortunately I probably won't be able to attend  n
Katherine Mérignac   I just wanted to say I'd have loved to come, and was intending to - then remembered that I had family over from England that weekend. Next time...!  n
Yoshimi Nakatsuchi   Quel dommage ! Je ne suis pas dispo... A la prochaine fois !  n

Postings about this event

Powwow: Biarritz - France
Kaori Myatt
Kaori Myatt  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:55
English to Japanese
+ ...
Thanks! Apr 28, 2009

I am up for nice terrace...I hope it would be better weather than today. It will be nice to see you all. Thanks, Flo for organization.

Local time: 11:55
German to French
+ ...
merci! Apr 28, 2009

thanks for organizing Flo, see you soon..:

Flo in London
Flo in London  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:55
English to French
Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday! May 6, 2009

Our table is booked, hopefully the weather will be as nice as it has been today, fingers crossed (there is an indoors bar if it rains, and the manager has agreed to give us a private tour of the rooftop anyway), so all we need now is a bunch of enthusiastic Prozians to turn up, I hope you can make it! I'll be there from 2pm and I'm looking forward to meeting youicon_smile.gif

Kit Cree
Kit Cree  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:55
French to English
+ ...
thanks Flo! May 10, 2009

It was lovely to meet you all yesterday. I hope we can do it again some time soon. Thanks for organising Flo, and for crossing your fingers for the weather!!!

Laurence Nerry
Laurence Nerry  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:55
English to French
Milesker ! May 11, 2009

It was great meeting people working with different languages, backrounds and work experiences... but all sharing the same enthusiasm and understanding for our job. The location was absolutely wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to organizing all this, Flo. Hope to meet you all again in the future. Laurence.

Amaia Trad
Amaia Trad
Local time: 11:55
French to Spanish
+ ...
Merci Flo! May 11, 2009

Thank you so much for this interesting meeting Flo!
It was nice meeting you all and having the opportunity to talk about translation issues.
Ikusi arte,

Joanne Edwards
Joanne Edwards  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:55
French to English
Thank You May 11, 2009

A big thanks to you Flo for a lovely afternoon! It was great to meet you all and I look forward to the next event...
Kind regards to all

Kaori Myatt
Kaori Myatt  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:55
English to Japanese
+ ...
Thanks Flo! May 11, 2009

Thanks for the meeting! Nice to meet you everyone!

Local time: 11:55
German to French
+ ...
thanks also from me May 11, 2009

it was a valuable afternoon indeed; now i know proz is worthy ! thanks for the tips and i´ll be there for the next PowWow in SW France or why Spain

Penelope Ausejo
Penelope Ausejo  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:55
English to Spanish
+ ...
Pamplona May 13, 2009

Too bad I couldn't attend to this one... but the next one is in Pamplona, right?

Flo in London
Flo in London  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:55
English to French
Pamplona May 17, 2009

Indeed, there's a Pamplona powwow on June 13th, see:
Sadly, I won't be able to make it but I hope you all have funicon_smile.gif

PS: glad you all enjoyed the Biarritz one, I certainly had a great time meeting you all. Hopefully we can organise another one soon...
See more
Indeed, there's a Pamplona powwow on June 13th, see:
Sadly, I won't be able to make it but I hope you all have funicon_smile.gif

PS: glad you all enjoyed the Biarritz one, I certainly had a great time meeting you all. Hopefully we can organise another one soonicon_smile.gif


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