Translation glossary: James A Walsh's Glossary

Showing entries 451-500 of 855
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levantamiento pre-obra y levantamiento post-obrapre-work survey and post-work survey 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Ley de Reordenamiento en Materia Económica para el Área Tributario-FinancieraLaw of Economic Reorganization in the area of Taxes and Finance 
Spanish to English
libre de aglomeracionesuncluttered 
Spanish to English
Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas Turísticas y HotelerasBachelor in Tourism and Hotel Management 
Spanish to English
limo calcáreocalcareous silt 
Spanish to English
lissettefolder, smoothing tool (in leatherwork) 
French to English
Literalmente afirma el informe...The report states the following: 
Spanish to English
llevando a efecto cuanto tienen convenidofor the purposes mutually agreed upon 
Spanish to English
LO-ASELocal Oscillator (LO)-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) 
los cuales siempre se destaco por sus habilidades gerencialespositions in which he has consistently demonstrated his exceptional management skills 
Spanish to English
los ejes sobre los que pivotarán sus políticashis key policy plans 
Spanish to English
los niños dando por culo con la pelotaannoying little shits playing football 
Spanish to English
los penchos de los reyes - sumos sacerdotesthe headdresses of the Mayan Kings — or High Priests — [who...] 
Spanish to English
Los precios económicos ponen al alcance de todos la moderna tecnologíaLow prices put modern technology within everyone's reach 
Spanish to English
Lote petroleroOil Block 
Spanish to English
luces glandularesglandular lumina 
Spanish to English
luchas por la apropiación del pasadostruggle for appropriation of the past 
Spanish to English
m2e = m2 de edificabilidadm2b = m2 of buildable area/buildability 
Spanish to English
Mainstreetel mundo real 
English to Spanish
Mandriles de cartonCardboard Mandrels 
Spanish to English
mantenimiento de forosforum maintenance 
Spanish to English
Mantenimiento de una limitación a un máximoMaintain the current limit 
Spanish to English
mapa curricularCurriculum Map 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
marca valorativa socialsocial labelling 
Spanish to English
Marchas turístico culturalesCultural Tourism Walks/Treks 
Spanish to English
marco suprautonómicoat a Supraregional or International level/at a National or International level 
Spanish to English
mares cruzadoscross seas 
Spanish to English
marmitacooking pot 
Spanish to English
massethe body of Shareholders 
French to English
Materiales de ambientaciónDisplay materials 
Spanish to English
matricula vs partida registralregistration vs registry entry 
Spanish to English
matricular en la misma moneda de la cuenta de origenregister it in the same currency as the source account 
Spanish to English
Métele caña a la mañana!Kick-start your day! 
Spanish to English
módulos que no contemplan evaluaciónnon-assessed modules 
Spanish to English
mediante resolución motivadaby reasoned decision 
Spanish to English
mediante resolución motivadaby reasoned decision 
Spanish to English
medicamento en parcheMedicated Patch 
Spanish to English
medida y/o característicadimensions and/or characteristics 
Spanish to English
medio de apremio decretadomeans of collection declared 
Spanish to English
medio de mediosmultimedia platform 
Spanish to English
Megas para aburriroodles of Data 
Spanish to English
Memoria Fin de MasterMaster's Thesis 
Spanish to English
Mensajes de ConciliacionReconciliation Messages 
Spanish to English
mesa de custodiastest bench 
Spanish to English
mientras tal solicitud se lleve a cabo en el tiempo libreas long as such solicitation takes place during free time 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Ministerio Público de la Confederación (SUIZA)Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland 
Spanish to English
minora el valor de mercado del conjunto de activosreduces the market value of all assets 
Spanish to English
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