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[View Powwow Report] powwow: cross-linguistic contamination...

June 23, 2007, 4:00 pm
IrelandDublinIn personEnglish
THEME: cross-linguistic contamination vs/and creative language (play); additional topic: foreign books about Ireland (please bring them, if you have any, and you can make presentations on them)

Library Bar of the Central Hotel

Meeting time: 4pm, in front of the hotel or in the Libray Bar directly
Parking options:

RESTAURANT: provisionally - 6pm
Fallon & Byrne restaurant

Event Organizers:

Diana Nacu (X)


TIL Ltd (X)

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (26) / Confirmed: 10 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
RominaZ  \"Organizer\" ...  
XDiana Nacu (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" Hi! I am a Romanian translator based in Dublin. I would very much like to participate in and possibly help organise this event in Dublin, Ireland. Diana Nacu  y
XTIL Ltd (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" See u there! I will come for lunch!! :D see u   y
Anna Nurkowska   Hi! I am a Polish and Czech translator living in Cork, would love to meet you at this Powwow but I am not sure if I will be able to come. I hope so! :) Anna Nurkowska  m
Adam Brożyński  \"Photographer\" Unfortunately I have provisional plans for 23/06 so I may not be able to come. Sorry! I might make it for around 7pm.  m
Regina Freitag   Hi Romina. I live in Germany, but I would love to come and meet you all. I'm not sure if I can make it though, but i'll try. :-) ... I'm sorry Romina, but I won't be able to come. I hope we can meet some time. Take care. Regina  n
Magdalena Freixas   Great idea!  y
Gustavo Pereira   What's a powwow?  
Chiaru   Hi Diana! I think the topic and venues proposed are perfect! I confirm once again my avaiability to join you for lunch/late lunch + meeting at the central hotel. See you all soon!  y
Bruna Berg   Hi, I'm a French Technical Writer/Translator living in Dublin. This powwow sounds like a good idea:-) + I guess the proposed theme would be applicable to me:-)  y
Damian Scattergood   [email protected]  
Xvladavictoria   Victoria Hincu, [email protected], great idea, I'd like to meet everybody  m
Marc Sejourné  \"Photographer\" marc_dublin  y
blaekie   I'm already looking forward to it :)  
XTony Pratschke (X)   I hope to be able to attend and meet you all. Nice to see so many new names (and faces ;-)). Looking forward to meeting you. UPDATE: I confirm I shall be with you for lunch!  y
Flora Iacoponi, MCIL   ...  
Erin McGann   I'd like to come along for a drink. Where had you in mind Diana?  
Vertimai   Definitely planning to attend. Diana, the plan for the Pow-wow sounds really interesting.   y
James Murphy   Romina, are you going to be in Dublin for this event, if so lucky you! I plan to be back there late July, so unfortunately I'll miss this one :(  
Clara Ogwuazor   I really want to konw more about it!!!  
XAlda Gomez   Hi Diana, I will try to make it.  y
Colette Kinsella   I won't be going to the restaurant but am interested in drinks afterwards. Please let me know where and when you'll be: 087-9764987. I'll also be bringing a couple of translator friends so I'll keep them posted on the times. Cheers  
GilmoreF   ...  
libra   ...  y
vajprats   Iwill try to get there but cant promise,but anyway have a fun and a creative day,  
AmandaM   Great to see there is to be an Irish Powwow, sorry I can't make it (I am in Kerry), but I look forward to hearing how it went. Regards to all.  

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Dublin - Ireland
Diana Nacu (X)
Diana Nacu (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:37
Romanian to English
+ ...
Dublin powwow details May 22, 2007

Hi all,

I thought about a theme for this event: cross-linguistic contamination vs creative language (play). This would be of interest mostly to people who live in country where they do not speak/ practice their native language on a regular basis but also to any people who have experienced living abroad. I would like to get your feedback on this.

The way I am thinking of organising the day of the powwow is to begin with a lunch somewhere in town - possibly a picnic, weathe
... See more
Hi all,

I thought about a theme for this event: cross-linguistic contamination vs creative language (play). This would be of interest mostly to people who live in country where they do not speak/ practice their native language on a regular basis but also to any people who have experienced living abroad. I would like to get your feedback on this.

The way I am thinking of organising the day of the powwow is to begin with a lunch somewhere in town - possibly a picnic, weather permitting - and then head off to a quiet bar for drinks and discussions. We may also organise a little tour for people who don't live in Dublin.

Please let me know how much you would be willing to spend for dinner and what kind of food you may like, so I'll know what to look for. At the moment, I am thinking of a Mediterranean place, which is safe enough and is right next to the quiet bar I chose for the drinks/ chat.

Let me know what you think about all this,


RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
Excellent idea! May 23, 2007


I like your idea a lot. I can also send invitations to let more people know about your powwow. I'll get in touch with you.icon_smile.gif

Diana Nacu (X)
Diana Nacu (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:37
Romanian to English
+ ...
Welcome! May 30, 2007

Thank you all for confirming your attendance! I really do hope we are all there on the day. If you have any suggestions about the meeting itself, the topic, etc, please forward them here.

See you all soon,


Marc Sejourné
Marc Sejourné  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:37
English to French
I go for it May 30, 2007

It is a lonely business and it is good to meet with colleagues. I am French, doing EN->FR. Looking forward to meet with you all in Dubln!

Diana Nacu (X)
Diana Nacu (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:37
Romanian to English
+ ...
Lonely in Dublin no more! May 30, 2007

You are right, Marc! It's good to meet fellow professionals every now and then, if not regularly.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!



Tony Pratschke (X)
Tony Pratschke (X)
Local time: 11:37
Irish to English
+ ...
theme for event May 30, 2007

I like Diana's suggestion for the theme. It would also apply to Irish language translators for whom English is their first language! This is a very important topic in these circumstances because of the volume of translation currently available and the insufficient number of native Irish speakers available.

Because of partial disability I would ask you to check for disability access to any picnic sites (and other venues!), please.

Mediterranean food - sounds great!

Diana Nacu (X)
Diana Nacu (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:37
Romanian to English
+ ...
Powwow details May 31, 2007

It's great that this event has generated a lot of interest!

In response to Orla's note, I was thinking of all of us (who are free) meeting up for lunch/ late lunch, depending on people's schedules, in the Fallon & Byrne restaurant. Details on this place here: Take a look at t
... See more
It's great that this event has generated a lot of interest!

In response to Orla's note, I was thinking of all of us (who are free) meeting up for lunch/ late lunch, depending on people's schedules, in the Fallon & Byrne restaurant. Details on this place here: Take a look at the menu, and see if you like. We could always pick another place to eat, cos there are tonnes of restaurants in that area.

After the meal, we could pop into the Library Bar of the Central Hotel ( I thought of having the meeting there because it's very quiet and reasonably spacious, and therefore, conversation propitious. We could then head on for a busy, noisy pub later.

Please let me know what you think and will try to reorganise this, if the places don't suit. I will have to check on disability access for Tony, in any event. I am not sure about the restaurant, but I believe the Central Hotel is OK in that regard.

Please get back to me with any ideas and suggestions about the meeting.

I will try to have representatives of the ITIA and of some translation companies there as well.

See you all soon,


Diana Nacu (X)
Diana Nacu (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:37
Romanian to English
+ ...
Resto, bar et al May 31, 2007

Hi again,

I'm glad that some of you already agreed to the places I picked for the meeting. I'm gonna wait to see if they suit to a majority and then we can decide on a time for lunch. I'm available after 2pm, in any event.

Note: Please use the posting box at the bottom of the page, instead of changing your initial notes, so we can all see how the arrangements are progressing.

See you all soon,


Magdalena Freixas
Magdalena Freixas  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:37
English to Spanish
+ ...
I'll be there! May 31, 2007

I arrived to Ireland from Argentina just a month ago, and it sounds a great idea to meet you all.
See you!

Local time: 11:37
Lithuanian to English
+ ...
An Out-of-town Venue May 31, 2007

Hi All,

Another time you might like to come to Tullynally Castle in County Westmeath, where we live and have our tiny office (!). There is a coffee shop serving simple lunches and snacks every week-end until end of August, and the gardens and woodland walks are lovely at this time of the year. We can arrange a tour of the gardens, and there is plenty of seating for 30 or 40 people in the courtyard next to the coffee shop. Last week we had 70 school children visiting ! We can send s
... See more
Hi All,

Another time you might like to come to Tullynally Castle in County Westmeath, where we live and have our tiny office (!). There is a coffee shop serving simple lunches and snacks every week-end until end of August, and the gardens and woodland walks are lovely at this time of the year. We can arrange a tour of the gardens, and there is plenty of seating for 30 or 40 people in the courtyard next to the coffee shop. Last week we had 70 school children visiting ! We can send some photos of the place if anyone is interested for a pow-wow some time, and it might be a nice day out for people who live in Dublin.

Diana Nacu (X)
Diana Nacu (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:37
Romanian to English
+ ...
Directions? May 31, 2007

Delia, we will definitely take you up on that offer, but until we will be able to walk in those beautiful gardens, out-of-Dublin people, let me know if you need directions for driving/ walking in beautiful Dublin and to the meeting!
I've included information about parking around the area we'll be in. Let me know if you need info on buses, DART, etc.


Diana Nacu (X)
Diana Nacu (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:37
Romanian to English
+ ...
Extra topic Jun 1, 2007

There is a suggestion for an extra topic for this meeting. An Italian translator, Valentina Vignolo, has sent me the following message.
"I had an idea for an extra topic. I also thought of speaking about books about Ireland and Irish people (and language) written by foreign people.
Maybe, some of them have never been translated before. As far as it concerns Italian, please check out
... See more
There is a suggestion for an extra topic for this meeting. An Italian translator, Valentina Vignolo, has sent me the following message.
"I had an idea for an extra topic. I also thought of speaking about books about Ireland and Irish people (and language) written by foreign people.
Maybe, some of them have never been translated before. As far as it concerns Italian, please check out
It's just a suggestion. Let me know what you think about it."

I know there are books about Ireland by writers from countries all over the world. Maybe it would be interesting to see how many there are indeed, and how these writers see Ireland. I immediately thought of Heirich Boll, but his account is not relevant anymore.icon_smile.gif

Let us know what you think. Valentina cannot sing into her account, but can be contacted here: [email protected]


Diana Nacu (X)
Diana Nacu (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:37
Romanian to English
+ ...
Ex topic: other events in Dublin in June Jun 1, 2007

Hi all,

June is a busy month in Dublin - so many events and things to do. Just
to see if anyone is interested/ participating in the following:

1. Bank holiday mini-marathon: anyone in it?

2. Dublin Writers' Festival: There is a debate on
Fri, 15 June, 8pm about Ireland's multicultural transformation.

... See more
Hi all,

June is a busy month in Dublin - so many events and things to do. Just
to see if anyone is interested/ participating in the following:

1. Bank holiday mini-marathon: anyone in it?

2. Dublin Writers' Festival: There is a debate on
Fri, 15 June, 8pm about Ireland's multicultural transformation.

3. I'll be accompanying an American friend on a Bloomsday tour, on June 16. Anyone interested in coming along?

4. For people who also work as interpreters in Dublin/ Ireland: there
is an interpreters' meeting organised by the Interpreting Sub-Committee of the ITIA, on 20th June, 7pm. The most likely venue is the Irish Writers' Centre.
If you are registered members of the ITIA, you will read about it in
the upcoming bulletin and probably receive an e-mail. If you are not
members of the ITIA, but work as interpreters and would like to attend,
I could keep you posted.


Local time: 11:37
English to Italian
+ ...
thanks for all the info Jun 1, 2007

Hi Diana, thank you for all the info about the June events in Dublin. I work as an Italian interpreter (Russian being my second language, unfortunatlely dormant here in Ireland) and would be very much interested in attending the sub-committee meeting of the ITIA. Please do keep me posted. if I don't get bookings for that day I will most certainly attent.
Also, despite this being my 3rd year in Ireland I could never attend Bloomsday in the past as I was working in an office. I would be very
... See more
Hi Diana, thank you for all the info about the June events in Dublin. I work as an Italian interpreter (Russian being my second language, unfortunatlely dormant here in Ireland) and would be very much interested in attending the sub-committee meeting of the ITIA. Please do keep me posted. if I don't get bookings for that day I will most certainly attent.
Also, despite this being my 3rd year in Ireland I could never attend Bloomsday in the past as I was working in an office. I would be very happy to join you, if that is ok. Thanks again! It's great to network and exchange experiences! Chiara

Local time: 11:37
Lithuanian to English
+ ...
Extra Topic Jun 1, 2007

Diana, Your suggestion of discussing books about Ireland and Irish people (and language) written by foreign people is an excellent idea. There is one book written by a Latvian, about people working in the mushroom growing industry in Ireland, and the book has been translated into Lithuanian, but not (as far as I know) into Irish or English. Jack

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