Translation glossary: Contratos

Showing entries 301-350 of 415
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English to Spanish
Resession or cancelationcancelación 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Right of reimbursementhacer uso del derecho de retención 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Sales contract/agreementctto de compra-venta 
English to Spanish
Sales sessioncompra venta 
English to Spanish
satement of factsdeclaración sobre las condiciones del inmueble 
English to Spanish
Satisfaction/discharge/terminationcancelación/levantar la hipoteca 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Search of titlebúsqueda de antecedentes 
English to Spanish
securitytítulo de crédito/garantía 
English to Spanish
Security bondtítulo de crédito 
English to Spanish
Security/security interestde garantía 
English to Spanish
Seller hereby gives and grants to Purchaserpor la presente el vendedor vende y transfiere 
English to Spanish
Seller may pay and discharge any liens and encumbrancesel vendedor puede pagar y cancelar cualquier cargo y gravamen 
English to Spanish
Sellers special secutirygarantía personal de la vendedora 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Set my handestampo mi firma 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
shall constitude a binding/shall bind and inuresurtirá efectos 
English to Spanish
Shall constitude sufficient groundsserá causa bastante para.. 
English to Spanish
Shall not hang clothes in the corridors or in any visible placeno colgar ropa en los pasillos ni lugares visibles 
English to Spanish
Shall not put any plates, electric signs or advertisements or fix any nails in the wallsno colacar chapas, carteles luminosos, ni clavar clavos 
English to Spanish
Shall use and occupy the premises exclusively as a family dwelling-house and for no other purposedestinarlo exclusivamente para vivienda familiar y no podrá darle otro uso más. 
English to Spanish
showsque acreedite 
English to Spanish
simpleno formales 
English to Spanish
Sole expensequedará a cargo 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Stamp taxen sellos de ley 
English to Spanish
Stands for acknowledgement of receiptof the sum of recibo fehaciente de..... 
English to Spanish
Storm doors and windowsprotecciones de puertas y ventanas 
English to Spanish
Sublet, subleasesubalquiler 
English to Spanish
successors and assignssucesores a titulo particular y universal. 
English to Spanish
Superintendant/registrar of the department of entriesJefe del departamento de Inscripciones 
English to Spanish
Supersede and displace/Displace nad supersedesustituir y desplazar 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Suretyshipfianza civil 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
tax receiptscertificado de libre deuda 
English to Spanish
taxes for local improvementscontribuciones de mejoras 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
Termination or dischargeextinción=cancelation 
English to Spanish
termination/discharge/cancelation of contractextinción del ctto 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
The mortgage is paidse pagó el crédito de la hipoteca 
English to Spanish
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