Translation glossary: Economics

Showing entries 601-618 of 618
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WhileAunque/Si bien 
English to Spanish
WhileMientras/ Aunque 
English to Spanish
Whose whole figures are…Cuyas cifras resumidas son 
English to Spanish
Wire transferTransferencia bancaria 
English to Spanish
With reference to our faxCon referencia a nuestro fax 
English to Spanish
With reference to your letter…Con referencia a su carta… 
English to Spanish
Withdraw money from a bank/an accountExtraer dinero de un banco/una cuenta 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Without due accounts/debtsNo existiendo deuda exigible 
English to Spanish
Without limitationEn forma no taxativa 
English to Spanish
Without risk to healthNo presenta riesgos para la salud 
English to Spanish
Write yourself a loanEmitirse/Otorgarse a usted mismo un préstamo 
English to Spanish
Write [v] a chequeEmitir un cheque 
English to Spanish
Y de esta maneraAnd thereby 
English to Spanish
Yield interestProducir/generar/ganar intereses (son para el cliente) 
English to Spanish
You are duly advisedQueda usted debidamente notificado de algo 
English to Spanish
Your Ref´sSu/vuestra referencia 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
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