Translation glossary: Anis

Showing entries 451-500 of 2,216
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freestyleder Freistil 
English to German
from one's birthvon jemandes Geburt an 
English to German
funder Spaß 
English to German
funnimentder Spaß 
English to German
gastric disturbancedie Dispepsie (Medizin) 
English to German
gastric disturbancedie Magenstörung (Medizin) 
English to German
gene researchdie Genforschung 
English to German
gene researchdie Genforschung 
English to German
German is funDeutsch macht Spaß 
English to German
Bengali to English
goodwill visitder Freundschaftsbesuch 
English to German
goodwill visitder Freundschaftsbesuch 
English to German
group visitder Gruppenbesuch 
English to German
group visitder Gruppenbesuch 
English to German
English to Bengali
hairstyledie Frisur 
English to German
hairstyledie Frisur 
English to German
handdas Geschick 
English to German
handder Arbeiter 
English to German
handder Uhrzeiger 
English to German
handder Zeiger 
English to German
handdie Hand 
English to German
handdas Geschick 
English to German
handder Arbeiter 
English to German
handder Uhrzeiger 
English to German
handder Zeiger 
English to German
handdie Hand 
English to German
handling feedie Bearbeitungsgebühren 
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
happy as a kingkreuzfidel 
English to German
happy birthdayalles Gute zum Geburtstag 
English to German
happy birthdayalles Gute zum Geburtstag 
English to German
happy motoring!Gute Fahrt! 
English to German
happy [at,about]erfreut [über] 
English to German
happy [at,about]glücklich [über] 
English to German
English to German
have a nice dayViel Spaß 
English to German
he can\'t take a jokeer versteht keinen Spaß 
English to German
he did it in jokeer tat es im Spaß 
English to German
he didn't sleep a winker hat kein Auge zugetan 
English to German
he fell asleeper schlief ein 
English to German
he got a new lease of lifeer fühlte sich wie neugeboren 
English to German
he got a new lease of lifeer fühlte sich wie neugeboren 
English to German
He had a fine old time.Er amüsierte sich gut. 
English to German
He had a fine old time.Er amüsierte sich gut. 
English to German
he has the nerve of old NickEr hat Nerven! 
English to German
he has the nerve of old NickEr hat Nerven! 
English to German
He has visitors.Er hat Besuch. 
English to German
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