Translation glossary: French-English general glossary

Showing entries 101-150 of 335
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Diagnostic à base de modèlesModel-based diagnosis 
French to English
Diameter-index safety system (DISS)système de sécurité à diamètres indexés (DISS) 
English to French
Discours spécialisésspecialised lectures - refs. only 
French to English
dossiers d'identificationidentification files 
French to English
DPProgramme Estimate 
French to English
droits patrimoniauxpatrimonial rights [intellectual property terminology] 
French to English
E. coli host cell peptide antibodiesanticorps anti-peptides de la cellule hôte E. coli 
English to French
Emmanchures diminuéesfully-fashioned armholes 
French to English
French to English
emprunt obligatairebond 
French to English
en formation réduitesmaller group/small/er number of 
French to English
enfantineInfants/Infant School 
French to English
English to French
ennemies des materiauxdestructive insects/pests 
French to English
enseignement dirigédirected teaching session/teaching session supervised by a tutor 
French to English
enseignement libreprivate/non-state education 
French to English
ENT/Laparoscopic ExtensionsEar, Nose & Throat/Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie 
English to French
eukaryotic expression systemssystèmes d'expression eucaryotiques 
English to French
French to English
exploitantoperator [identification files/documents] 
French to English
Feu sur la démocratie, feue la démocratieDeath to democracy, democracy is dead 
French to English
Feuille Trav.feuille de travail = worksheet 
French to English
fiche de correspondanceattached form 
French to English
fil de chaînewarp thread 
French to English
finess EJFINESS EJ (Fichier national des établissements sanitaires et sociaux. Entité juridique) 
French to English
flotte mortefloats when dead 
French to English
French to English
French to English
former les lotsapportion/establish/set up share of goods/property 
French to English
Galien, figure emblématique de la médecineGalien, an emblematic figure in medicine 
French to English
gamelles[overhead] projector lamps 
French to English
gérance salariéesalaried management 
French to English
Gérant vs. DéléguéManager/General Manager versus Managing Director 
French to English
French to English
Glissement Vieillesse TechnicitéShift-Age-Technical Skills 
French to English
French to English
gourgour/rimstone dam 
French to English
Gravures marginalesmarginal engravings/markings 
French to English
English to French
grâces suspenduesmotionless grace/gracefulness 
French to English
greffégrafted onto 
French to English
has been releaseda été publié/e/mis en circulation 
English to French
hérissonnage(consolidated) hardcore 
French to English
HCMV-Enhanceractivateur du CMV humain 
English to French
heavily solledheavily soIled/tres sale 
English to French
histoire du bout du mondeexperiences/tastes/from another world/the other side of the world 
French to English
hors la vuepaid directly to the seller by the buyer (without going through the Notary's accounts) 
French to English
il peut être les 2 bras ballants le long du corpssometimes both arms are hanging by his sides 
French to English
immédiatesylleptic/immediate branching 
French to English
immobilisations echelonnéesstage/d payment of assets 
French to English
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