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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Annual meeting

April 26, 2009, 1:00 pm
SwedenLund/MalmöIn personEnglish
Translations and crisis.
Informal networking.
SFÖ conference (if some of our colleagues would manage to attend both events, I think it would be great if they will share conference's highlights with us.
Lund, Kulturkrogen (not confirmed yet , that is why I am asking for confrimation of attendance in advance - to book the place)
Their web-site:
Location - 10 min walking distance from the railway station.
I hope to see you on the 26th of April!

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (19) / Confirmed: 10 / Tentative: 2
Name NoteWill Attend
Vanda Nissen  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Helena Dahlenius   Looking forward to this!  y
Evelin Stetter   ...  n
XPeter Berntsen (X)   ...  
XHans Näslund (X)   Bra ide! Tyvärr är jag inte hemma då... :(  
Luciano Monteiro   I will be there.  y
Larissa Brandt   Thank you I will.  y
Eddie Wingeståhl   Malmö or Lund, either one is fine by me.  m
Annika Persson   Sorry, I have to cancel due to sickness - have a nice time everyone!  n
Charlotte Merton  \"Photographer\" \"Host\" My first powwow, and it's on home turf. Doesn't get much better!  y
Antje Harder   What a pity! That would have been a great opportunity for my first powwow, right where I live. However, exactly this is the weekend of the annual conference of SFÖ ... many Swedish colleagues will be in Borås, just like me. How about a week later?  n
Xe-beth (X)   Look forward to meeting you all!  y
XMaria Amorim (X)   I would like to participate in this PowWow however I shall attend the SFÖ Conference on Saturday (25 april). I don´t know if I will be rather tired to make a second tur-retur travel next day 26 april.  n
Karin Enge Vivar   I won't be able to attend - very bad flue... Hope you'll have a nice time!  n
XSilvia Swe (X)   I would like to come too! I live in Malmö but I can come to Lund if you meet there!  y
Vera Schoen   Sounds like fun!  y
Desdemona7   I'd like to participate...  y
Emilie Moulettes   I have never participated in one of these things so I guess I should take the opportunity since I live in Lund!  m
John O'Brien   I am arriving in Lund on Sunday morning with Luciano   y

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Lund/Malmö - Sweden   What are these?
Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:03
English to Russian
+ ...
Lund or Malmö Mar 24, 2009

Dear colleagues! Thank you for supporting my idea! Dear Hans, hopefully, next time you can join us. Should we choose Lund as our meeting point? If yes, could you please make any suggestions regarding time and place (any special requests like a vegetarian restaurant etc). Thank you one more time.

Helena Dahlenius
Helena Dahlenius  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:03
English to Swedish
Lund or Malmö Mar 24, 2009

I would prefer Lund, but will attend also if a majority votes for Malmö.

Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:03
English to Russian
+ ...
Lund Mar 24, 2009

For me, of course, Lund would be the best variant as well since I live here but I also think that it would be easier for the colleagues reaching Lund by train or bus - exactly like Annika has said, something closer to the station, and I should say that nearly all cafes in Lund are very close to the station. So please if anybody is strongly against Lund, let us know, otherwise I will start looking for the options in Lund. Thank you.

Charlotte Merton
Charlotte Merton  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:03
Swedish to English
Lund watering holes Mar 25, 2009

Here's hoping for fine weather so we can eat outside! A couple of suggestions. Kulturkrogen (at Kulturen) might be useful as it covers all bases including veggie, and certainly used to be unfazed by packs of academics nursing their beers for hours on end. Stortorget another possibility, but more town than gown, small tables so harder to seat a group well, and usually heaving with people once the sun comes out. Tegners may stop serving too early to be practical. All an easy stroll from the statio... See more
Here's hoping for fine weather so we can eat outside! A couple of suggestions. Kulturkrogen (at Kulturen) might be useful as it covers all bases including veggie, and certainly used to be unfazed by packs of academics nursing their beers for hours on end. Stortorget another possibility, but more town than gown, small tables so harder to seat a group well, and usually heaving with people once the sun comes out. Tegners may stop serving too early to be practical. All an easy stroll from the station.Collapse

Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:03
English to Russian
+ ...
thank you, Charlotte! Mar 25, 2009

Thank you, Charlotte! Kulturkrogen sounds as an excellent idea, a very nice place, 10 min walking distance from the station.
Here it is:

Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:03
English to Russian
+ ...
should we move our meeting? Mar 26, 2009

Dear colleagues! Should we move our meeting because Antje and probably some other colleagues are in Borås on the 26th or should we stick to the 26th and in several months if everything is going smoothly arrange another meeting?

Annika Persson
Annika Persson  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:03
English to German
+ ...
A week later is fine by me Mar 26, 2009

Wouldn't mind moving the powwow to a week later, since I'm also thinking about attending the conference...

e-beth (X)
e-beth (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:03
German to Danish
+ ...
Move the meeting? Mar 26, 2009

Whatever you decide is fine by me

Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:03
English to Russian
+ ...
For Maria Mar 27, 2009

Hello Maria! It would be nice to see you again.
Right now we are waiting for Charlotte's and Helena's decisions since the 26 th of April suits them but we do not know if they can make it on the 3d of May. If they can not, I am afraid we will have to choose the 26th because it was the first choice and they have confirmed their interest.

Helena Dahlenius
Helena Dahlenius  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:03
English to Swedish
New date Mar 27, 2009

I am really sorry, I can't attend May 3, but if a majority prefers that date, it is ok by me for you to go ahead and move the event. I only hope there will be more opportunites, I had really looked forward to thisicon_smile.gif

Antje Harder
Antje Harder  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:03
Swedish to German
+ ...
Changing dates Mar 27, 2009

I definitely don't want to mess up your Powwow plans - go for the 26th if that suits you best! But maybe we can arrange another meeting in autumn then? I cannot get away from home easily (babysitter problems...) so I'd be glad to have another powwow in Lund at some time.icon_smile.gif

Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:03
English to Russian
+ ...
Ok, the 26th of April, 13.00 Mar 27, 2009

Ok, so this time it should be the 26th of April, 13.00. And yes, we can definitely arrange another meeting, for example, in the end of September, probably should be announced a little bit earlier, in June for instance.

Helena Dahlenius
Helena Dahlenius  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:03
English to Swedish
Many thanks! Mar 27, 2009

And a second meeting in September sound good too!

Maria Amorim (X)
Maria Amorim (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:03
Swedish to Portuguese
+ ...
Thanks Vanda for your reply Mar 27, 2009

I can understand it would be a mess to change the schedule now. I will try anyway to go 26 April. If not it would be a pleasure to meet all of you in September.

I will get in touch anyway later.

Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:03
English to Russian
+ ...
For Karin - venue Apr 2, 2009

The majority has voted for Lund, and so far it should be Kulturkrogen. I think I would ask everybody to confirm their participation before the 18th of April to be able to book this cafe - it is not that big and quite popular.

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