Translation glossary: French-English general glossary

Showing entries 51-100 of 335
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calcaire gréseuxsandy limestone 
French to English
calcul d’évolutionevolution calculation/measurement of evolution 
French to English
canaliculécanaliculate, channeled 
French to English
canalisation sous gainesheathed piping or ductwork 
French to English
canne plongeanteimmersion rod 
French to English
English to French
carzonetcarnozet/small room for fondue 
French to English
French to English
celuirefers to esprit 
French to English
certificats d’enregistrement / certificats de dépôtregistration certificates/filing certificates 
French to English
CFC (de mecanicien-electricien)certificat fédéral de capacité [3-4 year diploma/ trade apprenticeship] 
French to English
chambre de décompressionair gap/cavity/air space 
French to English
Chambre du Conseil (Luxembourg)Chambre du Conseil 
French to English
changement dans une direction de l'espacechange in one direction in space 
French to English
chevillépegged / dowelled 
French to English
cintreuse 3 galetstube-bending machine with 3 drive roller 
French to English
clarté de présentationclarity in presentation 
French to English
coactivitémultiple parallel activities/concurrent activities 
French to English
coffrage en siffletscarf joint formwork 
French to English
coir logstubes/chaussettes en filet de cordelette coco/fascines/boudins 
English to French
Comité de la Charte du Don en confianceComité de la Charte (independent supervisory body for voluntary donations) 
French to English
comité de préfigurationprovisional committee 
French to English
commander in chiefCommandant en chef des armées 
English to French
comment se déterminer?where do we go from here? 
French to English
commerce à remettrebusiness for sale 
French to English
Commission médico-psycho-pédagogiqueNational Commission (CMPPN) 
French to English
comprehensive radiation medicine researchrecherche intégrale sur l'irradiation médicale 
English to French
condition quotidienne du féminismeFeminism in everyday life 
French to English
contrôle de luxflow control 
French to English
contribution jour/s solidaritécontribution for 'solidarity' working day 
French to English
conventions interdites et celles conclues à des conditions normalesprohibited agreements and those (agreements) concluded under normal conditions 
French to English
Coordinateur opérationneloperational co-ordinator 
French to English
cordon d'exploitation périmétrauxperimeter bunding 
French to English
cornes d’accrochage d’arcarcing horns 
French to English
corporate lineagelignage de filiation entre et au sein de groupes de personnes morales 
English to French
count median diameter (CMD)le diamètre géométrique médian 
English to French
English to French
créance[liquidated] claim 
French to English
Création de nomenclatures paramétrablesparameterisable terminology creation 
French to English
d'un joyeux momenta pleasant interlude 
French to English
date convoiteecoveted date 
French to English
décompte definitive globaloverall final breakdown/general settlement of accounts 
French to English
départ hostilebad leaver 
French to English
détail adhésif dômé[domed bubbled] resin sticker 
French to English
déverimineurdebugging tool/device 
French to English
de-politicise implementation against sensitive decisionsdépolitise/dépolitisation de la mise en oeuvre des décisions sensibles 
English to French
Degré de pollution de l’environnementPollution Degree 
French to English
demi mâchoirehalf-jaw 
French to English
des I Oofficial guidelines/instructions 
French to English
dessin d'animationanimation drawing 
French to English
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