Translation glossary: Legal language

Showing entries 101-150 of 313
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formalit�s translativestransfer formalities 
French to English
greffi�reclerk of court 
French to English
French to English
herebyDesde já 
English to Portuguese
il a été évincé de ses fonctionshe had been relieved of his duties 
French to English
immeubles immatriculésregistered buildings 
French to English
immigration actlei de imigração 
English to Portuguese
Portuguese to English
in part or in fullem parte ou na íntegra 
English to Portuguese
In witness whereof, we are herewith signing this documentEm testemunho do que, vimos assinar o presente documente 
English to Portuguese
French to English
incúrianegligence (+ explanation) 
Portuguese to English
French to English
Intenter un procèsFile litigation 
French to English
interdictions édictées par la Législationdecrees set out by legislation banning (a company's activities) 
French to English
English to Portuguese
Je tiens à releverI would like to point out 
French to English
Juíz do Tribunal da Primeira InstânciaJustice of the Court of First Instance 
Portuguese to English
JUCEGGovernment of the State of Goi�s 
Portuguese to English
Judgement in default of appearancedecisão à revelia 
English to Portuguese
juge d'instructionexamining judge/magistrate 
French to English
French to English
Jugement de divorcedivorce decree 
French to English
French to English
l'origine de propri�t�origins of the property 
French to English
La barre des t�moinswitness box 
French to English
La délinquance juvénilejuvenile delinquency 
French to English
La descente/la raflepolice raid 
French to English
La d�tention pr�ventivepreventive detention 
French to English
La punition/le ch�timentpunishment 
French to English
la responsabilité incombe directement au groupethe responsibility is directly incumbent upon the group or falls directly upon the group 
French to English
La sentence/condamnationsentence 
French to English
French to English
La voiture de policepolice car 
French to English
land lawsleis fundiárias 
English to Portuguese
land rightsdireitos fundiários 
English to Portuguese
land taximpostos fundiários 
English to Portuguese
land tenureregime fundiário/estrutura fundiária 
English to Portuguese
l’équipe dirigeantethe management team 
French to English
French to English
L’octroi de l’autorisationissuance of the permit 
French to English
Le cambriolageburglary 
French to English
Le cambrioleurburglar 
French to English
Le centre de r��ducationrehabilitation centre 
French to English
Le chantageblackmail 
French to English
Le chipeurpilferer 
French to English
Le commissaire de policepolice superintendent 
French to English
Le compliceaccomplice 
French to English
Le couteau à cran d’arrêtflick-knife 
French to English
Le crime capitalcapital offence 
French to English
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