Translation glossary: OHS

Showing entries 1-47 of 47
accident at workArbeitsunfall 
English to German
asbestos bodyAsbestkörperchen 
English to German
auditory danger signalakustisches Gefahrensignal 
English to German
blade cut resistanceSchnittfestigkeit 
English to German
breakthrough timeDurchbruchzeit 
English to German
breathing zone (asbestos)Atmungsbereich (Asbest) 
English to German
chaussure de sécuritéSicherheitsschuhe 
French to German
chemical protection suitChemikalienschutzanzug 
English to German
chemical protective clothingChemikalienschutzkleidung 
English to German
chemical protective gloveChemikalienschutzhandschuhe 
English to German
crème protectriceHautschutzcreme 
French to German
curing agentHärter 
English to German
English to German
descender deviceAbseilgerät 
English to German
descent velocityAbseilgeschwindigkeit 
English to German
detection limitNachweisgrenze 
English to German
durability index (protective clothing)Beständigkeitsindex (Schutzkleidung) 
English to German
ear plugsGehörschutzstöpsel 
English to German
epoxy resin systemExpoxidharzsystem 
English to German
face shieldGesichtsschutzschild 
English to German
filtre protecteur pour soudeurSchweißerschutzfilter 
French to German
fire precautionsBrandschutzmaßnahmen 
English to German
fire-resisting wallBrandwand 
English to German
hazardous substanceGefahrstoff 
English to German
hearing protection device with audio communicationGehörschutzeinrichtung mit akustischer Kommunikationseinrichtung 
English to German
hearing protectorGehörschutz 
English to German
helmet shellHelmschale 
English to German
inspection reportAbnahmeprüfprotokoll 
English to German
occupational diseaseBerufskrankheit 
English to German
occupational health and safety (OHS), health and safetyArbeitsschutz 
English to German
occupational physicianArbeitsmediziner 
English to German
potentially explosive atmosphereexplosionsgefährdeter Bereich 
English to German
precautionary principleVorsorge-Prinzip 
English to German
protective coverallSchutzoverall 
English to German
protective footwearSchutzschuh 
English to German
protective glovesSchutzhandschuhe 
English to German
protective performanceSchutzwirkung (bei Schutzhandschuhen) 
English to German
protective smockSchutzkittel 
English to German
puncture resistanceEinstichbeständigkeit (Schutzhandschuhe) 
English to German
residual riskRestrisiko 
English to German
risk assessmentGefährdungsbeurteilung 
English to German
risk phrasesR-Sätze 
English to German
risque résiduelRestrisiko 
French to German
safety footwearSicherheitsschuhe 
English to German
safety netSchutznetz 
English to German
English to German
welding filterSchweißerschutzfilter 
English to German
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