This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow:

December 21, 2001, 12:00 am
NorwayOsloIn personEnglish
Event Organizer:


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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (14) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Magrik  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Eivind Lilleskjaeret   Looking forward to it!  
Tone Wittmann  \"Photographer\" Gleder meg !  
Solveig Hansen   Great idea! Can I help in any way?  
XJohan Eide   ...  
solbergk   ...  
Tone Halling   Sounds interesting.  
Roald Toskedal   Ja!!!  
Morten Narboe   One of the easiest forms I've ever filled out... :-)  
Eirik Kvam   [email protected]  
Camilla Larsen   ...  
Shahram Chapari  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" \"Host\" It is best time for meeting translators and scientific discussian  
Xnasa   Interesting initiative!  
XVivianRose   Where and when do you want to do it? I think it is a splendid idea!  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Oslo - Norway
Eivind Lilleskjaeret
Eivind Lilleskjaeret  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:15
English to Norwegian
+ ...
Should we start planning this? Nov 23, 2001

Dear all,

Does anybody have any suggestions about the agenda? Maybe someone knows a lot about a particular niche or industry? Or has developed tools or methods which may be of interests to others? Or has discovered a surefire way to get lots of interesting work that pays well without over-exerting oneselficon_smile.gif?

We should also agree on a deadline for signing up, since we soon need to decide whe
... See more
Dear all,

Does anybody have any suggestions about the agenda? Maybe someone knows a lot about a particular niche or industry? Or has developed tools or methods which may be of interests to others? Or has discovered a surefire way to get lots of interesting work that pays well without over-exerting oneselficon_smile.gif?

We should also agree on a deadline for signing up, since we soon need to decide where to meet.

Cheers, Eivind

Magrik  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:15
English to French
+ ...
Oslo Powwow: Hosting & Agenda Nov 28, 2001

Dear powwers!

I have arranged for us to meet and gather in Ulsrud, complimentary of an art teacher.

The place is easily accessible and there is a subway station nearby. I will give you all the information you need soon.

I will have some drinks and snacks ready but will ask for a small participation from you. I will also need help to clean up the place after our event.

Thank you Eivind for your interesting post, I hope it will make people think about th
... See more
Dear powwers!

I have arranged for us to meet and gather in Ulsrud, complimentary of an art teacher.

The place is easily accessible and there is a subway station nearby. I will give you all the information you need soon.

I will have some drinks and snacks ready but will ask for a small participation from you. I will also need help to clean up the place after our event.

Thank you Eivind for your interesting post, I hope it will make people think about the issues we would want to see addressed at the powwow.

As for a deadline, since we are not going to meet in a restaurant or anything like that, I think we can postpone it to the last days before the powwow BUT, it would be greatly appreciated if powwers could confirm and tell us how many guests they want to bring, if they choose to do so. Organization, organization!

Now, back to the 'agenda'. Some powwers (Hei Tone & Natalie)already took the time to sort out some ideas. Here they are:

* Presentation of the participants
(that all of us prepare a small written text/presentation as well, so that we bring that with us home again, to use for possible collaboration later on)
*Special success-story or experience concerning collaboration concerning larger projects
* Experience with Translator unions (How to enter a union like ATA, BDÜ (the German one) or a Norwegian one ?
* Payment experience in Norway/abroad
* Experience with different TM Tools, where can one get info/training?
* Experience concerning working directly for a cutomer or for translation agencies (Positive/Negative)
* ProZ-Experience in general concerning bidding/getting jobs/getting paid .....
* Did I read something about taping voices as a proof that the person is a native speaker ?

*New VAT legislation in Norway on translation services -
*CAT tools pros + cons
*Networking - no centralised forum to swap
ideas/discussion internet site, rates, etc.

*Translators teams: Why, how to form, maintain and manage them?

I look forward to hearing from you all and I would also appreciate to have your emails together with your Name or Proz username!

Best regards,


[email protected]

  What are these?

Magrik  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:15
English to French
+ ...
Name Tags & Time Nov 28, 2001

Hello everyone!

Tone (Wittman) has been kind enough to offer to make name tags with plastic holders for all the participants. Please, check the spelling of your name on the list and email me if it is not right. As for those who don't display their full name (#6, 11...), please email it to me! TAKK!!!

Another important point: When are we going to meet? I was thinking in the afternoon, after lunch for example. Waiting for your feedback!

Best regards,

... See more
Hello everyone!

Tone (Wittman) has been kind enough to offer to make name tags with plastic holders for all the participants. Please, check the spelling of your name on the list and email me if it is not right. As for those who don't display their full name (#6, 11...), please email it to me! TAKK!!!

Another important point: When are we going to meet? I was thinking in the afternoon, after lunch for example. Waiting for your feedback!

Best regards,


Participants list:
1. Eivind Lilleskjaeret
2. Tone Wittmann (Tone)
3. Solveig Hansen
4. Johan Eide
5. Monique Marquard
6. (solbergk)
7. Tone Halling
8. Roald Toskedal
9. Morten Nærbøe
10. Eirik Kvam
11. (calarsen)
12. Magali Rouyer
13. Shahram Chapari
14. Nathalie Samuelsen (nasa)
15. Heidi Stabenfeldt
16. VivianRose

  What are these?

Magrik  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:15
English to French
+ ...
General Info Nov 30, 2001

Hi gang!

It was brought to my attention that some of you didn't find the general information (who, where, why, how, meaning of powwow...) posted about the powwows, so I have copied it in this mail. Feel free to hit delete if you already are aware of all this.

Best regards,


What is a Powwow? Powwows are informal get-togethers of groups of five to fifty users living in close proximity. The events are
... See more
Hi gang!

It was brought to my attention that some of you didn't find the general information (who, where, why, how, meaning of powwow...) posted about the powwows, so I have copied it in this mail. Feel free to hit delete if you already are aware of all this.

Best regards,


What is a Powwow? Powwows are informal get-togethers of groups of five to fifty users living in close proximity. The events are organized by local translators, for local translators.

What happens at Powwows?

Powwows proide an opportunity for networking and informal socializing among language professionals--a chance to meet the people behind the profiles.

At the start of each powwow, the event organizer will read a prepared statement from An opportunity will then be provided for personal introductions and announcements from members in attendance.

Note: IDs of members in attendance will be recorded (bring your ID Login to learn yours.), and attendance will be shown on your profile page. Members who attend receive 200 browniz. Powwow organizers and designated profile builders (see below) get 2000 browniz each.

Who can go?

Anyone who is registered with may attend. Spouses, children and guests are also welcome.

Will a representative attend?

At some Powwows, there will be a designated "profile pro" in attendance. This person will provide other guests with an opportunity to strengthen their profiles, by:

Getting a profile photo taken (free if camera is available)

Obtaining identity verification (free; bring an ID)

Completing a Native Speaker interview (fee of $25 applies)

Upgrading to Platinum membership at a reduced rate (currently $100 rather than $120)

Is there a fee to attend?

For now, there is no charge to attend a powwow. However, you will be expected by local organizers to contribute your portion of event expenses. If the Powwow is a small coffee or dinner-meeting, it will probably be pay-your-own-way. For larger get-togethers, the local organizer will propose splitting fees related to food, drinks, etc.

In the future, there will be a small attendance fee for non-paying members of The fee will be reduced or waived for students.

Can I bring children? Guests?

Yes, families and guests are most welcome.

How do I sign up to attend?

Check the board to the right for a Powwow in your area. Click the button under the Powwow you would like to attend, and your name will be added to the list. (You may remove your name at any time, with no obligation.) To attach a note next to your name, enter text into the box before clicking.

A few weeks before the event, you will be contacted by the event organizer.

Can I organize a Powwow?

You can propose a Powwow in your area by filling out the appropriate form on this page. may or may not approve your proposed location. If your location is approved and at least five people sign up, the event is on.

What does the word 'Powwow' come from?

The Powwow is a Native American meeting tradition, sometimes involving competitive dance. The word has taken on the general meaning of a social meeting where tasks get accomplished.

Powwows have been viewed by some as a unifying force, since they are a common cultural element across otherwise diverse tribes.

Magrik  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:15
English to French
+ ...
Addressen, etc. Dec 14, 2001

Hei gang!!!

Here are the address and directions to the powwow location:

Ulsrudveien 38
0687 Oslo

Take the subway (number 3 towards Mortenrud) to Ulsrud station. Go left
out of the station area, and then in the first cross section turn left,
and its the first house on the left.

Best regards,


Magrik  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:15
English to French
+ ...
Other details! Dec 14, 2001


I need to know which time is better for you: 14:00 or 18:00. Please, let me know ASAP.

I will have some hot/soft drinks for us, as well as some snacks. I am asking a small participation of 50 Kroner/Proz member (unless one plans on bringing 10 people!).

I need to have confirmation of everyone coming, along with the number of guests they are bringing with them, by Tuesday 18th.

I can be contacted at 22 786 134. However, I will give you my mobile ph
... See more

I need to know which time is better for you: 14:00 or 18:00. Please, let me know ASAP.

I will have some hot/soft drinks for us, as well as some snacks. I am asking a small participation of 50 Kroner/Proz member (unless one plans on bringing 10 people!).

I need to have confirmation of everyone coming, along with the number of guests they are bringing with them, by Tuesday 18th.

I can be contacted at 22 786 134. However, I will give you my mobile phone number, as soon as I get one (I just arrived, hehe).

If you want to discuss issues not posted earlier, it's time to let me knowicon_smile.gif I'll try to organize a little list of topics and will ask your opinion about it and how you want to participate: organize a debate, talk about some topics you have some valuable experience in, etc...

Best regards,


Local time: 04:15
English to German
+ ...
still a question! Dec 17, 2001

Hei Magali,
at what time do you want to start the meeting? Could you please give my correct name to Tone who will make the tacks it is: Vivian-Rose
Thanks a lot I'm looking forward to the 21. I hope the meeting will not be too late in the evening - I'll be off for Germany early the next day.

Local time: 04:15
English to German
+ ...
I'm Sorry Dec 17, 2001

Could you just delete the last message, the answer is in the last message!

Magrik  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:15
English to French
+ ...
Agenda Dec 17, 2001

Hello all!

The powwow will be held at 18:00 on Friday 21rst at Ulsrudveien 38
0687 Oslo.

There will be option to verify members identy by showing a picture ID. This will result, on the Proz profilw, in a label: *idendity verified* to the attention of potential clients. Those interested should bring a picture ID!

Here's a general agenda to help us not forget about the issues we want to discuss. Comments are welcome.

Best regards,

... See more
Hello all!

The powwow will be held at 18:00 on Friday 21rst at Ulsrudveien 38
0687 Oslo.

There will be option to verify members identy by showing a picture ID. This will result, on the Proz profilw, in a label: *idendity verified* to the attention of potential clients. Those interested should bring a picture ID!

Here's a general agenda to help us not forget about the issues we want to discuss. Comments are welcome.

Best regards,



Participants have prepared a short written presentation (contact, general info…) that they give to others (for possible future collaboration, etc.) and they introduce themselves to the others.


2.1. Why, when and how did you get started?
2.2. Tips and advice for new (and experienced!) translators.


3.1. What to work with:

3.1.1. CAT and TM tools
Making the right choice(s).
Available info and training.
Pros vs. cons.

3.1.2. Resources / Networking
Sharing useful resources used by the attendees (each attendee could make a quick list of the resources he/she uses that the reporter could pout together and communicate to the group after the powwow, so no long time is spent on this?).

3.2 Who to work with:
Nationals / internationals, pros vs. cons. Payment, personal experience, etc. Agencies Customers Translator teams

3.2. Specifics to Norway
New VAT legislation on translation services, etc.

3.3. A special success story with

Experience with translator unions. Why and how to enter a union? (ATA, BDÜ, etc.)

Personal experience with the site: bidding, getting jobs, payment, translation help (giving and receiving), etc.
Suggestions to improve the performance of the site for translators.

5. ETC.

  What are these?

Magrik  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:15
English to French
+ ...
Tomorrow Dec 20, 2001

Hello all,

Just a last mail to give you my cell phone number in case you can't find the place: 9006 9006. We will put some torches outside the house to make it more noticeable.

See you tomorrow,



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