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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Meeting people

April 25, 2009, 2:00 pm
United KingdomBelfastIn personEnglish
Hi everyone,

I think my messages have been a bit confusing! These are the final arrangements:

Meet at 2pm until about 4pm in the foyer of Queens Film Theatre, 20 university square. For a map, follow this link:
David Johnston, head of Department at the school of languages, Queens, has provided us with this venue and is also taking care of refreshments.
Hope to see you all there!

Regards, Laura

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (14) / Confirmed: 3 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Laura Morwood  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Meet at 2pm for a cup of tea or coffee and lots of talking. Foyer of the QFT, Belfast.  y
Diarmuid Kennan   ...  n
virginia1   ...  m
SueE   Sadly, I shall be away on this date, otherwise I would certainly travel up from Co. Waterford to join you. Maybe another time!  n
Trannox   ...  
Marc Sejourné   I will try to come from Dublin, by car - offer 3 seats  
Maaike van Vlijmen   Wat jammer, ik kan dan niet :( / Too bad, I cannot make it  n
Michael Boone   Hi Laura, afraid circumstances have changed somewhat - have a great pow wow!  n
Xtranslatedlv (X)   Not quite sure what i will be up to,but i might come along...   
Dace Mortukane   Where is it taking place? I'm new to this site and keen to get involved. I can certainly make it!  
Marianne Wasson   Hi Laura, I have recently joined proZ and would be interested in coming. Hopefully see you all there  y
Gabrielle Weatherhead   Hi, I would like to come, hope I can make it. It's great that prof. David Johnston is hosting the event on our behalf. All being well, I shall meet you there.  y
danadiana   Hi. I'd loev to attend but doesn't seem too clear what the program is. Anyone can say?  
XJPW (X)   Sorry, definitely can't make it to this one.  n

Postings about this event

Powwow: Belfast - United Kingdom
Laura Morwood
Laura Morwood  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:30
English to Dutch
+ ...
Venue confirmed Apr 20, 2009

Hi all, I have booked the foyer of Queen's Film Theatre in Belfast from 2pm. You will find the address and a map here:
Hope to see you there!

Laura Morwood
Laura Morwood  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:30
English to Dutch
+ ...
Refreshments Apr 20, 2009

Refreshments will be available, courtesy of Translation Studies at Queens University. Head of School David Johnston will say a short welcome.

Laura Morwood
Laura Morwood  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:30
English to Dutch
+ ...
Hi NuriaC@vistatec Apr 23, 2009

Sorry, but I can't open your email. My virus protection won't let me. Can you communicate on this page instead? Laura

Michael Boone
Michael Boone  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:30
Member (2007)
Spanish to English
Agree May 9, 2009

Hi Laura, Gabrielle and Marianne. I totally agree and I think people here should make the effort. After all, every other city in Britain seems to have a regular pow wow, and as you said, what better opportunity could there be for meeting new people and finding out new things about our industry? Sorry this one did not get the numbers.. maybe next time. Mike


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